You ask your grandparents about "The War/fighting/conflict."
What is their response?
You ask your grandparents about "The War/fighting/conflict."
What is their response?
we killed a buncha japs
So US, Scotland, somewhere like that?
I know most places will likely be WW2, some even WW1.
Some places have interesting recent conflicts, like Ulsterfags.
Georgia is almost there but there thing wasn't necessarily a conflict, just an overthrowing I suppose.
"Kämpfe für dein Vaterland."
"tito was a god to us. a god. *cries*"
>tfw parents think I was defending our freedom killing a bunch of Muslims when really I was defending the freedom of a bunch of Muslims killing ISIS
No matter how hard I try to explain, by bible thumping parents will always hate Muslims for no apparent reason than an emotional generalization.
Jason heard I was coming, so they surrendered
>granny chips in
And them two nukes had nothing to do with it right?
>a german soldier fixed our clock for free
>the germans shot my uncle for being a commie
>the resistance shot my uncle for looking like a german, and he was driving one of those motorcycles with a passenger seat
my grandfather was in the 7th armoured div in North Africa, Italy, and Germany, and then after the war he became a gardener or something for a posh family
So I imagine he'd say something like "from dead krauts to brussel sprouts"
>he doesn't hate Muslims
>traced our family back
>as far back as 1700 we've been irish, mostly south but with some north relatives
>traced ourselves back to Thomas Clarke, chief of memeraiding logistics in the 1916 rising
>have one distant relative who fought in the trenches
>family cling to him for muh unionism
>call all historical versions of the IRA terrorist scum
>call members of the rising terrorist scum
>intend to leave them out of the family tree
I hate protestants
Fuckin bosnian
Hello Ante, how ya doin'?
"I should have killed more Algerians when I had the chance".
>Paternal Grandma
"I was too young during WWII, lol."
>Maternal Grandma
"I was a baby at the time."
>Paternal Grandpa
"Japs rounded me up to build a fucking airstrip and I was 12. Those fucking animals, holy shit."
>Maternal Grandpa
"I was 9 and it was the best years of my life desu, 3 years of no school, hiding with guerillas in the jungle, swimming in lakes and hunting wild fowl. Some scary shit but I was never near them."
>"lmao I was a dentist"
>What is their response?
Nothing, since they never experienced any war in their life. My oldest grandparent was born in 1946, the youngest in 1953. Last war in my country ended in 1945.
spanish civil war
fucking lost
"We had shitty rations and everyone was worried. There was a strong sense of community. A lot of eggs, potatoes etc got passed around the neighborhood."
"The first time I ever drove was a munitions truck in the Philippines."
what are you? Chinese?
>from dead krauts to brussel sprouts"
"we had to vomit over ourselves and pis eachother to keep warm"
Filipino mang
I miss my grandparents.
Lebanese Civil War.
>Mussolini left us with one (1) boat and a rifle
>Burma was the first time I've ever saw a tree.
>Did you mean the civil war? Big Mouth was Based.
>Stupid Southern Apes ruining everything, as usual.
The generic, I guess
Which side? Nazarene or Rafidah?
>tfw my grandfather was part of such a poor household his officer told him to fuck off and go back to his homeland to make a living or else the rest of the family would starve
and yet, today he looks back in those times with nostalgia and even says he misses him, despite being a street urchin to whom a happy day was a day in which he could find some stale bread to scrape on some restaurant exhauster/chimney
he contradicts himself saying how much of an asshole salazar was but that the times were still ok because the people felt safe. even though you couldn't speak your mind freely.. but ultimately who cares, since according to him they had nothing of valor to say anyway
still, this strange idiosyncrasies is why i love this old man more than anyone else in my family
My granny had a Micky Mouse gas mask in the war.
Nothing, because my grandfather isn't a fucking faggot that likes to remind everyone he was in the military constantly just so he can get a free meal at Denny's
"Jolly good time. Man's inhumanity to man."
The war gave my grandfather a lot, and he saw a lot. He had a lot of fun, and also flew over a bombed Dresden.
She went into a 30 second spiel about how the Kaiser was a a good boy before switching into how clothing has changed over the past century. She's still going according to the nurse I'm not even at her house still.
There is no greater friend and no bigger foe in battle than love. They will fight for the love of their own vice and fall victim to it.
>how was the war grandpa
>well son, sit down and I'll tell you about an oriental country called... Vietnam
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Same here. My dad regrets a lot of what happened. I can't get a good enough reaction from him so I just drop the subject.
Maternal grandfather: joined the army but avoided the conflict. Believed "the war" was pointless, held that opinion till passing.
Paternal grandfather: was a postwar enthusiast of the interwar period. Cared less about the conflict itself, had a poor upbringing and was able to avoid the draft.
Guess the country.
Paternal Grandpa never really wanted to talk about it. All I know is that he was a marine in the pacific and fought at Iwajima, Okinawa, and Nagasaki.
Maternal Grandpa died way before I was born but he was a paratrooper I want to say he fought in Italy
>"Anytime I had to drive around rations for the yanks, we'd throw half of them into a ditch on the way then pick them back up for our lads on the way back."
Australian btw, He said US troops were getting fucking ice cream in the middle of New Guinea while Australians were breaking their teeth on biscuits and bully beef.
He was charged 12 times in the one year he spent in uniform, mostly for insubordination and conduct unbecoming, and stealing an army motorbike while still in New Guinea.
"Nazis and russians were dicks to us even if we worked with them at some point"
My grandfather mostly just complained about how some Dutch woman (he didn't know which one) gave him some venereal disease and it felt like his dick was going to fall off. Also he would say the mud was worse than the Germans.
Both Grandparents on Mothers side too young to for WW2, but grandfather was stationed in Namibia in the 60's I think?
Grandmother on fathers side was 8 years old at the start of the war. She had to move out of London but not much else. Grandfather served in Malta, he was too young to fight in North Africa but served on an AA gun for the last 2/3 years of the war. He once told me about how he went to get lunch right before a bombing raid from the Italians and when he came back most of the people manning the AA gun had died.
My grandfather never talked to me about the war while he was alive. I was really young but I figured it out when I saw all the medals they brought out on the day of the burial.
My grandmother has talked about it with me, though. She was a courier during the second world war and that's when they met. She saw Germans burn a village nearby and in the early months of the occupation, she was apparently forced to go to school to learn German.
All my grandmas big sisters were sent off to Sweden and Norway, she was born just after the war.
Other grandma lost 6 out of her 7 brothers.
Grandpas were too young to fight but both cleared mines after the war, one on land the other at sea.
Dead men tell no tales.
My grandpa was a JNA (Yugoslav Army) colonel after the WW2. He was a teenager during the war so he didn't do anything.
>grandfathers were in pic related
>great-grandfathers were officers in Austro-Hungarian army
>all on Russian front
They just bring up how scarce the food was and tell me to never join the army
My dad told me a few stories though about how my great grandfather would suck raw eggs out of the shell since that what they would do in the war. Another about how the occupying Italians caught my grandfather starving in the street and gave him a tomato and an onion that he ate raw
reported for underage.
Maternal Grandfather never really talked about WWII, although he was apparently a German translator for the US Army (benefits of growing up in a German-speaking part of Ohio, apparently).
Paternal Grandfather never talked much either about his time on an LST in the Pacific as part of an AA gun crew, but one story I do remember:
>docked at port in some island
>kamikaze comes flying into harbor
>flying too low to effectively shoot at with AA guns without potentially hitting friendly ships in harbor
>grandfather, at roughly 17 years old, ordered not to fire
>kamikaze hits hospital ship, killing a ton of people
>grandfather forever has guilt nightmares
Yeah, my grandpa said Italians were bro tier. Didn't even want to fight in the war.
they're dead
My Great-Grandmother had to sit through the entirety of the Blitz while living in the East End. She hates Germany and the German people to this day.
For some reason every time i see her she still encourages me to join the military to 'get revenge'.
Grandparents: Very little, they were born at the very end of the war
Parents: The Troubles
My grandfather was the only airborne dentist of WWII.
When the US entered the war my grandfather was in his first year of dentistry school and one of his lectures was interrupted by a representative of the Navy and Army. They proceeded to split the room in half and said one half would be in the Navy and the other half in the Army. Also, they would become dentists in a year and a half instead of the normal four years. My grandfather was on the Navy side of the room and after finishing school he was sent to basic training. During his time training he saw the Airborne units training and asked if he could try out parachuting (I think it was the 11th Airborne training for their deployment in the pacific but I'm not sure). They ended up allowing him to go through the full training and receive his wings, thus making him the only flying dentist. He got put on a ship in the pacific as a dentist but he didn't learn till after the war that he had been assigned to a glider if a full scale Airborne attack was needed in the pacific, probably for a possible invasion of Japan. If we did end up invading Japan and my grandfather was in a glider he would've almost certainly died, so that means I'm glad we nuked em cause otherwise I might not be alive.
Also he got hazard pay throughout his time in the Navy and during the occupation of Japan because they had him on the records as a paratrooper.
Maternal Grandfather, part of the US Army Aircorps.
Shot down in Germany, somehow miraculously lands in a tree with only a broken leg.
Taken to a concentration camp.
Given medical care and treated well because he's an enemy combatant and not a Jew.
Spends 2 years playing cards with the Germans who are always nice to him.
Finally gets liberated.
Gets sent back to boring ass Midwest.
Becomes an alcoholic, misses Germany.
Beats my Grandmother mercilessly because he is bored and misses Germany.
Grandma leave with the kids to California.
Now we live in Mexifornia and are on good stamps like everyone else, don't speak Mexican so can't get a job.
Why couldn't the Germans have just won?
"What were the Punic Wars like?"
"I wasn't alive then you idiot"
Sounds to me he was old enough to fuck the Nazis up with based Tito
"Was Hannibal a cuck?"
Anyways, my grandmother would talk about how she and all the other kids on the street would go around, taking the aluminum out of cigarette packs, and other junk, and bringing it to their grandfather, who'd drive it to the war material collection areas when there was enough.
My granny almost died from starvation as a kid, in 1941 she was 7 years old, lived in Ural, Soviet Union. She eat grass some time. She told me a lot about that time. She thought it will always be like that.
Not enough cold climate clothes, not enough rations. I wont say anymore
Grandfather: immigrated from Canada to US, joined the Army before the war and lied about his age (he was 15), got sent to New Guinea to fight Japs. Got shot in the buttocks and got malaria a couple times. Went home and was given a bike and a club and told to go out and beat some niggers by the Detroit PD as a job.
My dad joined the navy to avoid the draftin '70. It worked, but militarylife sucked especially in the 70s. Officers let blacks get away with all kinds of insubordination to avoid the label racist. He served on a troop carrier and a ww2 era destroyer which was later sold to South Korea
Silence because they're all dead.
>grandfather served in Normandy and the western front
>was highly decorated
>so good that his division was the first to cross the Rhine
>killed tons of krauts, even Hitler youth in 1945
>for the rest of his life suffered terrible guilt, every night he saw the faces of the men he killed
Probably either WW2 if they're really old or Korea and the Malayan Emergency, maybe even Vietnam.
And I read the question wrong, for my own grandparents it would be the Japanese attack on Sydney Harbour and WW2 more broadly, maternal grandfather served in New Guinea, paternal one was a reserve pilot
I only have my grandma left to talk about WW2 and the Korean War. It mostly boils down to:
>"Why? Why did we do that? What was the point of all that? I lost so much of my high school class to Korea."
>I didn't like the naval base in San Diego
>It was boring
>I went horseback riding there once and I didn't like it
>it was too hot
>my feet hurt
>I wish I was back home in New England labeling my socks by date purchased and doing marine biology field work
"Shit was great, I flew planes and dropped bombs. Fun time."
dumb roasties totally lack all higher order thought abilities
That they didn't find for fight. My great grandfather fought in ww 2 tho.
I still have to wait til we invade North Korea to get my pap's bones back.
Fucking autocorrect, that they didn't fight is what I meant
I don't know. I never asked.
This is why I really hate Weebs.
>sitting at grandparents house
>my family, my grandparents and my three uncles
>my one uncle is rocking a mean buzz off of two beers cause hes a fucking lightweight
>my grandfather is a sweet old man, college professor for many years, cardigans, intellectual, that type
>drunkle decides to open his mouth
>hey dad. DAD
>you fought in the war, right?
>You know I was in the navy during World War II, why are you asking?
>...whose side did you fight on
>...whose side did you fight on?
>The Americans, you idiot.
>cousin proceeds to smack the shit out of drunkle while grandfather shakes his head
Had a chuckle.
Both my grandfathers didn't really want to talk about it.
Found out through my grandmothers mostly.
Grandfather on German side fought in a tank batallion at Stalingrad. Lost 3 toes due to frostbite. He also had to drag his friend from beneath an unexploded bomb. They were taking shelter in a house when the the thing came crashing in. It landed on his buddy with a bunch of debris. When he tried to drag him free his lower halve gave way but his upper body stayed where it was.
Grandfather on Dutch side fought for the Germans as well. Fought at the battle of Arnhem. Killed a guy by beating him to death but was shot in the leg. Eventually captured. After the war the Dutch government needed men with actual fighting experience for their special forces so my grandfather volunteered. Had to be discharged after he fucked up his back.
Taught me boxing, how to use a knuckle duster and how to make a ghetto silencer from a bottle.
Both never liked talking about the fighting but you could tell they loved being a soldier.
silence as they're nearly all dead.
My only living grandparent, my maternal grandmother, was a child during the blitz so could probably only take about being evacuated and rationing if she even remembers it
My grandmother said something like this "The only winner of a war is the guy who sells the guns"
The usual: "Everyone was afraid of the planes, then the Russians came and pillaged/raped whatever they could find"
"The ruskies raped and ate our neighbours!"
"I removed kebab before it was a meme"
t. serbian granpa
"Rich cunts telling dumb cunts to go kill poor cunts".
My grandfather was a guerrilla/insurgent during the german occupation of Greece.
He lost his brother in an unsuccessful raid
Spanish Civil War
>fought in Polish Army in 1939
>captured by germans and send to labour camps in Germany
>only survived because he knew german language
>escaped to east Poland(under soviet occupation)
>captured by soviets and send to gulag
>joins First Polish Army
>was fighting in Berlin
,,War was not nice''
"The only ones worse than nazis were the serbs"
-Grandpa who fought the serbs during ww2
Were your grandfathers fighting in Warsaw uprising?
I only have grandmas and one of them born my father in a teen pregnancy
neither of my black parents have a dad
My dad loved Desert Storm though
I bought a Nissan car and my great grandmother said "Oh honey you shouldn't support them Japanese. They killed a lot of our boys."
My paternal grandfather helped the germans build bunkers. Told me that they either could do it for cash or be forced to do it for FREE.
>grandfather: i managed to dodge vietnam by less then a year before graduating high school.
>great grandfather: i went to korea and shot a bunch of gooks, now get me another beer.
My Polish grandad always talked about how the Germans were bad but civilized and tolerable and never really dwelled on that, then went on tirades about what horrid, disgusting barbarians the Soviets were. He recounted many stories of random violence, petty looting and unfamiliarity with the concept of indoor toilets.
Granddad also repeatedly stressed that Stalin was much, much worse than Hitler.