/rsg/ - Runescape General

Interspecies breeding edition
Previous thread Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

>I've been inactive since the First Age, what did I miss?
>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest Update
>November's Month Ahead

>RuneFest Reveals

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a way to make bone burying less click intensive?

put them on an action bar?

Zaros is a mewling kitten in a world where darkness and terror knock daily on your door. He's just a cute ball of fluff. I am the one who knocks.

Sounds familiar.

assuming you're f2p, you could try unlocking cremation (ability to use bones on fires for 2x pray xp) by killing ghosts, but it's apparently quite rare

I wanna fuck Lady Ithell and cum in her pinkish purpleish hair.

>that picture
What does any of that mean?

do I look sick or what

meme overload

dank as daredevil dude

damn this thread is dead

bruh 11 replies in 4 hours
shut this fucking general down lmfao

>4 fortune orokami
>still no murderous orokami
this shouldn't be allowed

Daily reminder that the World Guardian is a cold blooded sociopath and a serial killer


post your doings then

how do i stop taking so much damage at graardor?

You do this simple thing called getting gud


Simply kill him before he can hurt you much. The best defence is a good offence.

>tfw have to buy slayer gems one inventory at a time
This is so fucking awful. Why is there no gem packs? The only reason I can even stand buying them right now is because of the slayer skillcape now being able to teleport you directly to any slayer master, and the tokkul-zo dumping you right next to a banker. If I didn't have both of these things I wouldn't even be considering doing this.

There's literally no reason to buy slayer gems unless you're an ironmeme in which case you should just kill yourself.

Slayer rings are the cheapest enchanting components

Only if your time is worthless

all time is worthless

I got Gemi from making slayer rings

It can be exchanged for gp by spending it killing bosses.

gps don't matter either, everything is jello, reality only thinks it's real most of the time, none of this matters so waste time in the most fun way possible.
making slayer rings is fun

>making slayer rings is fun
>This is so fucking awful

What did he mean by this?

Can anybody help me out with one novice game of Pest Control? I'm following the quest strategy guide and need at least one game of PC in order to start Quiet Before The Storm.

World 53.

There are usually a few people in the Pest Control world

Read the very first line from the second post you linked, then re-read your post and realize how retarded you are.

Absolutely nobody on either world.

if you don't get anyone wait until spotlight

are you sure you need to do pest control? i seem to recall only having to do conquest

Yeah, the guide says that I must play at least one game of Pest Control in order to begin Quiet Before The Storm. It's ridiculous. I just want to progress with questing while I can, I don't have much money recently and want to get as much done as possible before my membership runs out.

im in the bank there but i doubt you'll get 3 more at this time desu

uncle user wants (You)

Shame. Do you know of a usual time where players take interest in the minigame? I could get some other stuff done before then.

you'll just have to try at peak time

you wont find anyone in the novice boat though, just a few max combat autists in veteran that you could ask

usually we just jump in on spotlight for some extra thaler


dont forget your free key from penguin hide and seek this week anons

Never mind, my clan actually helped me out. I didn't even think to ask my clan beforehand, ha.

reminder that every1 here is gay

I don't think that has been active AT ALL since 2011.

Hey guys, I have newly started with osrs. I was wondering what the fastest way is to get some gold. Ive been doing lava dragons but I get PKd so many times I seem to be losing money as I lose all the gear that I bought with the gold I farmed. Any suggestions?
I have 40 combat skills, 47 Mage, 40hitpoints rest is shit.

buy boinds

This is the general for rs3, though I'd personally recommend staying the fuck out of the wildy for shekel farming.
Do quests and balance out your stats, stuff gets annoying when your levels are all out of whack.
It's been 10 years so I don't really have much more advice, maybe try alching some stuff?
Good luck getting osg not to circlejerk about trannies.

Anyone know if we're getting free shit again on December? I just want to know if it's worth getting back into again.
We got Silverhawk Boots and Spring Cleaner last time.

What else could we get for free


probably, we've gotten it for the past couple of years, though the spring cleaner is craftable now so I got no clue what they'd give us


whats this mtx update everyone is freaking out over about.

>though the spring cleaner is craftable now
What, when and where? Invention?

Yes. Was part of batch 2 I believe.

>Oct 18, 02 at 4:43pm
Whatever programs he had, likely with embedded keyloggers, they're over 15 years outdated now. Seeing as it's hotmail, it's probably gone anyway.

yup, batch 2, both the spring cleaner and the untradable springs are craftable

>that guy is in his 30's now

how do I make azzanadra my bf?

Become Pontiflex Maximus of the new Zarosian empire

Is it worth it to get into Runescape with a fresh character? I stopped playing a long time ago, and don't remember my account.
I want a nice grindy game that takes little effort to play while listening to podcasts.
Also current runescape or old school?

>Also current runescape or old school?

youll need to answer that question in /rs07g/ aswell if you don't wanter super biased opinions and find which ones better for you

At this point, not really, it's mostly just sunk cost keeping people playing.
The main draw to OSRS is nostalgia, but it has its merits, the playerbase isn't as casual so there are more people online at once, the pvp scene isn't dead, the microtransactions aren't incredibly annoying like they are in rs3.
It's got its flaws as well, a major infestation of bots, they're at least 10% of the playerbase (that's what the PR guy says so the actual figure is higher), the community, though more active, is cancerous as fuck, and the newer additions to the gmae have not been good.
Combat is way simpler, as are graphics, getting xp is much more painful, there's about 7 years less content, and some of that missing content is the best that runescape's ever had.

RS3 has really annoying microtransactions (not so much predatory since the xp rates are actually balanced at high levels), better (in fidelity, not always quality) graphics, more fluid (still not that fluid) combat, a shitload more content, a shitload more quests (runescape has fucking great quests, only game that actually has quests verses "go do thing for me"), barely any bots thanks to jagex going NSA.
Community is much more dead, still a fair whack of cancer in it, everything's focused around the endgame.
Hostile memes from reddit caused this in both games, it's all efficiency autism now, no fun allowed.

All in all unless you're masochistic and/or autistic there's not much point to playing either version of runegame in the current year for the first time, about the only thing that's worth recommending is the quests.

/osg/ is cancerous as hell, if you're implying they can give unbiased opinions you should probably go back there and keep circlejerking about trannies.

>tfw black dragons task
>tfw trying to farm slayer points
feels bad because I won't be able to kill qbd for the task



>/osg/ is cancerous as hell, if you're implying they can give unbiased opinions you should probably go back there and keep circlejerking about trannies.

no I'm just saying he should get both sides of the story and desu famalam both communities are equally as shit

how does that relate to me son, I'm a member

Except osg can't tell a story, they can only circlejerk.
You're far more likely to get honest discussion of osrs here because people here actually play both, versus osg who don't actually play their own game.

And both communities may be shit but the /rsg/ is a whole hell of a lot higher quality than /osg/

>shit but the /rsg/ is a whole hell of a lot higher quality than /osg/
we're polished turd with an extra log tucked behind mtx

read again

>This is for RuneScape only (i.e. not for Old School), and is available to any players who currently do not have membership.
>currently do not have membership
I currently have membership

you weren’t here last time when this happened
or else you would know what I mean
anyway wait until that weekend, you get a fun surprise

pls fill me in

wait and ser for yourself
but remember to hide your wallet

haven't spent a dime on this game in 5 months, so I'm fine

>haven't been to qbd in a long time
>decide to take a trip since I'm bored
>everything is going fine, get two achievement things done
>suddenly on p4 during one kill she summons the four soul guys
>they're spread all the fuck over the room instead of all surrounding me like they should be doing
>it happens again every time she decides to summon them
What the fuck is going on here? It only happens with the ones on p4. All the rest spawn right next to me like usual, but if they ever show up in p4 then they're all in random spots each time.

that's how they spawn on p4
nothing wrong

You're probably standing to close to the south transparent floor and/or one of the other walls of the area.
they can't spawn on the transparent part of the floor so they end up fucking around the arena, try standing a square more north

Stop standing too close to a wall.

stop using a noxbow :^)

nausbow when?
>nausea effect on crit
>has visual effect in pvp and probably a stat drain on npcs
>get it from a seasick archer

never, because jagex doesnt develop content anymore

What skill do I train next? Just got 99 fungeoneering

120 fungeoneering.

get base 80

Is it me or is prayer draining faster?

Its just you

I figured there'd be sperging on all RS media if it was the case, but I can't get over the feeling that somethings up with the Lvl 95 curses specifically.

I seem to be going through more pots than usual and I've scoured my gear to see if I've been a retard and let something run out of charge/ break or accidentally equipped something else but, nope. But I'm not here to start an argument, if no one else has noticed anything then I'm happy to say it's just me being dumb.

In other blogposts:

>tfw nearly 1.5k Gorilla akh's and no soul

sieg muthafuckn heil



also that's not symmetric
reported again




ok this one is pretty good
not reported

What's her endgame?

fill her lungs with cum__
