Fanservice Guardians edition.
>Useful sites:
How to climb:
Useless Sites:
Old thread:
Fanservice Guardians edition.
>Useful sites:
How to climb:
Useless Sites:
Old thread:
>people who take preseason ranked seriously
l e l
xth for my wife Syndra
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get a reliable escape added to her kit
xth for oneshot meta sucks
What are some champion that you cant pick unless you have 200IQ?
>Dont play in preseason it cancer
>Dont play in start of sesason its cancer
>Dont play at nights its full of retards
>Dont play ranked at morning
>Dont on champion release
>Dont play after patch
>Dont play at end of season
When shoul i play?
Not leagues
Best bab!
What's your favorite skin? Got some good replies last time
>>Dont play ranked at morning
her lack of mobility makes her very rapeable though, a good quality indeed
during the week, mornings or late at night when the kids are asleep/at school
during holidays and weekends just avoid ranked entirely
preseason is also a shit fest
don't play league of lego
Well no shit, it's a fucking worksafe board. Post your lewds in a League /h/ thread then link it here, use your fucking brain son. If it's a lewd not in mid-coitus, then /e/.
Xerath, Jinx, Vel'Koz.
Play when you feel like it, it's a game
Any champion with more than one dash
Minimum IQ to play a champion is 100 per dash
What else could it be?
1146 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
Aurelion Sol, Vel Koz, Taliyah
Dubs name my gp only acc
>Play Swain
>Do no damage
What the fuck is wrong with him
>late at night when the kids are asleep
Yeah and when all the unemployed manchildren are awake and sperging out over losing because this game is all they have.
Riot just hates Jarvan now
>Kassadin is infinity IQ
Excuse me
t. 16 year old
i dont get nearly as much afkers or ragers/flamers during those times of the day
Nice meme
Also, ShekelyMcShekelface
Anal sex with Akali!
Why did Lee even chase his baseia getting pounded
>GP main
Inting Gangplank
kennen stop shitposting about your wife
whenever you feel like because there will be shitters doesn't matter what time it is
I have not jungled in a really long time, last time i remember jungling seriously, devourer was a thing. Now i kinda want to get back into it, but i'm scared i might fuck up big time after the recent catchup exp changes. I used to play Shyvana and Elise a lot.
I also got Ivern to m5 last season, but he wasn't a "real" jungler. So, how are those 3 doing right now? Any suggestion on pathing and how to play the jungle in general?
I played 2 games so far, i fed my ass off in the first one and did mediocre in the second one.
I see what you did there
So hey, about this Bard champ, could you give me a quick rundown of what do I do?
I assume he is a support, I should stay on line, harass and keep my line mate alive?
I just watched the videos you've linked me, I don't really get it why he was jungling and all.
Also, do you have vision item in League? Like wards in DotA? If not, how should I support my team?
And if you don't mind, what should I buy on Bard? Thank in advance, lads.
>Ivern wasn't a "real" jungler
what did he mean by this
ah come on dont act like when you play has an effect on the type of games youre getting into
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
All the star guardian skins are my favorites, but syndra is the best of them
I just linked you a meme video take it easy.
just harass with autos and go for a trade when you land your q stun.
usually if you're starting"champion" is good for builds.
yes we do have vision items and you get a free ward trinket
Aviator Irelia
Inb4 Muh frostbutt
The "Sightstone" item is the item that lets you place sight wards.
Play Bard in the bottom lane as the Support role.
It's a tie between these two.
What's this skin? Game of thrones sej?
>two rengars in a row that do absolutely fucking nothing
>they have the shitty mecha skin
That's it, I'm banning this faggot from now on.
I just want to cum inside of her countless times in the mercenary position while she leg locks me, and holding hands.
I want to cuddle Jinx and see her get a reliable source of my cum
>I should stay on line, harass and keep my line mate alive?
yes, although you can also roam around the map sometimes and help other lanes. Bard is really good at roaming and should do it often because of chimes and shit, but a lot of Bard players roam way too much.
>I don't really get it why he was jungling and all.
it's a meme, bard is a magnet for memes
>Also, do you have vision item in League? Like wards in DotA? If not, how should I support my team?
trinkets and sightstone give wards, plus you can buy control wards. you generally start yellow trinket for wards, then when you get a sightstone you swap to a red trinket to clear enemy wards. having extra control wards is always nice to clear and grant more vision.
>And if you don't mind, what should I buy on Bard?
i think you generally build AP and utility stuff. people also build on-hit but that's more about having fun that being effective
he is a support, but people can/do meme with him and play him everywhere else (despite what you may have heard, league is not THAT locked in with regards to what you can play where).
when/if you play him, just go with the recommended items until you figure out what else you can be buying. use your q and your autoattack to harass people. bard's strongest ability is his tunnel which allows everyone (team and enemy) to go through walls, which is how he makes plays around the map by getting his team to do people from behind.
Why can I not have a perfect cute GF like in the pics you guys post? Is it because I dont leave my room and dont have a job and dont take care of myself and generally put no effort into life?
shut up faggot
I posted this last time, but dragon zyra
Please rate this meme Garen build.
Don't be fooled by your animes nobody likes a neet.
I like all of the Elements
I love Lissandra!
She already has a reliable escape, you just need to kill first.
>Nidalee is simply trash
This Bitch dominated whole Season 5 and 6. It actually disturbs me how many faggots defend Nidalee. Now let a good player play her and you will face true frustrate and early invades 24h.
She has:
>Free mobility
>Execute Damage on both Q's
>no mana cougar form
>Get hit by Spear, no matter when
>Press R and roll your head on the Keyboard
> Get a Kill
>Oh no I got heavily damaged better heal my half life back again
Trust me I played her a few times and her damage is so freakng disgusting in every stage of the game. Her clear is one of the fastest in the game so you can easily gank top or invade the other jungler within 2 minutes and red passive because of muh clearspeed and muh ranged autos. You get a free kill if a Squishy is marked by your passive.
Also you can build ANYTHING on her ANYTHING!! and still do tons of dmg. Rylais Build and Gauntlet is so freaking cancer and you just cannot escape her after you got hit. She has free flashes and high mobility combined with execute damage, one of the fastest jungle clear and free mana spells.
These are true facts and you cannot deny that.
>Wake up
>See this
What do?
Much love, one last question, why do I have to create different accs for different regions, or am I being retarded?
Mystic is the cutest
SG Ahri chromas when.
zoe release tomorrow?
>mercenary position
Mystic and Dark are the cutest for sure
Aviator Irelia, Crystal Blight Varus, and Debonair Vi I get a lot of hate for thinking they're the best skins for their respective champs
The main problem is that she heavily relies on her Q, she has no CC or slows, if during a gank she misses her slow javelin she will be completely useless.
Honestly I miss Nida mid, she was way more fun imo.
you aren't being retarded. you can either make different accounts for different servers, or you can transfer servers for $$$. as for why, i'm not sure. people usually stick to one server because they have 9000 ping to other ones.
You can transfer accounts between regions, but you probably don't have the IP for it if you're just starting.
AKA yes make a new one
Lee sin dont have mana and have execute damage, and free flashes
What are some good, not meme, jungle streamers?
>mercenary position
He's never had mercenary
Thanks guys. I'm gonna turn everything around starting tomorrow. I want to fuck a pussy.
because 3D women are disgusuting.
unfortanetely our game is divided by regions, so you'll get placed in the region you have the less ping in.
you can make accounts for other servers but you most likely will lag
so if you're north american you can't play with a white argie or your ching chong friend.
i'm too lazy to make it low enough quality to post on here: gfycat com/gifs/detail/DefenselessPersonalAzurevase
>Nida mid was fun
>throw spear with retarded hitbox, squishy is either dead or out of the fight before it even starts
desu i would eat a creampie out of her pussy
I love the colors while mixing in everything about in-lore Azir.
Toss in the really cool scale and it just makes for an awesome looking skin.
She dominated before they removed two of her aa resets and crippled cougar W cooldown refund. She hasn't been the same champion ever since. Sure she can still be strong but bringing up S5/S6 is not really fair.
Kog is not for bully!
Is the best breastpussy in the game?
Supports in lol tend to be peel bots that have a lot of poke and CC.
At lest traditional supports, Bard falls in this category.
Your job is to annoy the enemy team while saving your autistic ADC's ass on the bottom lane.
Your first item should be the Ancient Coin, it gives you passive gold generation because you won't be doing any farming on bot. From time to time the Coin drops little coins that you pick up for extra gold.
Your next item should always be a Sightstone.
Sightstones hold 5 ward charges that you can place.
You can only have 3 wards on the map at one time per person tho, so you have to place them tactically.
Then finish the Eye of Oasis item that builds from your Coin and Sightstone.
There are also control wards that reveal other wards, but you can only place 1 of those.
After that just experiment.
There are a lot of good support items around now, but the best ones are stuff like Redemption, Locket of the Iron Solary and Knights Vow.
You should be maxing your Q first then W second.
Also, here's a really good poke runepage for Bard.
Don't do the whole "roaming support" thing, it was experimental and it doesn't really work.
Just stick around with your ADC and keep him safe, you can farm chimes later.
Whats the pantheon page for this season?
What's the best way to get to bronze without going AFK or literally spending 20 minutes walking into the enemy turret? Started playing again on a new account playing garbage like Jungle Aurelion and "accidentally" missing plays but still got silver this past season. I just want an account that can play with retards like this on demand instead of just most games.
shut the fuck up
I am growing stronger
for that guy last thread asking about inspiration yorick, do either of the following depending on your preference:
>5% cdr for everything
>ult hat
>10% cdr
it's just up to you. spellbook and cdr boots means you can tp all over the fucking place and basically push every lane at once. biscuits are shit, and so is everything else in that tier but at least you get sustain from them.
debt is just fucking broken. the cdr for everything is great too, especially for zzrot and summs.
the other keystone is a matter of preference, I kind of like ult hat to always have my waifu up, but not having demolition also kind of sucks.
spellbook and debt are fucking broken so expect those to get nerfed pretty hard in the coming patches though.