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Reminder that FEH is just in the imagination of a small child




Is she a futa? If yes how big?


+HP -Def Dorkass
is he good? I mean, he can activate Infantry Pulse more and I guess a Defense seal could neutralize him


Fucking behave

how does wrath mia compare to ayra?

They haven't mentioned how often this manga this is gonna update did they?

Hopefully it's often, it's just a 4koma(so far)

>wrath mia

Should've rolled more Eldigans on that Ayra banner.


Imagine what sex with Serika and Fjorm would be like. How literally hot and then cold it would be inside their warm and icy pussies.

Make me

8", but she prefers to eat ass than fuck it.

>they're letting us buff mystletainn for all of the people that got Eldigan'd on the Ayra banner

Or what?

Non-NuFE dancers when?

Kill yourself.

So what do you think Fjorm's gimmick is? Her statline and skills looks mediocre as fuck given the recent wave of power-creeping.


>People argued with me that they'll definitely add Micaiah and Leif by the end of the year
>Now the argument has shifted to that they'll definitely be in before the first year anniversary
What's the next deadline going to be when we're still missing both at the start of January?

I've literally burned through all my Dueling Crests because of how boring this drought has been and I still don't have a deathless run

Fuck Bow Lyn

>The first axe user with innate distant counter is a meme character
>comes with inflated BST, min-maxed stats and fantastic skills

Meme magic is real.

Ice Mirror absorbs damage and deals it back to the enemy

You didn't forget about Christmas, right user?

>12 days
How do I manage to not kill myself

She has built in distant counter and her special eats damage and gives it to her

Time to post them:

>Orbs count
>What units are you going to snipe

>All green units

Nice staff unit

Someone mentioned her having two "stances" last thread. It's a good bet, considering the hexagons on her battle portrait


>Nothing because there really isn't anything I super want given my orb count

>using all your duel crests when we're about to get a new currency that can only be found in Arena


Whaling on colorless. Picking green and blue if colorless don't show up.

>blue for Caeda

Siege Mode, based on the trailer and the toggle button on her HUD. Spear Mode and "Throw Fucking Ice Everywhere" Mode.

>not even +10
large dolphin at best

update when

>Bruno not with Surtr and friends

We're getting him soon, then?

His waifufaggotry is so adorable

Do you literally not have a single BLyn counter in your entire roster?

I can see it reflects 40% of incoming dmg with a 4 charge CD. Anything more is way too OP.

>Going Green,Red and maybe colorless.
(completelly evading blue)

>fates was my first FE game and it lead me to play others, like my favourite which is Sacred Stones.
>huge fan of "Cirno" from Touhou
>realy like the ice theme in general
>also have a knack for short haired girls
>my first and only FE waifu was Hinoka
>Fjorm was revealed
Im getting weak. I know that you only should have one waifu, but Fjorm is pushing all the right buttons for me. Send help. Please.

I like this whale.

>have 2 hanas ready to give wew lad to Celica and Bridelia

>no spring lucina


>Picking green and blue if colorless don't show up
You got a deathwish kid?

Green>colourless>Red>Blue desu

>Inb4 a response from him
Anyway, two shit units I don't care about. Off to a good start.

Veronica is a neet with no friends and her brother Bruno buys her dolls

Staves are massively buffed though.
And it kind of looks like she is holding a candlestick. The best staff.

I'd actually be pretty overjoyed if she was.

79 right now. Will have over 100 when the banner hits. I am going to dump them all on blue. Maybe a few green for Spring Camilla and DC fodder.

>all colors but blue

Only if both Green and Colorless don't show up in a session. I want to get Marth's wife.


Is Bride Lyn really not on this banner? I got fucking two Bcordy when trying to roll for her.

When's the update coming out? I need that barracks expansion.

I want a Dorcas

*blocks your path*

>currently none but I'll probably buy some
>green and colourless, probably red for some more merges on my ike and celica

I like Cirno a lot too, which is one of the reasons I supported shanna in the gauntlet because she reminded me of her a lot

>hype as fuck FEH channel
>new heroes are all great with top tier skills
>8% HF3 type thing
If Christmas doesn't blow my balls off I'm gonna be disappointed. Make the focus units like 6% or something, don't have any overlap. Hell, I don't really even care about their viability in the meta, I just want them already.

>he isnt rolling all colors
wish i didnt get baited out of 270 orbs in death blow

Flat as a board!

Blues and Colourless

I want more Fjorm and I NEED that Genny. Also a Bridelia wouldnt hurt since my +DEF/-SPD one sucks major balls.

What are you gonna do, shoot me?

How stupid would it be to roll on the legendary banner just for Hectors for DC and Lyns for SS?

>account is nu as fuck so this will be nice
I plan to pull every color desu. My only 5* is BLyn

>Mia will never excitedly bounce on your dick and make lewd yelps as she tries her best to work up a sweat while holding hands with you and linking her fingers through yours
>Ayra will never sit on your face and grind down while insulting you for being a degenerate who gets off on the smell of her ass
>this will never happen to you at the same time
>you will never drown in myrmidon pussy

What B skill does HHenry want in armor meme teams? QR?

5 min

>there are people who haven't 5*'d Camus yet and have him

Do you hate Distant Counter or something?

I blew +200 on Amelia and didn't get her hopefully I can get Celica and Ayra
Julia's Mom wouldn't be bad either

Green at this point. I just need Papa Hector and I'm going to stop.
Once I get L00t from this banner and Joshua, I won't need to roll for a while unless more Magvel comes out.

Just the way I like it.

Priority for free snipe will be Green=Blue>Red>Colorless.

Wary Fighter

Currently at 17, but will probably have about 20-30 when the banner hits assuming nothing goes wrong.
I really don't give a shit about the contents of the banner. Everything that's on it is shit I either already have or don't want, other than Fjorm, and like hell I'm rolling on a banner for a focus that shares a color with something like 3 other units, Focus Boost be damned.

hec, celica, mommy, hec

I have Oscar and Rein, I'm alright for blue cavs rn

>Feh: I need to start getting ready for the next choose your legends event.

What did they mean by this?

>fight starts with 3 on 3
>right after you see Veronica and Kiran literally nowhere while Sharena/Alfonse/Lev/Loki fight it out
>Ganondork goes Frieza with no fucks given about his subordinates in the direct path of his genkidama
>Not Elsa literally goes Gilgamesh without a care for her allies

Does this mean Sharena and Alfonse are dead? I have a hard time believing they can run away in time given how slow they were.

I need Hector. At least two of him.
If I get Bride Cordelia and Spring Xander too though I will have managed to get all limited units from their events.

8% banner is bait

>And it kind of looks like she is holding a candlestick
looks like a candelabrum to me

Fuck me

>using camus when odin exists

We're gonna vote again and get powercreep units, but at least we'll be able to choose one for free

Habbening on 1 year aniv

He really isnt as bad as people meme him to be. Mine is the worst IV's ever and he does things other units can't do and comes through for me. He tanks Black Luna for me in the arena all day.

With how Dorcas turned out, I wonder how busted ebin sleepy man will be

RD Ike

Seems excessive at 40 speed with a +Spd IV and Fury

>mfw I spend like 150 orbs to get Amelia and I couldnt
>I got pic related instead as 5 star pity breaker
fuck man, i feel you

No, but I love my waifu more.

We're going to get the chance to vote for which units get an alternate form I guess?

Cause I mean I'd vote for an Archer Sakura just to have a Sakura for every non-colour.

>they made a separate upload of it
Interesting. I guess it's understandable but for some reason I wasn't expecting it.