What is this guy known for again?
What is this guy known for again?
Other urls found in this thread:
"Gas the Russians, race war NOW" - Georgy Zhukov
perfecting deep battle.
you can love him or hate him, but he killed a lot of Russians
>deep battle
Literally just Blitzkrieg renamed.
Georgy "I will unite the russian peoples under one graveyard" Zhukov
It added walking on minefields like they arent there to blitzkrieg
Zerg Rush.
inb4 Veeky Forums arrives to claim the Red Army cared for human life.
>zerg rush
hans please.
It's true. Although perhaps Zhukov sent thousands of boys and men to their deaths in endless pointless attacks is perhaps because the soviet army was under equipped and they desperately needed to push the Germans away.
I think in this or another vid it was said that the number of soviet dead in reality was around 1 million. Pretty sad.
zhukov stopped the pointless attacks and commissar shooting bullshit and actually worked out a defense that allowed the soviets to leverage their manpower and material advantage in a war that was supposed to be quick and decisive.
It's a pretty big fucking accomplishment.
Send in the sixtieth wave
Beating Germany
>What is this guy known for again?
Georgy "We have more men than they have bullets" Zhukov
Georgy "off to the next minefield" Zhukov
Georgy "They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'm not supposed to believe in hell, but i do know the road to Moscow is paved with dead Russians." Zhukov
Гeнepaл Жyкoв: «Hy, мы дaли им хopoший иcпyгa, чтo бeжaть ... oднy пocлeднюю вoлнy, и дoм бyдeт нaшим тoвapищи.
Heзaдaчливый Coлдaт: "Ho тoвapищ Жyкoв, вы cкaзaли" пocлeдний paз "в пocлeдний paз!"
Гeнepaл Жyкoв: «Я знaю, я знaю. Этo бyдeт пocлeдний в пocлeдний paз, я клянycь.
Heзaдaчливый Coлдaт: "Hy ... Я пoлaгaю, чтo мы дoлжны пoлyчили эти пять нeмцeв дoвoльнo ycтaвшим ... Хopoшo! Mы дaдим eмy идти!
Гeнepaл Жyкoв: «Хopoшo! Хopoшo! Bы, мyжчины, пpиз Кpacнoй Apмии! Bпepeд, coлдaт! "
Heзaдaчливый Coлдaт: "Зa Poдинy! Зa Cтaлинa! "
- Tpи миллиoнa coлдaт зapядa чepeз мины-пoлeвoм
Гeнepaл Жyкoв: "O чepт! Я зaбыл дaть им винтoвки cнoвa! Hy чтo ж...'
>he used human wave
>It's a pretty big fucking accomplishment.
i fucking lost
>muh human wave tactics
>it was literally hordes of starved russian peasants overrunning brave volkisch defenders as they tried to free mother europa from the bolshevik menace
>I cri everytiem.
>mdw fascists still absolutely anally devastated by their defeat at the hands of the glorious Red Army
>Bы, мyжчины, пpиз Кpacнoй Apмии!
>Я пoлaгaю, чтo мы дoлжны пoлyчили эти пять нeмцeв дoвoльнo ycтaвшим
Please stop using google translate
You don't understand. Zhukov was THE single Russian commander to get it right. The mistake every commander made prior to Zhukov was assuming that Russians were actually human and therefore at least treating the soldiers with some respect. Zhukov realized that Russians are actually brainless automatons whose sole function is to die in battle. By using human wave tactics, Zhukov fufilled all Russians dreams to die, much like how Aragorn used and freed the oath breakers in LoTR: RotK. These Russians would gleefuly fling themselves at the german machineguns and minefields and had a knack for dying in place really inconvenient for the germans.
"Georgi Zhukov, the most brilliant military commander in the Second World War"- Hitler and Nazi Germany, F. McDonough. Cambridge University press (1999) page 94
Used what he had to defeat the enemy and end fascism forever. Saved more people than he killed.
Without him Hitlerism would rule the world and /pol/ edgelords wouldn't have any ideology to be edgy with
If Nazism won out, /pol/ would be a communist enclave
Blitzkrieg never was a named strategy. It was a common-sense followup to German Schwerpunkt tactics.
What's described here in the chart only refers to the breakthrough operation where the enemy is dug in significantly and simply cannot be "driven around". Once the breakthrough was achieved, the tank units would be sent in to destroy the enemy reserves in a series of meeting engagements, at least until another defensive line was encountered.
Germany's major rivers (Weser, Main, Rhine) would serve a similar function to Hitler's defensive lines.
Reading a biography on this man as we speak. Just arrived to him defending Moscow.
He seems cool and stuff.
post more like this with different doctrines
Western Allies put a huge focus on airpower harassing the enemy rear. The Soviets would accomplish the same thing by getting cavalry or preferably tank formations to drive around causing hell. For instance, in Berlin they'd do this:
>shell Germans until they shoot less
>drive a tank platoon with riders into the gap
>they drive as far as they can, no particular destination
>just kill everyone that moves
>repeat indefinitely
>every time the Germans have to send more and more men on wild slav chases
>when the front breaks the main army will relieve surviving detachments and send medals to the next of kin for the ones that didn't
But what about Eowyn?