Can someone explain neoconservatives for me? They're just a bunch of guys who want America to install democracy no matter the human costs to promote American values and have perpetual warfare that keeps Americans moral? Or they just want money to go to the military industrial complex and they get bribed?
Can someone explain neoconservatives for me...
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Probably a mixture of both. Some are probably incredibly naive, others are probably Machiavellian as hell (Killary "We came, We saw, He died" Clinton for example).
i think they secretly want to destroy america. they had been calling for the invasion of iraq since the 90s
They are those who see America's global role as that of enforcer of values and keeper of the peace. It's a way of attempting to maintain superpower status while gradually remodeling the world to fit our style of democratic, fairly free-market capitalism. This would ensure global dominance fairly thoroughly, as nobody would particularly want to challenge America's position of authority on the world stage.
It fails because, surprise of surprises, social values and governments do not arise in a vacuum and not everyone is an American.
war and following "reconstruction" are big business
Neo-Cons are internationalist Paleo-Cons.
>Iraq war = America is destroyed
butthurt trotskyists
Neocons are former leftists who became right wing after Democratic presidents like Johnson and Carter dissappointed them. They were the "angry white men" (that's where the term originates, look it up) of the 70s and 80s and Reagan was their Trump. Which is ironic because then they became the corrupt establishment and the "angry white nen" of today revolt against the neocons.
They're essentially just big business cucks
At the deepest root of neocon thought is based on the democratic peace theory, which is about as close to an empirical law you can get in the social sciences.
That being said, the idea that America should engage in costly wars in order to spread the democratic peace is the dumbest non sequitur anyone ever died for
Neo-Conservatism was born out of immigration socialist Jews. Its a Trotskyite ideology at its core that promotes foreign regime change, deficit liberal spending, and oddly Israel.
Not to to /pol/ levels but the movement is very very Jewish.
You can see Bush's administration was actually very liberal in its spending (medicare part D) and education (no child left behind) while also allowing big business to get away with sketchy shit that allowed 08 recession.
Not conservative in anyway. Just latched on to the Republican party and got into power because W. Bush didn't know who he was appointing to positions of leadership.
I'm glad Trump killed that ideology, seemingly anway.
>appoints bolton
heh, sure showed them
But Mr. Harris, Mr. Trump is still an ignoramus, a bigot, an islamaphobe, a transphobe, a homophobe, an ableist, a misogynist, a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe, a sexual predator, a chauvinist, a rapist, a phoney, a fraud, a militarist, an imperialist, a colonialist, a feudalist, an anti-semite, an authoritarian, a totalitarian, a statist, a dictator, a conman, a clansman, a white nationalist, an ethno-nationalist, a nationalist, a white supremacist, a judeo-christian supremacist, a theocrat, an arabaphobe, a judaiaphobe, a fear-monger, a war-monger, a conspiracy theorist, a capitalist, a chrony capitalist, a corporatist, a genocide advocate, an isolationist, a cis-gendered heteronormative caucasian male privileged patriarch, a fascist, a nazi, a neo-nazi, a bully, and overall a clown, who's now the most powerful clown on earth mind you, and THAT is unacceptable, so stop saying anything positive about him, are you one of his worshippers/followers?
>Not to to /pol/ levels but the movement is very very Jewish.
They are beyond /pol/ levels, every foreign policy the neo-cons promote or make have been for Israeli interests from the Iraq War to the bombing of Syria to encouraging war against Iran. Literally a Jewish subversion of our political process. I swear you people need to get a goddamn clue, these fuckers are costing our nations for their own. This isn't a fucking Nazi meme but a real problem.
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1]The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction."
The two tenants of neo-conservatism are:
>Invade the World
>Invite the World
Neo-cons are in favor of open borders with unlimited immigration. At the same time, they support military adventures overseas that create massive numbers of refugees that need somewhere to go. Nobody knows what their motivation for this is.
>Nobody knows what their motivation for this is
>Nobody knows what their motivation for this is.
>Nobody knows what their motivation for this is.
>Hur dur I'm a trump tard.
Go cry about (((globalists)) somewhere else.
NeoConservatism is. I'll need to make a new post since the real, insider explanation is so long.
The people on believe in the latter.
The followers believe in the former.
No, the differences go deeper. Paleo-conservatism is an actual multifaceted ideology, while neo-conservatism is completely rooted in geopolitics. It has no domestic or social goals, only the advancement of the American state's economic interests.
The only difference between neoconservatives and their Trotskyists origins is that they want to use the U.S. Army as an instrumento of world revolution, instead of the Red Army.
>Nobody knows what their motivation for this is.
Lol, Muh Wall, muh protectionism, muh Coal, muh 18th century.
Stooges that look good for the people and shill big business-friendly policies by dressing them up in a nice little "America" bow
If you want to see the inner workings of a neocon, watch YEB in any debate
Neocons are former Trotskyists. From Trotsky they inherited the idea of internationalism (that their values should be instilled universally). They also inherited the idea of revolution (meaning that violence must be used to attain these goals).
They aren't conservatives in the usual sense of the term, nor are they liberals in the classical sense of the term.
Most importantly, they inherited the idea that the goyim should be enslaved for the benefit of an enlightened Jewish elite.
Yes. But only "temporarily" ;^)
Neoconservatism has its beginnings among conservatives who were not isolationists before ww2, after ww2 this attitude pretty much became the standard until the vietnam war when US interventionism fell out of favor creating the need for a political movement.
Forgot to add to that list that he's obviously a zionist, a zealot, a fanatic, and a gun-lover. Outright temperamentally unfit to be the leader of the world, unpresidential all around in every conceivable capacity.
Oh right, and an establishmentarian. He's a hypocrite. He's gross, he's racist.
They promote manifest destiny as an excuse to further American hegemony basically. Hitler was right. The US is a cultural and military power and installs its values so that it can corrupt and degenerate a nation from the inside
>tfw its pol to point out factionalism and AIPAC now
why did reddit win the Veeky Forums discourse?
How do you manage to be so assblasted even after winning the election?
Lay off the soft drinks kiddo
>Can someone explain neoconservatives for me?
>Can someone explain American politics for me at all?
Survey says: Protection of the Petrodollar.