Did the Soviet Union have class distinctions after the 20s? Was wealth hereditary or entirely determined by merit? How would a Soviet individual rise socially?
How did Soviet leaders justify living in palaces?
Did the Soviet Union have class distinctions after the 20s? Was wealth hereditary or entirely determined by merit? How would a Soviet individual rise socially?
How did Soviet leaders justify living in palaces?
Absolutely, the difference was class and money was determined by family history and loyalty to the regime rather than money. If your uncle was Lenin you were always going to live well but if you were a lowly worker who's grandpappy supported the whites you would be constantly shit on no matter what you as an individual did and could never rise. If you tried to run as a politician there'd be something dug up about how your second cousin twice removed once tore up a propaganda poster and you'd be disparaged forever more because of it.
Ironically the regime that overthrew the hereditary Tsars was more hereditary and classist than ever before.
t. Ivan Kulakovich
'sup Ivan Kulakovich
Nope. It simply could not escape the overwhelming Tsarist traditions of hereditary social status.
Until 1917, most Russian universities would not accept students without direct connection to the nobility.
t. Ivan Kulakovich
t. Ivan Kulakovich
soviet union was state capitalist
Spoke to someone who used to live in the USSR prior to it's collapse, he said it was extremely nepotistic he had a good government job because of his father, he said
Not sure about the USSR but in my country the nomenklatura was basically the new nobility. They and their kids got preferential treatment in everything.
t. nomenklatura kid
t. Ivan Kulakovitch
which one?
Czechia seems to have been comfy af under socialism. Romania and Hungary, less so.
If you got access to Western goods, you either had family in high places or you were serving in fucking Afghanistan. How was this justified? Russia has always been highly corrupt, they've never gotten to experience anything else. Also national pride. As the joke goes:
>old lady is foraging in woods from desperation
>jet fighter does a low pass, she falls into the mud
>she points at it and says "look how strong I am!"
t. Ivan Kulakovich
Was the DDR comfy or is that a reddit meme?
>it's a "the Soviet Union wasn't communism but still a good place to live even though it wasn't communism therefore we should try communism again" episode
is this /leftypol/'s version of "the holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again"?
t. Ivan Kulakovich
stop calling me ivan kulakovich guys its not funny
t. Ivan Kulakovich
That's objectively true though
>USSR peaked at 14.25
>20 years after communism it's 17+
What is this supposed to prove?
t. Ivan Kulakovich
t. Ivan Kulakovich
t. ivan kulakovich
t. Ivan Kulakovich
t. Ivan Kulakovich
t. Ivan Kulakovich