Eating turrets for breakfast edition
Eating turrets for breakfast edition
>klepto viktor into melee assassins
actually impossible to lose
Xth for my wife Syndra
xth for my wife Syndra
I suck at drawing yordos
Kill you are selves
I support this thread
are you guys running dark harvest Yorick for maximum tower killing? I think I like PtA too much.
xth for breast metal waifu
>No links or anything to anything
poor thread
Move here, thanks.
What's more BM, Klepto with Coin or Klepto with Spellthief?
smallcat or pizzaguy?
o shit I'm sorry guys I was drunk last night
looks like how lulu is supposed to look so good job! :)
What did they expect giving him that opportunity as a heavy splitpusher? Are they seriously that retarded? What the fuck do they take as drugs?
>Man, I really fucking hate how this match is looking for me.
>I'm not gonna dodge in case someone thinks the same and also dodges, I don't wanna eat the waiting time between matches.
I mean, I know it's annoying for the other players, but honestly, fuck my teammates for whatever they did that pushed me to this situation.
kill yourself
not my fault that some literal faggot can't stop hopping on my dick
Post champions doing mundane stuff
>No links to (mostly) irrelevant things
Who cares?
I like it, good job user!
forgot to tag image
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
>Yorick is still a mostly trash champ with a single specific strong point/gimmick
>waaahhh gut him pls daddy rito i hate champ diversity
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
>french maid kayn
missing full image
>Have all champs unlocked
>Game rewards by giving me more champ shards
I am not really a fan of this level up system.
I want to fuck this robot.
stay mad while i am rolling in gold with klepto
What would it taste like? Snapper?
I want to spank Riven!
I love Camille
I appriciate the effort but it looks awful user
just go with a more distant or simple version if you cant do the face
again, thanks for the effort regardless
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
Voidlings make the best cuddlers!
Who the fuck is this piece of shit "Jeremy Curious" or whatever the fuck this faggot is and why he always appears in "recommened" on my youtube?
I looked up and those pictures are fucking clickbait, all he does is talk about some bullshit, why are you such a fucking liar? You show a pic of some shit that never existed in game in thumbnail and this thing doesn't appear even once in the whole video.
How is this allowed? How can I blacklist channels like those?
Pic related, I looked up at his channel, all his "quality" content is like this
Well, I ain't drawing it any better if I don't draw it.
Every awful drawing is one less drawing till being a pro.
mine is cropped porn and bigger
Probably like fish
1146 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
>posts Bullet
>League grills
What type of autism causes a person to go to the largest western Anonymous imageboard and decide that its a good place to create an Id and be a specialsnowflake?
Out of all the places where you can make a name for yourself, why would you choose the one that is about being anonymous?
Is it some sort of birth defect?
>someone picks yasuo
>wait in case someone else dodges
>they dont
>check them on opgg
>they were all ELO bullets
every time
Why does Riven look like an ugly manfaced piece of shit in this pic?
>Play ranked
>Guy starts screaming about our ranks
>Look him up
>He is the lowest one on the team
Am I missing something here why would some people think are deserve to be a higher rank despite doing poorly?
Post tummy
Best couple!
I like yorick and I dont know why they would give random buffs to champs that were balancewise fine. They always do a retarded move like that and idk why
>tfw no qt support gf saying stuff like this to me when I feel down after failing a gank as jungler
I always feel bloody alone.
I think it looks good desu
Altera is cute. CUTE!
Take it up with the person who drew it.
Rumble is fucking disgusting now that there's no MR anymore.
Riot needs to buff certain runes that are too situational or have little impact when selected, like Waterwalking, Scorch, Overheal, the Legend rune that gives you lifesteal and Arcane Comet.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>enter room
>see this
>wat do
There's actually more than one of us is the best part.
Warring Kingdoms, Fnatic, Victorius and Darkforge are all fine. The only really bad J4 skins are the base and the fucking Dragonslayer one where his lance looks like a hot dog that got left in the microwave for half an hour.
Which role has the most mechanically unique champions?
Leave because this doesn't look like my place.
do a three-sixty and call the cops
>tfw never honour anyone on my team no matter how well they do
in order to get such reccomendations you must have watched some watchmojo or buzzfeed bullcrap related to league. I only get some phylol,redmercy and bricky. Generaly i blacklist youtubers when they go on about how bad their team is in a video instead of shutting the fuck up and doing their jobs
Step aside fags
turn 360 degrees and fap furiously
>hey guys, it's me jeremy
Hey lady, nice navel and all, but this ain't your changing room; that is, unless I can watch, then it IS your changing room.
I was going to post Riven, but then I remembered this
If she cannot provide an adequate answer to my first question then I'm calling the cops.
Brand is my favorite champions
Guy who used to be a prominent LoL youtuber. He then started doing retarded theorycrafting, ala the retard from Game Theory , and people got fed up with his headcanons. Now, he got overtaken by the likes of Youumus and Phylol, because they stick to real shit or fun builds with actual in-game shit.
Guy is irrelevant as fuck, and even if he paid YouTube to promote his shit, no one pays him attention anymore.
Jungler. It ranges from everything to supporty champions to plain ADCs, to AP mages, bruisers, full tanks. If you can imagine it, there's probably a jungler for it.
Leave the room.
>type moonshit
There is no fucking point in ADCs
I'm actually going to report you if you play anything but Kog or Ez
I used to like this character. Not even dark skin which I personally like can make up for her personality.
Yeah, that's kinda what the jungle is. You should probably go with a lane role if you want companionship.
How long is "her" tail ?
manamune urgot lol
Unique != diverse fuccboi
whats the matter ?
fucked up ,got yourself in a losing spree and you blame the adc? Im happy to inform you your reports are a waste of time
Who wants to help an user out with the sauce for this pic
There used to be a program which modded in skins but only you could see them.
Are any of those programs still around?
>level takes like 10 games
>finally finish it
>twisted fate shard
>270 blue essence
I don't know about this new system
>Dat Muramana
Ah, good old fun Urgot times when he was ugly as fuck and nobody played him except some ugly fat guys (like me).
Hitting enemy ADC with E once and then just spam Q over half the map deleting them with your aimbot blades
>admitting to being more autistic than me
well done
I don't
Ezreal, Viktor, MF, Gangplank.
Fuck you for reminding me I will never get season 3.
>want an EUW account so I can snipe vladfag and shit on her vlad
>I'm not autistic enough to actually lvl an account
>level up
>4 shards
>all 450 champions
Riot cant into economy
Are you sure? You're autistic enough to post about it.
oh i have the source for that