>be me win 2,5€ million in lottery
>didnt tell anyone
>dont intend to do so
>want to runaway from shitty family and start a new life
how should I do it and where should I go?
>be me win 2,5€ million in lottery
>didnt tell anyone
>dont intend to do so
>want to runaway from shitty family and start a new life
how should I do it and where should I go?
Call your lawyer. If you don't have one, get one immediately. Help him secure your winnings. Don't tell ANYONE ANYTHING until they're secure.
Put away a good chunk of that money into investments so it be secure and growing. I'd go with 1.5 million or so.
Start researching what it costs to acquire citizenship in other countries, particularly those you can just buy them from.
As for where exactly, that depends on you and your job.
Buy ETH, go to the moon
What are you even doing here
Except gloating of course
Give me 10k and will tell you.
I always dreamed of owning an island
is it retarted? I want to live in isolation and this is a lifetime opportunity
Its possible, but what are you going to about upkeep, taxes, and so forth?
Besides, islands are expensive.
Belay that dream. Focus on the sane. Don't let greed overtake you.
This. Don't spend a cent for at least 3-6 months, or depending on how long it takes to set a firm plan and secure assets.
what do you guys think of the caribbean sea?
is it a shit hole? I read there is no income tax and its very cheap to live there
Just leave the shithole you are in, invest most of the money except for what you need to live for like a year. Go somewhere that seems nice, check it out, if it isn't everything you thought it was, move. Rinse and repeat until satisfied.
where would you go?
I always dreamed about leaving my shit life but I have no real plan
I wouldn't go anywhere because I like the city I'm in, but maybe if I lived in the countryside I would move into the city. If I lived in a shitskin country I'd move to Europe or US, If I lived in detroit I'd move to some other US city, etc.
Just upgrade your current situation you know, you don't need to find the "place of your dreams", just go somewhere that seems more comfortable than your current situation. Or just don't move anywhere, use the money to just travel around, live life.
I want to get away from my "familiy" and "friends" I just hate those people and once they find out they will never leave me alone
Wll just say that you are leaving. Change your phone # and just don't offer them a way to contact you. Don't teall them where you are moving, why or what you are doing.
What country do you live in?
Tell us more about your situation for best advice. Do you have any debt? Do you have an education? why do you want to get away from your parents and ''friends''? etc.
I live in austria and I have the austrian citizenship but my parents are from lebanon they are very fundemental muslims who believe in honour killings and all that fucked up stuff
most of my "friends" are just people I know from my neighborhood and I dont like them but my parents force me hang out with them becauce they are our people
you cant unterstand how fuckep up my parents are they didnt even let me move to another city to study law
At least leave your familly some money you ungrateful nigger.
Prob larping so just kys anyway for noy considering leaving them money in your fantasy situation.
>they didnt even let me move to another city to study law
>let me
You are an adult, there is no way to force you to stop things.
In that case, you ABSOLUTELY have to bail.
Go with the earlier advice: don't tell anyone ANYTHING, get a lawyer, secure your winnings. Then put a good chunk away for investments/life savings, keeping in mind any tax obligations.
Then quietly start looking for alternatives:
...or just move to another city away from your family and tell them nothing.
I happen to live in austria as well and can offer advice on where to invest, especially if you plan buying real-estate which in Austria, especially Vienna is a common way of allocating a couple of millions and generating good yearly profits while seeing the property value rise.
How old are you? Are you studying now?
You should move out and if you can move to another city
Don't panic. Don't tell anyone. You need a lawyer that's not connected to anyone from your neighbourhood or anyone you know. Pay him well so he doesn't try to scam you. With that kind of money it will not be a problem to leave, although it's best to research if there's anything that your family can lawfully do to stop you. If you want to disappear and don't get found, try renting out a hotel or something a few cities away, that should be enough to stop people from finding you. Break contact and change phone number.
If you pay me €1k I will dedicate a whole month to helping you.
Well, I'm from the Netherlands. And the Kingdom of the Netherlands has some pretty Carribean Islands like Aruba and Curacao.
Instead of just breaking contact with your family out of the blue it might be easier and more credible to cook up a reason to leave in a huff. Get in a fight over some stupid shit, come out as a trannie who loves BBC, whatever works. Then tell them you don't want to see them for a while and move away.
Or just move for job opportunities. Or because you like to live somewhere.
Go in thailand or Mexico, even poland (so no fee to change curency) and you can live all your life with 2,5 m€
You are stupid if you spend your money like that. I heard that 90% of people who win lottery spend their money within 3 years, don t be like them
>>Call your lawyer.
Do not do this, your family lawyer is not the best option.
>>If you don't have one, get one immediately.
Look for one you have no connections to who works with businesses, they will be used to handling the kind of money you are bringing to the table.
Take 10% and split it between gold and silver. Market is huge right now, but gonna tank some time soon, and the metals will rise accordingly and help you maintain some purchasing power.
what's that in real money? like 40 bucks?
26.5m USD, 35m CAD, 21m GBP.
If you can't spend it on a burger in america then it's worthless
he said 2,5 million euro not 25 million euro
2.65m USD 3.5m CAD 2.1m GBP
i hope it drops down to 13-14 in the next few months...i just sold a bunch for a good profit from my last bulk buy...ready to replinish the boat safe
Lmao, if I won $2.6 million dollars I would never work again.
I wouldn't even invest it or spend much of it really, I would just live like a low or low-middle class fuck for the rest of my life and never have to lift a finger to pay for anything ever again.
get in touch with a lawyer and ask him for professional advise. They can probably get you in touch with someone that can manage your money better. They can make a financial plan for you. Only catch is they get a cut.
i'd move to nicosia. safe, cheap, nice climate
In european countrieswith civil law, lawyers are not the best adviser to secure money.
banker are stupid fucks that only take your money for THEIR benefit.
Try find some independant financial advisor, for rich people.
Move back to lebanon, you'll find people like you there instead of living an alien life in an alien land