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Burgot Takeover Edition.

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urgot for ants?

Wow Rengar allows for counterplay I can do so much in 0.1 seconds

You're just a big guy.

xth for my wife Syndra

what champ do i play so that everyone knows that im a princess irl

>new account
>BloodMagicks is my waifu
>name too long

>see all this poppy talk ITT
>tell my friends I'm gonna start playing poppy
>get BTFO for how retarded and a bad pick that would be in all cases
thanks for making me come off as more shit /lolg/

Poppy favourite food is okonomiyaki :3

>am OK with any role, if forced to choose mid

Hi everyone, please make this personality test and tell me who is your main champion.
>Soraka main

this is the best gnar rune page by fucking far

>need 3250 BE to get mastery 6
>currently have 3196
>can use 1 permanent instead if BE
>HAS to be a champion permanent and not a skin permanent
>have to wait to level up to get muh BE or just buy lootboxes to disenchant


I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!

Lux, Janna.

If you are a meta-fag and hate fun, sure.

>bad hitboxes on powerful tools in 2K17
It's probably just that, saving her from him when he tries to thread the needle and should've chased her down and gutted her.


Grinding a new account, but it's mentally hell for the lack of team tactics.

What is the current fastest/best turret chomper in 7.22?
I'm gona take that Nexus solo.

>wahh mommy i played poppy for the first time and sucked at her it must be Veeky Forums's fault

>come back to the game just in time for my boy kassadin to be strong again

Kat Mid
Soraka Support

>tfw finally got Smoke Chroma
I've been avoiding playing my usual picks right now, but that one time in ARAM makes playing more Nami so tempting.



Not as long as her tranny penis


>admitting to being bad enough at the game to not be able to pull a good champ off despite some resistance
Alright champ, enjoy your Bronze 2 promos.

Just got run the fuck down by a Yorick that spammed his fucking ult the literal second he got it all game and just rushed the tower down with it + Demolish.

That does it! I'm gonna go make myself some ramen.


>that sorry is more out of place

bad goat

Yorick. Mori.

>came back to the game just for my entire role by destroyed and teemo & pantheon being meta

Lets continue posting these, it's pretty fun.

Test: bdsmtest.org/
Post results and your main(s).

Me: pic related.
Mains: Varus, Lux, Taric

I mean, he's pretty powerful in most match-ups. You're expected to do well with him or even carry. Also-
>expecting honor
Why do people set themselves up for disappointment? Just play the game and know you did a good job. The honor is a kindness.

t. honor 99% of games and not just friends if they're there
The whine they make when I didn't honor them is amusing too.


retard old runes literally did fucking nothing for poppy but the new runes give her so much out of the box shit thats why she is loved

consider suicide

Are you literally 16?

> why she is loved
But we love Poppy because she is cute, not because of some stupid runes

Transcendence is overrated, you'd get a lot more out of Celerity, the literal best in slot.

lamb is shit and so is wolf! shit!!

It's a nice skin (and chroma) Though I like the april fools skin skin more because it's cute
also the other ones have weird tails
I just want a winter wonder Nami

i loved her before the rework when i could fucking cheese invuln


I loved her when she didnt know jokes

She's not the best tank, but she's certainly not bad by any means. localhost

I'm sure she does real well against jayce and pantheon

Rate my Taric support page.

red pill me on pixel butts is he the new autofilter?

glacial augment is the biggest noob trap in this game rn

who are some good adc for me to learn bot with?

speak for yourself I'm a noob and I don't even have the inspiration tree

Yes, now if you realy like Poppy you can paly her and do well. With old runes some match up was litteraly insta lose, like Darius or Gp, now you can paly around it

>2/138 champs might be bad against her
>this makes her a shit pick no matter what

>go on Riot forums
>shitpost about VladVayne
>upvoted and agreed to to high heaven

I told you noobs it's not just a Veeky Forums ship

Yes, but you can't filter him because he's a cunt
Yeah real fucking funny COMEDIAN

>come back to lego legends
>first game on new account
>some guy is screaming tactics in chat
>he's talking shit to bots after he kills them

>Start off playing Poppy
>Get used to her tankiness
>Try out any other character role
>mfw how fast I die
Numbers are hard.

Lethal tempo is the biggest noob trap in the game

>he doesnt know
get out newfag

How unplayable is this game at high ping? Thinking of making an NA account.

>be top
>be poppy
>enemy GP tries to go for epic plays
>tries and bait me to wall bang him while he stand next to his barrel
>wall bang him
>q his barrel and get my passive shield
>proceed to outdamage him
>lmao as he runs home to base like a little bitch

my bait is irresistable when i need it to be


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



You can manage up to 300 ping with no problems, I'm doing alright in Singapore from Africa.

>When you play a good game of League of Legends where you get a few kills, don't die and put your team ahead
>They steamroll with their advantage because, astonishingly, they aren't retards

Good taste in yordles

ping is the millisecond it take for data to go back and forth. You should be able to play up to 400 ping without noticing.

hows ebola treating ya?

These are the pictures I like, not too lewd or bad.

That's futher south.

She has no winning matchups and is a worse version of maokai

You're not alright tho, you're in africa

Why didnt anyone say anything about yorick? He is so fun wtf

What? I just meant that there was no need for a sorry.


Pixel please.

>give hots one of the league healsluts
>get their new heal mom instead
who says no?

goodbye soraka



we are all entellectuals

Everyone said he was, what are you on about?

I've been yorickposting for like 3 days now

Are there any champ codes out there for free I can redeem to unlock some more champs? Just found out about the tristina one


Alistar and Garen

Poppy support is a good pocket pick my dude, just make sure they got some dashes to fuck with
Poppy royally fucks kalista like nobody's business if you hold your W to the right time

Not to mention

And people that might gank you, like

Poppy's ult is a good pressure tool for keeping the enemy at bay, like when rengar starts ulting you can channel it, and let it go on reduced cooldown if he doesn't jump. If he does you knock his ass away. Poppy's ult is great for objectives as well, you can knock their jungler away at like 2k baron or drag health and it feels great.

It's not the best for every situation and I'm not gonna say it's even strong or anything but when you get rolling you just don't give a fuck and it's really fun to play.


So have they actually posted any progress reports about how they're doing on the Yasuo changes that they said something about? Something about realizing he's no fun to play against. Or was that just PR speak for "maybe if we just say we're doing something people will forget".

>shiteating group of 4 throws the game
Solo norms when?

Is this the worst era to be a zyra main FeelsBadMan

when do you think we're getting another teemo skin?

Azir is next up for a mini-rework, followed by Swain's full update.

why the fuck is the runes page never loading for me???

tfw you have a friend who watches youtube league vids and streamers and he sees a champ pop off in a vid or stream and he immediately claims it's op and plays it and ints and then whines

>Vlad players
>high IQ

top kek

Do you use skinpreview? It's that program that lets you mod in new skins and etc but only you can see them. I mean yeah you have to tolerate an occasional ad in your browser but it's still good and you don't have to manage an orange shard economy.

Also, I wish I had a rarer champion with a rarer skin to demonstrate this but hey. I was going to pick warwick but there's urfwick so

Pops out of no where, demolishes towers in seconds and vanishes.

>mfw don't have a high enough IQ to play Azir

I struggle on 80+ ping

I'm not a fan or hater of either game, but I'd rather keep Soraka.
And I like Alexstrasza more in WoW's rendition.
That suit is also pretty, but pretty lame compared to her default look - why is something dragon related so textureless?
As far as the kits go, I'd be willing to make a swap I suppose. Soraka turning into a demon/divine goat-like being or something centaur-like would be cool

nude skins?

>Skin preview
>When Riot basically gave everyone PBE access

For what purpose



Quite the elaborate entertainer it seems