Lifestyle Improvement Edition!
Old thread: for useful shit
Lifestyle Improvement Edition!
Old thread: for useful shit
help me find (((hot))) egirls on league
Best spider.
xth for my wife Syndra
Ionians are for conquering.
Xth for Sona as most fuckable support
>the realization that your adc is retarded 3 minutes in
>play adc
>be good
>be alpha
>sound alpha if you discord
if you have a healslut support its probably a 50/50 that they are a girl, compliment them on their ability to more their mouse over you and press a key and you should eventually get there
>Start maining support again
>Only have soaraka
>every game is a trash ashe or if im lucky some insane diamond smurf tristana
Does playing draven make it even better for you?
tfw no manly adc to punish me when i mess up
This is your healslut tonight
Girl (girl)?
That's redundant, there's no reason to specify that a girl is a girl.
I WILL make Diamond next season! Who wants to CLIMB with me! We will give each other encouragement and advice on how to CLIMB
tfw no girly adc to protect
Well girl (boy) exists....
why does wukong feel like a shittier j4
So uh...
Berserkers WW is actually pretty solid.
just play whatever you are most comfortable with and know that you can do the best on, I practised Xayah hard and got really good at her and I just spammed her for a bunch for games and got a few grills on Discord.
>tfw no qt petite gf
because that's what he is
well you see since these degenerates think effeminate men can be called 'girls' they need to specify because anime makes you into a faggot or a pedophile eventually
honestly anything would've probably been fine
Kindred is actually pretty good this patch desu.
I am a female (male)
if ur fosgreen thats a bit ambitious bud
>win 4 games in a row
>know mathematically there is a 94.6% chance of losing the 5th
is there a worse feel?
really? Because I main ww jungle and a Kindred is basically free invade if their team isn't amazing at counter ganking/warding. Kindred fucking rolls over and puts her pussy in the air for WW
no it doesn't, that makes no sense.
pic unrelated, she's just a normal girl (male)
You and me both user, just finished school so i'll be able to invest a bunch of time into the CLIMB!
I know mechanically I'm terrible but people say you can make it to diamond just by having good decision making
thats false actually, it's only like a 75% chance of losing due to probabilistic falloff
And Ima tear up your boy cunt.
I want to cum inside LeBlanc
50/50 either you win 5 in a row or you dont
thats true but you dont have good decision making
>Check WW's page
>Most people running Electrocute
>People maxing Q first
>Going Precision secondary but not taking Alacrity
>Highest winrate page has SORCERY secondary with GATHERING FUCKING STORM
>Highest winrate doesn't even start a Rejuv bead
What in God's fucking name am I looking at???
I'd feel worse about being as stupid about probability and the matchmaking system as you are.
Why does top lane suck so much? Started the game at the end of sesaon 6 and keep seeing people talk about how good it used to be. Just wanna play Riven without getting cucked by everything.
>Thinks he can cum inside LeBlanc
>Thinks she wont just cum inside him
Classic misdirection
How do you feel about the birds?
Top lane sucks so much because people like you exist
All Riven players should hang
I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!
Why are bot game queues instant while real game queues so long
fosgreen you should start with more attainable goals, like perhaps gold. You're correct that you don't need great mechanics to hit diamond, but you do need good fundamentals and good decision making, which you have neither of
Bot games probably don't have MMR.
Tread softly user, for you walk on my dreams
>tfw no Xavier: Renegade Angel champion
>riven player
kill yourself
Whenever there is a teamfight he just walks away, walk away, walk away.
tfw no support to treat right and cuddle with at night
>A study performed by Harvard concluded that Riven mains have the highest IQ out of all League of Legends players with an average IQ of 122. The next highest was Lux players with an average IQ of 120. The lowest was Malphite players with an average IQ of only 68.
isnt it zilean though?
>tfw no support to mercilessly pound and impregnate
>or to bully me and force me to impregnate her
I like either end games.
>People still maxing Q first
"but user it gives you more healing! :^)"
New yordle female when?
>tfw I want to play but none of my support buddies are online
I literally can't play without them. Not being able to talk to your supports feels so bad when using Jhin.
If I'm playing literally any other ADC it's fine since they're braindead and don't require pristine teamwork, but otherwise it sucks.
>Games are now decided by the first 10 minutes
I think I should take a break from this game until riot fix this shit
dumb wojakposter
why are you so frustrated by other people's shit playstyles
do it your way and lead by example
>as a new player spend all (ALL) of my blues on Azir on a whim
>mfw he's fun but I can already tell I'd get my ass kicked outside coop vs ai
How do I RTS effectively in an actual game?
>games are now decided by mechanically superior play instead of having sustain wars and hp stacking
good riddance shitter
>not having your healslut support to use their thick cocks to pound and impregnate you
Thank god. Smart people always win early game, and games ending sooner is amazing.
Amazing lvl 1-2 teamwork snowballs you so fast and hard. I absolutely love it.
the yordle girls are already perfect there's nothing to improve
>Amazing lvl 1-2 teamwork
>Sona goes in and uses her Q and autos the carry with her passive on
>They get chunked
>Rinse and repeat
>no warm and comforting support GF to hug me tightly and make me feel better when I'm down
Why not another perfect yordle girl then?
>implying braindead passive supports require teamwork whatsover
We're talking about big brained Tank supports that CC and can 100-0 with their perfectly positioned ADC.
None of that brainlet poke shit
>mechanically superior
Nice one; you almost got me there.
>run dorans shield + second wind rune in resolve tree
>sona q's now literally heal you
you're welcome shitter, normally people pay 120 dollars for this advice but I'm feeling nice
>Finally able to solo carry games again
Fuck the protect-the-ADC 70-minute-snoozefests of last season.
How is Jinx right now? Haven't played in a month or so.
I'm never comfortable invading pre6 because of lack of escapes, feels too risky. I want to just powerfarm to six then AWOO some shitters.
Best couple!
Alright goys, which one am I buying?
who's the cute girl on the left
She seems a lot weaker in the new patch
citrine so u hav a pile of poo on ur head loll
>Still no Jhin Chromas
How is that acceptable?
uhhhh hello?
You play and get better from experience. What the fuck else do you expect the answer to be?
>3 skins in one single year
you got 3 skins in 1 year, those are your chromas
>be draven
>get hooked
>get a doublekill
ok thanks
>it's been an eternity since Jhin was released
>No chromas yet
Yeah, that's not acceptable.
surprise party for the lulu balloon
Something so that I don't get bullied by my own teammates
I play mid with him, right? What runes? Etc.
>25.5 second CD Lux ult
>reroll Omega Veigar, SKT Jhin and Frost Janna because I don't play them, already sitting on 3k orange essence
>get Nightmare Cho'Gath
God fucking damn it.
Why is thornmail not more like this item?
>active, mediocre passive stats
>literally COUNTERPLAY: the ITEM
>would make LE TANKS not passive return down non-adcs or mages if they fuck up the active
what are some F R E E L O toplaners right now?
Play with all-chat off and, if you need to, mute your teammates if they're being cunts.
Yeah, you take Azir mid. I'm not really sure on the runes that are good for him; assuming you could just copy the Sorcery preset to a new rune page and tweak it until you find a setup you like.
Pantheon with Summon Aeirie and Mana Band.
>tanks are not strong enough already