now that it's f2p, do we have enough people here for a general?
/SGC/ - StarCraft General
Is the game this ded?
yes plz
Why is terran so OP?
Zerg Main here
add me up Burns2PvP#1153
I play coop.
I leave this thread because of waifufags that will inevitably shit it up.
Is it a good idea to start playing the game now? I played brood war plenty back in the days but never touched sc2.
I'm installing this even though I hate RTS and will probably play it for about 30 mins before I go back to OW
Yes, there is a flood of new players since the f2p gates opened up.
Bump for the greatest general on Veeky Forums
What do new terran/zerg armies look like now with lotv? Haven't played the game since hots
Im gonna start playing. What do I do then nerds to get good
Never played this game before, done the tutorials and watched some introductory videos and placed in gold.
I cannot fathom how fucking terrible silver and bronze players are since i fucking suck at the game
Any JP player here?
I purposefully went afk once for all 5 placements and got placed in gold somehow, the system is so broken lol
Well, its the first day of f2p, most bronze players are going in blind
How? It tells me to win 10 unraked matches before being able to play ranked.
I suppose if you already owned the game you don't need to do this.
He's saying he never played the game before though.
sup /scfree/ was wondering if LOTV is f2p or is it just WoL multiplayer + campaign?
They gave me a free key for the first expansion a week ago. I played the tutorials and 2 or 3 games against AI ig that counts for unlocking ranked
i think everythings free up to the last 2/most recent campaigns
people got heart of the swarm for free a week ago, even when they had zilch/no WOL.
I was Protoss master in WoL, master Terran in LoTV, didnt play for 1 year. Is protoss more like WoL with this new patch? Biggest problem I have is making gateways, before I get my third I have either to low economy to supply gates or 2 many gates and no money to produce units from gates. I open fast stargate into expo then going into HTs or mass adepts.
what is SGC?
shit game cancer?
at lease name the thread correctly
deep in dep
I don't know but shield batteries are really good
You cant have a general if the waifu shitpost continues, and without proper pastebins, discussions and guides for it like good custom mods and shit
Therefore this general is invalid, and its still a shitpost thread
>unless you retards reports the waifufags with the Global Rule 3 aka /b/ content and trolling
They fucking rock, 75 minerals for literally double shield
I only play coop because I'm a bitch
Been trying out alarak. People say he sucks, and he has weaknesses bad mobility and a slow early game, but goddamn: once you max out, he's completely unstoppable. Like, it doesn't matter what is in front of you, his army will melt it. By the time your deathball of wraithwalkers makes it to the party, alarak and his mob of supplicants has already fucked everything up. That on top of the dialogue this guy puts out every minute or so and I'm having the most fun on coop I've ever had. Guy really needs some sort of recall though.
How to hotkey?
I play zerg, not sure how I should be binding.
Specifically, how in the flying fuck do I do production? If I map each hatch out and each queen out that doesn't leave room for anything past the second hatch. If I find them all to one I build overlords at the expo I wanted to build drones at. If I just scroll to them/camera (think this is the right answer) it's way too slow.
Wat do?
you're the dumbest bitch on earth, you know that?
bind all of your inject queens to the same hotkey and do as follows
1)shift+v+click to inject
2)space to shift to the next queen
3)repeat for all queens
you can shift between units in a group this way, winterstarcraft has a video on it (
you'll be able to inject all of your hatches very quickly if your muscle memory locks down that pattern. One hotkey for your queens, one for your hatcheries, one for your upgrades, a couple for your army, etc. Just like with the queens, you can shift between all of your hatcheries really quickly with space by having them all on the same hotkey. It's different for the other races because you dont hotkey your drones since they morph.
ctrl+4 all hives
Win win win
Sorry, so should I be manually droning then?
you can hotkey all hives to 1 button, all hives have 2 waypoints you can make, 1 for drones, 1 for everything else.
Set all drone lines to well, your minerals. These waypoints can all be different per hive. So main waypoint and natural can be seperate.
Then you ctrl+4 all hatches, press S then D and watch drones come in. You can ctrl+group multiple of any building/units together, do this.
what do you mean? You have all your hatcheries on the same hotkey and can produce from all of them at the same time, you hotkey where all of them go to the same place. The drones automatically go to the mineral line instead, so as you produce create drones and units, it's literally just like the other guy said, only 4 is waste of the 4 key, I'd try 5 for hatches and 6 for upgrades so you can use 1-4 for army hotkeys.
ive been debating restarting wc3 but now that sc2 is f2p i might consider that too,how do protoss play nowadays?i havent played since the end of WoL also the entire ladder is f2p right?
op as always, survive long enough and your deathball wins, only way to beat them is a rush timing before that happens.
Hey guys, I tried to start playing sc2 about a year ago. I played a little bit and tried to learn on my own, got the fundamentals, but i could tell I wasn't conscious enough with my decisions, I wasn't comfortable adapting, and I generally had very little understanding of timings and intermediate concepts. What are the best resources, what is the fastest method of improvement, and what is worth learning? Also I never played any story or customs I'm not a casual, except for vs bots to practice opens.
watch professional players play and break down their complicated builds into something tangible and workable. Learn how they construct their armies, which units you'll need, what their build order is, and then do an extremely simplistic copy of that, and slowly add to it depending on the situation. Watch other people and keep losing and you'll eventually figure out what works.
>never played the story
Shame, the actual story is pure dogshit, but the actual gameplay of the campaign is probably the best in an RTS. WoL >> LotV >> HoTs
Also you are a casual going off the first part of your post.
lol no, legacy was the worst campaign by far, just a bunch of generic "defend the thing until the time limit is up" missions strung together, barely any variety.
Fuck me I'm retarded
Thanks guys.
Any other random protips? Got sick of being bad at starcraft, decided to give it an honest crack. Up to gold tier 1 last season.
Do really well in fights but my macro sucks. You get so goddamn much money as zerg, and all your units are cheap so it's fucking impossible to spend it all till I get to hive tech
I hated lotv because 80% of the missions were against hybrids. Got boring after a while, they felt more like Diablo enemies, especially in the way they died
Is there some downside to squeezing out an extra drone while your first ovie builds by building an extractor then canceling that I'm not seeing? I rarely see pros do it but don't know why.
Wait how am I a casual? I just went back to other competitive games that I was familiar with.
you should be getting tech and tech buildings, they are very costly and NON-stop unit production. Never sit at max, keep fighting, lose units, produce 10x the amount the other 2 races do, and keep going.
You shouldnt have much surplus money. Zerg has the easiest macro since its unit production is 100% just the hive and you only need a simple tech building for better units. Learn when to be making units, and when to plop down a new unit building.
not comfortable adapting and no understanding of timings.
camera hotkey your bases, camera hotkey the area before you even put a hatchery down. spread a lot of creep
Definitely need to fight more.
Just still have that relic from Brood War, sitting back till you max out on carriers, each unit is precious mentality.
it's still like that if you play protoss, but you're playing zerg, so zerg those little bastards to their deaths on a regular basis, plenty of nerds don't wall off in the bronze league just a click their mineral line with some lings and keep macroing, an attack on a mineral line doesn't need to be micro'd it's a distraction for your enemy, dont let it distract you too.
are toss rushes/all ins/timings strong ,do things like blink stalkers still work well?
stalkers are shit units desu, protoss is best in the long game, terran and zerg definitely have an early game rush advantage, the whole build order for protoss is to basically hold the line for 10 minutes until you max. You can do fun stuff with warp prisms, i've seen people go for stalker timings but it's dumb. Honestly nobody really knows because they just drastically changed the balance yesterday, wait a few days for the new metas to emerge.
As long as I have you here
How do I beat siege tanks? I can barely get hydras before 2-5 tanks are across the map, and they'll just eat lings.
Ravagers seem like too much gas investment. If I scout it early do I go muta?
ravagers are the answer though, roach/ravager deals with tanks easily. Late game it's vipers, not just for siege tanks but for liberators also. Hydras are always good units people underestimate them.
Terran is now underpowered.
no, that's me
it was only ever overpowered in the hands of professionals with insane micro abilities, no mortal man could utilize terran like those guys, so for most of us terran was balanced and now it's not, because it was balanced for the best kind of player instead of the average player.
did sc2 finallly died ?
Well, balance only matters at the highest levels of anything, because the rest of us mortals can't do the shit they can do.
Your eight minute 2-1-1 marine drop in the main isn't going to be affected by stalkers dealing more damage
Any good guide on how to learn this game
wintergaming on youtube has a bunch of starter videos, but he along with everyone else will be remaking those for the new update, none of them are out yet since the new balance patch hasn't been tested enough yet
Fuck does it have to be YouTube? I am impatient and prefer reading.
Also, I did scratch this game like one year ago and I think getting a good hotkey setup was obligatory. Is this still the case? Should I get it from the start so I learn the game with the right hotkeys? Do you recommend anything?
Sorry for the questions, there's no pastebin
Wasn't i supposed to be gifted a ghost skin if i owned all 3 campaigns previously?
It’s hard to read about Starcraft and translate it to improvement, much easier to just watch someone do it right. Winters videos go over good hotkey setups for all the races, it’s worth the effort though a bunch of tips he will tell you have already been revealed itt
Alright, thank you user, gonna watch it
Story is ok except for the epilogue
Damnit winter go stream already
That comes from experience and proficiency, which has to be developed. Have you even tried learning another viable competitive game?
Go try learning street fighter, and I'll call you a casual for not memorizing dozens of moves' frame data. See how little sense that makes?
>fucking pirate fags messing up our profits, no more lan! the free meal is over!
>7 years later
>sorry sorry sorry! please take the game, just take everything and come back. We realized that we actually need a community to continue making this game
someone play with me!!
Is there a colorblind option for the minimap somewhere?
Half the time I can't see shit on there
>all the coop commanders are free for vets
>start playing them, suddenly game crashes and an update is forced
>log back in and they all require a purchase again
Funny how when it involves micro transactions, to fixed within the hour
What? They're all playable for free up to level 5
Yeah but right when the update dropped they were totally free all the way to 15, then it crashed and update and now they have to be purchased after level 5 again
im sure it's only because the fix was simple
you're just looking for gay erp partners
You mean this?
>1 hour long video
holy shit there MUST be something easier
is 4shit lagging?
must be catalog then
I want to get into this but it is so difficult to learn it.
I don't know if I stick to default hotkeys or choose "TheCore" specifically.
Change select all army hotkey for camera hotkey, move al the important keys to around your left hand, just like most games really, production hotkey past 5, micro for 1-4
>production hotkey past 5, micro for 1-4
can you translate that in a way a retard would understand
I don't mean to shill this guy but check this playlist:
He has 3 relatively new 15ish minute videos for each of the races, and one long hourish video of him playing random and teaching whatever race he gets.
watching this guy helped me learn a lot of things, there are much better streams to watch for high-level play but this guy is good for beginners.
thanks winter
He's got an annoying as fuck voice desu.
whatever buildings you use to make units are production buildings. Production and upgrade buildings should go on your 5-10 hotkeys, you'll want your 1-4 hotkeys to be used for your army so you can micro better during fights. Like terran for instance, you might want your main army on hotkey 1, your two drops on hotkeys 2 and 3, and maybe an SCV or something on 4.
all the starcraft personalities are fucking annoying learn to live with it.
well it's either one of these annoying casual streamers that will set realistic goals for new players, or I can link him to the actual professionals who will be so ridiculously good that he'll probably get turned off from the game or try and fail to do some complicated build when he should be trying to easier builds first.
>tasteless and artosis are annoying
maybe I just hate people idk
watch them instead idc, I'm sure they also have beginner videos or something.
whats up freak bitches
How do I do the thing where medivacs move forwards while dropping units?
Drop command (While medivacs are moving) -> Click on dropship
What's a good website for build orders and army comp?
you're at the right place