>parents have 500,000$ in life insurance
>all went to my Chad brother and I only get 500$
Parents have 500,000$ in life insurance
Maybe they are really banking on him dying cause he takes more risks?
Any logic or reason that backs that decision?
You'd just invest all of it into bitbay or something stupid like that, i think your parents made the right decision
chad will carry on the family name
>more concerned about not getting any money than your parents dying
Wonder why they made that decision.
>he's posting on Veeky Forums in response instead of meticulously plotting his brother's downfall and your inheritance
They gave it to the right son
How does (((life insurance))) work i know my parents have had it since i was a wee todler. Do you just get a fat payout
Either your family are jerks or you're a colossal fuck up and they were right to freeze you out.
Since this is Veeky Forums I'm going to assume that actually both conditions are true.
Also, you have my sincerest condolences.
Your brother has a job and a future. You still live under our roof so we'll assume the responsible adult (your brother) can handle things when we're gone
In their will they said they barely gave me money because there lives were perfect until I was born and they had another mouth to feed. No joke
Your parents were cunts, and your brother is a cunt if he doesn't split it with you.
My brother said he would give me 30k. Better than nothing I guess
Sounds good. Just pretend like you're a brokefag except some time in the future you have a for sure 500$ and maybe 30k waiting for you.
invest with that and become so goddamn rich he'll wish he split it fairly with you.
Don't worry OP your parents probably in hell now
family of cunts but there is now way OP is not a cunt as well coming from such stock.
Mfw parents are dirt poor
Getting nothing when they die except a funeral bill
lol thats what you get for being a filthy neet
tell him you spent it all and ask fro more
lol wtf
they're the ones that chose to have another kid
>paying for a funeral
just float them down a river
I'm getting money from my grandmother and my gay uncle who hates everyone when they die. I'm basically the only family member either of them likes.
My parents don't have any money, which is why I turned into the money obsessed piece of shit I am. I'll never understand how they're content to live like fucking peasants.
You should shoot him, if he is not married, as next of kin you'd get the money plus all of his acing a, do it before he makes a will. Don't get caught.
All my family lives forever. The great grand parents were like 101. I'm going to be in my sixties before I get anything
Jesus user
>Chad we need to get life insurance to make sure our sons are looked after once we go.
>Sure thing Stacy, but do you really want user, that fat creep upstairs, to get ideas in his head?
>Good point. I always thought he'd shoot up a school. Let's take him out of it.
>No we can't totally take him out of it. Let's just make his share $500.
>I'm so glad we have our other son instead of that failure.
Either they know you're a fuck up and told your brother to take care of you or they really fucking hate you for some reason. Do you act like an asshole towards your parents?
take a hint and abortys
They're probably in hell. If not, then not the best part in heaven.
You're going to be rich one day. This will help more than it will hurt.
Take him to court. People sue their families all the time for this shit.
user I sincerely hope you do something great with that 30k
Bullshit. In which country are you user? Because in most countries it's forbidden to not divide equally (or almost equally) between legally recognized descendants for no reason.
>"muh I don't love my second son" is not a valid reason
You need to be a hardcore drug addict or to have been physically violent against your family or something to be refused inheritance.
If true, then
>Because in most countries it's forbidden to not divide equally (or almost equally) between legally recognized descendants for no reason.
not in the civilised world. you can write anything into your will in the UK like "my son gets 88 Freddos and the rest of the estate is given to the Dog Shelter" and the son either has to accept it or go to court to try and argue some reasons why it shouldn't stand.
there is no rule in the UK about any division ratios. you can cut anyone out if you are cunty enough.
Damn. That's harsh.
In countries of latin-law (France, Germany, Spain, Italy...) you have a principle of an "hereditary reserve"
It does not exist in the anglo-saxon Common law because muh freedom, I have to be antisocial
Wasn't anglo saxon common law gavelkind based up until FUCKING NORMANS came
I do think even understand why inheritance is a thing. Why should someone's offspring get free money when their parents die? They didn't work for it, so why should they get it? When someone dies, all of their assets should go to the state, minus the funeral costs.
is that what you want for when it happens to you?
you want a helicopter ride?
If that were the case, parents would just gift their children all their belongings just before they die. Imagine losing your house and family business to the government just cause your parents died.
>go to the state