/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

op next door edition

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>Official News
Weapon recoil overhaul
Blood Orchid mid-season reinforcements have arrived

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1st for Ubijew challenges not working.

2nd for oof

I refuse to participate in this faggy thread

Ooffags begone.


for those who may have missed it



Who do I unlock first? Buck or Bippy?

>Eu servers
>Decide to play game that requires teamwork
>Try and make calls
>Rest of the team is silent
>Only response is to get shouted at by slavs / arabs.
God forbid I get to talk to people that speak english.

oof peasants need to leave
this thread is claimed by "oofta"

Bippy is the best operator in the game desu

i want IQ's sexy feet on my face!

I absolutely love the rightmost guy. He's just so darn happy.

>destiny 2
we cant win

>people shortening valkyrie to valk and now to val
when are we getting first letter callouts

>ela has lewds and ying doesnt

why do so many cancerous faggots play this game?

I swear I haven't heard a voice on mic with a decibel lower than a 16 year olds

>tfw if campi was still around we would've had those by now
i miss him

Didn't see anyone mentioning this

>that retarded stock


thumbhole stocks are groace

I rike it



So basically 28th confirmed at full release

>this kills the capitao

woah...so this is the power of...the poles...

>thumbhole stock

top fucking cuck

Jesus christ /r6g/, I get so stressed out hearing blitz sprint.

>She gets a Polish AK
There she actually uses a Polish gun hopefully this cools some of the autism a bit

Ying needs lewds involving her elven ears being rubbed

pistol changes coming to TTS

>An export model with a thumbhole stock..

If anything it heats the autism up

>mfw I one tap PCucks who've been playing with mouse and keyboard their entire lives

>stressing out over an easy kill

>console fags jealous they dont have these graphics

Are you dumb? I moved to PC 2 days ago and I'm rekking Plats with a $10 wireless office mouse I bought at Walmart.

Why can't PCucks into shooters? They're so dumb lmao

nigga just shoot his legs

>Tfw switched to 3:2 aspect ratio
Sure, the character models look completely fucked, but I have become an apex pixelshitter overnight. Don't know if I'm going to keep it though.
What do you guys think?

what the fuck did jeager do to his shotgun
that's like black fucking tar splattered all over and in the action

>I'm rekking Plats
This distinction is completely meaningless.
Ranked is still in (Beta) for a reason.

>He needs to lie on the internet to feel better about himself

>met her husband in Mali
Well done Ubi


At least her baby isn't black to trigger the GROMfags even harder


you think I can't see through such an obvious and lazy shoop? There isn't even a 31st month, retard

very excited for Bippy


I'm Gold 3 on Xbox

i seriously hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

He is dumb, but to be fair Americans do dates really fucking dumb as well and the only country that does that shit.

Stop posting this fake news garbage

After giving the C7 to a Spainard, and using civilian version of the Scorpion Evo, and now this, I'm convinced Ubisoft Montreal has their modeling constrained by Canada's gun laws.

>Sleeping on a friends couch as life takes shitty turns
>Play some Siege

100% they're basing them off of Canadian verisons like the Type 97 for Ying and airsoft replicas of anything they cant get in Canada

hope shit gets better for you, user

>reddit skin

let the guy enjoy his fuckin skin

It's not even a bad skin. It's just a little generic.

Hope things get better for you. :)

>still dont know sk male

please just leak this so i can be disappointed already


>cavs pistol


and ubisoft dont deserve to

>twitch spends 2 minutes and 30 seconds outside on her drone
>wtf why is no one alive why couldn't you stay alive really left me to try to clutch it wow guys gg shitty team

why the fuck does this general complain about this shittiest things

>green hair
>new op wearing a hat

there's plenty more to complain about

when new ops are leaked and they look as shit as they do, expect people to rightly complain about them.

>Twitch picks Cav next round and sits on the other side of the map all game despite everyone telling him the other team is coming in from the opposite side
>wtf why is no one alive why couldn't you stay alive really left me to try to clutch it wow guys gg shitty team

did the pistol recoil changes didn't affect aiming with shields correct?

things are gonna look up for you

who wants to play casual on PC
I'm shit and the TS is dead

Thanks fellas, really appreciate it.

>play capitao with m249
>rush in and get two kills
>kill a tachanka by unloading into his shield (he didn't get off)
>nobody hit me

whoops didn't mean to quote

how the fuck did they manage to make the AK look even uglier
jesus christ

whats ur ugay name ill play, might only play for a while though before i rq

>"how come you didn't kill the guy with the gun with blocky obtrusive sights extremely high recoil with only 7 shots"
>t. guy who's 2-3


nope it does now

is blitz and jackal the ultimate thot patrol?
>friend scans elas footprints
>in the next room
>sprint after her
>keep doing it
>kill jager next
its so fucking satisfying

I'll let you suffer for a couple more days

opinions on this gun? I think it'd be nice to have ingame for a swedish operator

Is that the AK5 or something similar? i remember good times using it on BF4

AK5C, yeah. Modified FN FNC

An updated FNC that would either be mutilated in game somehow or end up being rejected for more weird mashups.

I've been playing Cavagineamina and she's a pretty fun operator.
How do I know when it's a safe time to interrogate? I've killed cav's a bunch of times because they just mindlessly go for one after instantly downing them.
Is it safer to just toss an impact grenade at them like a baseball?

Also why don't people use Cap's LMG?
Is it inferior to the FAL or something? I've been having alot of success with it

shitty rof, garbage damage, high ads times, high recoil
still a fun gun though

Literally the worst gun in the game

also usually i piss off for a little bit and see if someone else is coming to revive them when i play cav, if i hear a shield i kill the downed guy and sod off

>tfw the game decides it likes you and gives you a instakill shotgun shot
If I bang my head against the wall enough the game decides to take pity on me

Bad recoil, slow ADS, bad damage, shoots slow.

Shittier DPS, ADS speed and recoil than the para. All you get in return is a 100 round mag, which doesn't count for shit in this game.

it looks cute!

I can't proofread for shit

I don't know man. I just get terrified by it.

the only real advantage it has is that people don't expect you to be using it so they may push you after you fire like 20~ bullets because they assume you'll stop to reload.
I've had that happen on several occasions

>Thumbhole stock
when noguns try to figure out how guns work.