/twg/ - Total War General

Chadpur the Great edition

Thrones of Britannia stuff:

Mortal Empires hotfix patch notes:

Empire Divided info:

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info

>History information:
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Previous bread


First for fantasy


Medieval 3 when?


Eventually(tm). But there's only so much we can do when it's basically Dresden doing the campaign stuff, me doing units. There isn't the infrastructure in place to pull off DEI stuff because I feel like Attila just has a major manpower shortage.

I am working on taking necessary items from fote and preparing a reskin for Empire Divided. Will be limited to a pure reskin though in addition I'll prob do an optional variant that adds a few units and removes a few egregious ones (like the Roman Gallic Empire chariot/heavy chariot) or transform the sarissa style pikemen given to Romans/Easterners/ect. into something else. But the main project will JUST be a reskin, so I don't have to worry about anything else. At most I'd want to add in later units that might be missing but since CA has an auxilia system in ED it solves a lot of problems in that regard.

For a neat blast from the past, an ancient screenshot of some of the first stuff I ported over (helmets from M&B OSp stuff) and armor/tunics I made for Constnatine. Going to rely on porting over FOTE assets for the ED project since they are higher quality.

warhammer is best!


warhammer is KINO

I wish I had the gem/sweetfx settings I used for it way back because it reminded me of attila a little.

There's a new kid on the block.

Man these captchas are fucking killing me by now.

Hey man, I would already be legit fucking ecstatic if you guys (or just you, idk) were to finish the FOTE unit rosters for the Saxons and whatnot, but I understand that that is a lot of tedious work. Those screens look fantastic by the way.

>always use blobbing to cheese fight you wouldn't be able to win in VH
feel kinda shameful

Was thinking about picking up Attila after sinking a couple hundred hours into Shogun 2 and realizing the lack of unit diversity made things a bit boring.

Could someone explain the food/fertility system to me? I've heard that it becomes difficult to retain a sufficient food supply as the game goes on and soil loses fertility, but does that mean the game legitimately pushes you into an almost no-win situation?
Also, do the build slots return? Having to plan your settlements out from the very beginning was nice.

I definitely will, it's close to being done it's just the last stages. CDIR unit priority, unit abilities, a bunch of tedious fixing with command unit priorities. I realized I never fixed that in the past which is why some factions have 3 general bodyguard options (which fucks up the UI) and why people haven't been able to become unique general bodyguards. Like Aksum was meant to have an elephant bodyguard option.

What should happen in a week or two is one day I go "I need to stop being a lazy faggot and get it done" and then I do it. It's just a bit more fun and easy to convince myself to work with visuals than it is with database stuff.

>corner camp defensive battles and use map limit to cover flank

Speaking in terms of a multiplayer-level of flat balance, campaign bonuses and shit aside: who are the worst faction in the game in terms of what they cost for what they do? I've heard mixed answers from people who play MP

It actually has come to this. Through clever usage of guerilla warfare (the AI fucking threw 1 unit stacks out of the castle that didnt get completely wiped in autoresolve, blocking direct access to the castle and costing a lot of movement points to engage for some reason), the Sicilians have managed to form up a half-decent garrison for their last stand at Palermo.

This is the last non-Roman holdout in Magna Graeca, and both the Norman king and heir are present in the keep.

Meanwhile in Greece, cataphract companies have been added to our first new template army, consisting of
>1 Immortals bodyguard unit (keep the Grimgor references to a minimum)
>4 Mourtatoi
>4-6 Skoutatoi
>4 Skoutatoi Swordsmen
>2-4 Lancer Companies
>2 Cataphract Companies
>1 Palace Guard/Varanguan Guard detachment for use as a heavy Schwerpunkt assault unit.

>It's just a bit more fun and easy to convince myself to work with visuals than it is with database stuff.
Yeah I can imagine. I'm a bit of a lazy faggot myself today, so don't worry about it. Database shit sounds super annoying.

>*Terror routs you*
Nothin' personnel kid.

vampire counts
they literally never win


Just beat the ORK campaign after 198turns, it was harsh, and I originally assumed I was going to get the long campaign done on monday, but after the short campaign everyone declared war on me and I was hit with a -10% faction Income for 10turns. Pic related is my current game of Total WarHam. I've beaten short and long campaigns with:

>Pointy Ears
>Brettonia (was most fun I've had)

Avoided buying WarHammer 2, cause I STILL have yet to complete the short and long campaign of - Beastmen, Chaos, Norsca. Truthfully though, I'm exhausted and I don't have it in me to go through the game 3 more times so soon after having played it. By the time I have rested and get the urge to play again, it'll probably be near summer, so hopefully by that point in time, the summer sale will be around the corner for WarHammer 2 and its DLC. How long does it take you guys to beat a full Campaign on very hard? Did you people complete the entirety of War Hammer 1 and its DLC before buying War Hammer 2? I personally feel very happy and satisfied. I'll see you wonderful people again in the summer. Goodbye for now.


>Decide to be a cheesing cunt
>Beggar Nohammer brings 9 Slayers.
I swear these Stunties are sentient or something.

on my way to fuck ur sabines

Carthago Delenda Est.

nazi romans?

Why does Khazrak need a guy with a whip to drive his chariot if he already has a whip

Don't make sense

They did it boys

I remember when I first did that. Felt so good about myself. Godspeed user.

NORSCA AND ROR WHEN?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Double the whipping
Double the speed

user, I...

the absolute STATE of the undead

Information soon regarding that allegedly. Tomorrow or Friday. Probably not until after empire divided drops though.

is it really cheesing?
I always thought that the point of playing a combat-focused legendary lord was that he can solo entire armies
I mean otherwise, I'd rather have a caster or economy bonus legendary lord



Well, at least the TombKingPosters have calmed down.

>12 Zombies
>The rest are still fodder units
VC are retarded.

Khazrak's whip is a magic whip that amplifies pain, it would kill the horses.

Good thing its not a horse then.

Or you know, whatever pulls Beastmeme chariots. Not horses.

it's not like the ai isn't cheesing like a motherfucker either. especially skaven on vh

Rest in peace. He died doing what he loved: laying siege to Italian cities. The Exarch of Constantinople is the new Emperor, a man who has more of a mind for the administration of empires than military campaigns.

And with that, I bid you a good night, /twg/. Stay comfy. I'll try and keep posting tomorrow if people are still interested by then.

Yeah, I knew someone was going to interrupt me before I could correct that.


Based Greek revenging future debts

I actually find Kroq better offensively (not 1v1, but vs. units) but Tyrion is better for getting everything on him and then dropping magic on it.

>pick any wh2 lord
>tons of different skills to choose from, different specs you can go
>pick kroq
>do you like right clicking on things and winning?

>lol Greeks
Fuck off Gibbon

What's he thinking about

Did you just call the Empire of the Fucking Romans "Greek" you disgusting degenerate, probably German, piece of fucking human garbage?


Interesting factoid I found out while doing a research paper:

Apparently the Romans used lamellar in limited capacities in earlier centuries, stopped using it during the 4th and 5th centuries, and then started using it again right up until the 15th century. I'd love to know why they stopped using it for that period but I guess it's one of those things we'll probably never figure out.

>based in greece
>greek is the official language
>doesn't even have territory in italy

go back to taking turk benis stephanapouloapupoulous

The armies of Charlemagne march northeast into Angria, eager to annihilate their pagan neighbors. But a brutal winter and a failed siege at Buraburg halves their numbers, giving Westphalia the perfect opportunity to strike

Take it easy, tzatziki.

ok, GENIUS, then why is it called the eastern ROMAN empire? Check and fucking mate dude kys

admit it, you're just jealous of their slick gear

I bet you think that the holy roman empire was roman as well, don't you

giv trve roman anna komnene waifu

>click on Phoenix Guard
>no sound

>Constantine moved the Capital to Constantinople 80 years before official East-West Split
>The West, especially Italy was an economic backwater of rich aristocrats and poor proto-serfs
>The East Spoke Greek as a majority Language for hundreds of years before the Romans arrived.
>Latin was rarely spoken outside of governmental functions in the East anyway.
Go suck Norman cock Nigel.

>he unironically supports the emperor

>Reddit spacing

Eastern Roman Empire
>literally the same state as the Roman Empire of the 1st century
>citizens referred to themselves as Romans
>spoke Greek, which the Romans of the early empire referred to "our language" alongside Latin

Holy Roman Emoire
>confederation of various Germanic statelets
>citizens did not call themselves Romans or identify as Romans
>began referring to themselves as "the German nation" after a certain point


>that armor

Not Greek or T*rk, try again Norman.

>malekith in a prime position for early removal
>have to turn around and help the local morons survive bullying by norscan jerks
>malekith blobs like a madman in this shot period of reprieve
>spend an eternity on dark elf removal since then
>little shit begins invading ulthuan while I'm far away shitting up his house
No enemy will set foot on the homeland my ass. Next game no matter who I'm playing as, I'll be creating elf-ear necklaces and sinking the whole damned donut.

But wait, theres more!

>Eastern Roman Empire
>>literally the same state as the Roman Empire of the 1st century

>this is what greek boyfuckers actually believe

> Not reddit spacing at all
> 'Reddit spacing'

I thought you can get banned for posting porn on here.

>I support the Shogunate! Reform bad, Samurai good!

The right frank of the Flankish army surges forth to overwhelm the Saxons. Suddenly, a horde of raiders crests the hill, ambushing the Frankish cavalry with a hail of javelins.

Explain how it isn't

Wungo say east rome has no Pagon god!!! Wungo say east rome Greek rome!!!!!

I sincerely hope that no posters in this thread do such a thing.
Oh fug call the Shinsengumi.

The spacing in between his argument and his reply is Reddit.

It only takes a few volleys to tear the Frankish cavalry to shreds, leaving their right flank utterly unprotected

>doesn't control rome
>calls itself the roman
There is nothing more pathetic than balkan larpers pretending to be roman

Don't make me call the Doge on you fucking losers

>Not knowing that many Roman aristocrats and emperors such as Hadrian were famous boyfuckers.
I pity thee of little knowledge.

why's it when you see armored pals walking around in movies or shit you only hear the clinking of their boots

surely this guy made quite a bit of sound walking around

They had a pretty Sneaking skill.

>Stop! I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna UGGGHHH *Charges you*


>All this fucking Hist posting.

>Constantine switches capital from Rome to Constantinople
>Not even the Western Capital
I supposed by your logic the Papacy is the Roman empire then.

Join us.


No, I can't go back.

>One, two, twittily dee
>Another Fantasyfag hangs from the tree.

What's with this "stern" graveguard unit
it has
>charge defense against all
>tons of health
>90 armor, 50% shield
>completely surrounded, constantly cicle charged by fucking grail knights, it still, literally, by itself, killed 50% of my army
regiments of renown are such fucking retarded bullshit.

what's a mod to remove them from the game?


need a nicky 2 game


>Manfighting with Shock Cavalry
>Takes damage

> When the poorfag thinks his opinion matters

So we're they Roman for the 300 or so years they did control Rome?

>Good night, sweet prince: How to move on from a personal loss.

Infantry crashes against infantry in the center. Saxon axes are sharp but the Franks are stronger and well-armored, nearly breaking through the pagan line

don't worry lad im gonna make a time machine and save him