/d2g/ - dota 2 general

Major patch: dota2.com/duelingfates (7.07)
Minor patch: dota2.com/news/updates/34339/ (7.07b)
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
New players (League refugee edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui


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nth for NA shuffle

nth for PUGNA
New ones soon

nth for Traxex is the best waifu

What do you think wisps poo poos smell like LOL!

Fogged is wearing a tinfoil hat

Reminder that dota is shit and the only way to enjoy this game is to make others suffer

who was better - S A D B O Y S EG or TI5 EG?
what I mean is, kick rtz or sumail?

Stop watching Esports.

stop living on welfare

the team is unsavable
artour is washed up and sumail doesnt have any drive

pre TI4 EG was the only good EG

>He isn't watching BeanBoys

Dotards? Explain??????????????


This website is for people aged 18 or over

>he doesnt build soulring on every hero for sustain and some hp

which team will secure Sheever's slot?

>In the table below, you can have a look at the matches played daily in EU West, EU East, and Russia from October 2016 to now. As you can see, there are no noticeable variations prior and before the region lock.
>There is a weird fluctuation in February and March, but probably the system was still being refined.
this shitter doesnt understand that free hats inflate the player count and completely ignores it in his arguments

>he doesn't buy Drums on literally every hero

>tfw jungle isnt meta anymore
>you will never instapick riki after legion or bs are picked and make them ragequit
feels bad

>Tiny Aghs makes him toss himself to the target location if there are no other valid targets nearby


>bad point booster

wheres the fucking new ranked ? im getting sick of valve's shit

I wanna secure Sheever's slot if you know what i'm saying.

will vp or liquid win
i think vp will meme all over liquid and tie it out

Badblink/Badearthshaker Aghs for 4200gold
Seems good

So when's Valve implementing a surrender option

surrendering is for numales like lolplayers

the true dotard way of surrendering is by picking techies

theres a dev post in which they say that they're never going to add that

You can already surrender though. It's just that faggots like you that cry for the surrender option don't want to play with other that think like you.


VP vs Liquid
later, VP vs Navi

>Loda's team losing to singsing

Damn Sheever got THICC

Stop avoiding society by living out in the woods

I wish sing sing could win a TI. Hes just the best. Right /d2g/ Sing is pure /d2g/ hes not reddit at all!

>posts another hypocritical vlog

Hes a brainlet criminal

thats just pitiful desu

>He doesn't build dagon on every hero

If you want to surrender then go on and feed until game is over.

>he doesnt build hand of midas on every hero for sustaining economy


Reminder that Drums are literally superior to Boots in every way.

The next time you think you should buy Boots work towards Drums instead.

99% pasha brewmaster and noone mirana or dk

>people counterpick themselves into Viper, AM and Clinkz
>somehow, miraculously they win the lane against AM
>instead of getting decent items they got fucking Midas

I hate this noobtrap item so fucking much

guess the hero dotards

>he doesn't build midas, magic wand, and ring of aquila on every hero

more like dumbs ahahah

natures prophet

Imagine the smell.


Pit lord


is one of capitalist eyebrows lower than the other or is it just the lightning

I actually can't stop buying tranq + soul ring on almost every hero.
Only hero that they would be bad on would probably be antimage.

its just the downs

>sweat my ass and break my back in a 70 min game as TA where i got countered hard to gain +25mmr
>lose it next game with lich feeding couriers and having 37 deaths

t thanks


viable reported

>tfw no FuTA gf to surprise hug me from behind with a raging erection

what the fuck


>singsing is trilingual

>play as hard as I can
>only one on team doing anything
>enemies all build to counter me
Literally 80% of my games, fun game desu

There is a surrender option though. Surrender enough times and valve will put you in the surrender queue with your fellow surrender bros.



the only correct answer

>People watching some reddit streamer instead of Liquid vs VP

>miracle always dodges mid vs noone
what a pussy

That's so viable it could be fucking standard
Is reddit full of people bitching that people don't stick to a single build on every hero now or something

thank you for reminding me based anime poster
you werent a faggot for once

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

>solo feeding down mid
just like my pubs

>max Dagon cost 7.7k gold
>deals 800 damage

>Meteor hammer costs 2.6k gold
>deals 690 damage
would you mind explaining this dotards

>posting a viable build
That's not how this works

I wanna FUCK Rylai.

Is offlane Clock dead nowadays?










who memed Solo to major MVP?
this guy has to be the worst player on a tier one team
holy fuck hes bad, literally only feeding all game, every game
never above 2k networth

>intstant cast/travel time burst damage vs 3 second channel for a projectile that applies a dot
Gee user this is a tuffie.

>instant cast
>instant burst
game throw hammer:
>have to stand still for 3 seconds
>the enemy has to be retard enough to stand still for 3 seconds

vp are so much fun to watch

hold the fuck up
>core shaker

no but pos4/5 clock is just as effective

vp are the only team that memes like this but still wins sometimes

w8, so if you lay a level 1 mine in the trees, and it is not disturbed for 10 minutes, and you now have level 3 mines. Don't they do level 3 damage then instead of level 1?


>shaker to counter brood
wow this is the power of professional drafting... impressive...

>dark seer and core shaker

>le witty ironic reply XDD

hello reddo

"The damage is based on the current level of Proximity Mines, rather than its level as the mine was placed."

Thanks Dota dev.

their main audience are soyboy manchildren that fight till le end XDD so they wont.


>becomes immortalized not only in dota, but esports in general as le ebin matchfixing man who throws games for 322 dollars
>now plays in one of the strongest teams and wins MVP
Absolute madman


wouldnt soyboy manchildren want the ability to quit at the first sign of a challenge?
sticking with something til the bitter end is a mature response

hello 2k-ka;