Wagecucking is Meme

Holy heck

I made more in the stock market in 4 days than i did working a wagecuck job. I dont even ride meme stocks; I only have about a 5% consistent return a week.

Im baffled. This just proves anyone working a job is literally just too retarded or a beta to do trading.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=arrow electronics stock

How much money did you invest? Or are you investing on a regular basis. I want to get into but have never wage cucked so I only have 1k in savings.

If real, go ahead and post some screencaps of your portfolio. Explain your big trades, how and why you entered and exited them.

But you're probably just shitposting a fantasy of yours.

That's ok on rare occasions, but in the future don't clutter Veeky Forums with shit bait.

>I made one good trade look how I beat the market!

How to spot babby's first trade

My method is to split your portfolio into two etfs you think youll go up in a day. And to avoid the day trade limit, just sell one half, in your case, $500, and buy the inverse of the other after the rise.

Honestly, this will only make you money, if you already have a large amount. Hence why i got a wagecuck job. but holy heck, im serious that ive made more in the stock market than i have working a week at fast food.

>Y-You can only make 20% a year. M-My daddy told me its a break even game ;_;

Stay mad cucks. I told you, i dont ride meme stocks. I switch between 3x ETFs daily, based on upward trends and news. Some days, i make +$100, others its only +$20, but either way, i haven't gone red in 10 days. I have about 4k to trade with. Do you guys even realize how much of a pattern there is with ETFs. Take UGAZ last week, it went up 5% in the pm, only to go up to 15% in the real market.

>no screenshot
>Some days, i make +$100, others its only +$20, but either way, i haven't gone red in 10 days

Now I understand why no screenshot. You have 500$ in your account and think you made a trade.

isn't that the cutest thing I ever done seen

What do you think of me now, baka?

I told you, i trade with 3x etfs. What do you use? Ive made more this week than my part time job at fast food, which is a fact. Im going to drop another 2k next so i make even bigger gains.

>I t-trade 3x leveraged turds>i-i-i made money this week!

You're pretty impressive. Now watch your money piss away as you continue to pretend to be a trader scalping pennies for the 10% drop risk.

I made more in apple options in one day than you have in your account.

And heres me making $80 betting on DWT, because i could spot the downward trend in crude oil in the morning.

Wow 80$? That's damn impressive for the massive risk you undertook putting all your eggs into one basket. That'd be a shame if you got caught out one time and bagheld hoping to get out from underwater. (like you are right now since you won't post your whole history)

>ETFs are pennies.
Uh, except theyre not? Pennie stocks are only stocks valued under $5. Not even JNUG counts as one. Why does no take ETFs seriously? They are literally the value of future stocks but with 3x volatility. They're only good for short term, but whats wrong with that?
>I made more in apple options in one day than you have in your account.
>Ive been a loyal wagecuck most of my life and betted 90 k on a blue chip stock that went up .5% in one day

Yes, 3x leveraged ETFs are fun. Big swings! Woo!

But guessing four coin flips in a row doesn't make you Warren Buffet. And with as little money as you have, commissions and beta slippage will bleed you out before next semester.

>wannabe trader in charge of reading comprehension

Read it slowly and try again darling.
>pretend to be a trader scalping pennies for the 10% drop risk

Penny is a term used for, you know, pennies. Not just penny stocks.

Like ever hear "picking pennies up from in front of a steamroller"? That's what is talking about.

>wannabe trader in charge of pretending to know what options are
>posts more animepedo pictures and is obviously oblivious to basic premises like stocks vs options and how leverage works with options

Idiots like you are the lifeblood of the market. Commission brokers and ETN managers everywhere thank god for morons like you providing liquidity to "3x leveraged" ETNs

Except not? All of the major losses i had were from trading meme stocks and blue chip stocks. I have no idea why you guys think 3x ETFs are a riskier investment than any other shit in the rgt thread or even blue chip stocks.

You think your blue chips stocks cant take a crap ever? If one major investor even so much as downgrade a stock, its going to drop. This is what happened to Boeing a month ago., and how i lost $90 because of it.

And the shit in rgt threads are worse. Ive CERU and MOSY rec'd in rgt. You think an etf can actually go down 60% in one day? Also, i dont put my eggs into one basket, because i use 50% of my cash to invest in a stock. Meaning, if i have a day where i bet on oil, and oil goes down, i can just buy the inverse and suffer only a 3% lost at most.

Non one can downgrade a commodity except for when something like trump did where he said the dollar was too high. Commodities and ETFs are literally based on how the global market is doing, hence why its easy to detect a trend in the premarket.

>I have no idea why you guys think 3x ETFs are a riskier investment than any other shit in the rgt thread or even blue chip stocks.

You sound like the type of person who deems any stock not $40 and is not giving a dividend is a penny stock. Just curious, what else do you trade besides blue chip stocks?
Uh, okay? Ive lost more betting with blue chip and meme stocks than i ever did with ETFs. But i guess i somehow lost.

read it and weep, queerboy.

>they are not meant to be held longer than a day
I literally told you guys, i dont hold these stocks for more than 24 hours. This is literally what my trading platform is based on. I switch between them. Yes I know what etf decay is.

Anymore questions, baka?

Please trust me on this: Stick to buying Vanguard target date funds. They'll accept any fractional dollars once you meet the $1,000 or $3,000 minimum buy-in.

Then focus on earning and saving more money at your day job. Promotions, degrees, career switches, that kind of thing.

Uhm. Okay?

Except, i monitor the crude oil and natural gas features on investing.com, and ugaz and uwt literally track them exactly? Also, etfs dont track futures, they track commoditie stocks im pretty sure, like jnug.

And again. I told you morons: i dont hold these for more than 24 hours. Why you keep on ignoring this fact?

When did you start trading?

>Oh shit, he really did make money on the stock market, and hes younger than me

This is pathetic.

i literally started trading 2 months ago. I honestly wish i started with a practice account, so i knew what kind of trader i was. I lost most my money buying into meme stocks and blue chip stocks.

No, it's the law of large numbers. Flip the coin enough times and it'll be closer and closer to 50-50.

You'll realize that when you have more than a month's worth of experience. I'm just offering you a shortcut.

How much money do I need to live off day trading? And how can I study this? I'm currently about to go to college for trades, plan to wagecuck for a good 6 years and study stocks during this time

>The law of large numbers

Honestly, once when i get to the point where 1% a day equals a $1000 dollar gain, (trading with 100 k) Im just going to say screw college and job searching, move to japan, and find an asian wife. And lol at all you wagecucks working 10 hours a day for someone else. My parents are already paying college for me, and im not even in college yet!

Yes. You're making a large number of trades. A large number that will grow over time. And you don't have any special insight into anything related to the oil and gas business (else you'd be working there and pulling in enough money not to play penny ante ETFs on Robinhood).

Which means, like I said, you're gonna be broke within 6 months.

>law of large numbers
Awww, whats the matter wage cuck? Youre shilling vanguard funds, yet you believe all stocks will break even? Wouldn't that mean your puny shill stock doesn't work in your logic?
> I'm just offering you a shortcut.
>Im a retard who got -60% in his first year of trading. But that doesnt mean im dumb! It just means stocks are stupid!

No normie. Fuck you and your wagecuck logic. Im not gonna be meme'd anymore.

Aim for making a $1000 a day. Although, a lot of the day traders ive met online only like to make $400 a day.

This is more good than bad. Its fun riding bull traps right before they fall and seeing all the buttmade users on stock twits complain this doesnt make any sense

i think you should invest into a vanhuard account on on monday morning through a financial consultant gambler fagot

How does Vanguard work?

>Awww, whats the matter wage cuck? Youre shilling vanguard funds, yet you believe all stocks will break even? Wouldn't that mean your puny shill stock doesn't work in your logic?

Overall economic growth and return on capital is what makes indexing work. Sorry you don't yet understand that.

>No normie. Fuck you and your wagecuck logic. Im not gonna be meme'd anymore.

Unless you have any special insight or talent, you are just getting meme'd in a new way. I've done fine in stocks, commodities, crypto, and options, but it's clear that you won't.

>Although, a lot of the day traders ive met online only like to make $400 a day.

What is survivorship bias?

The prophet Jack Bogle (Gains Be Upon Him) ensures you get a moderate but stable rate of return over 10+ year timeframes.

Vanguard is literally one of the most retarded things you can do. At most, youll make a 1% gain a year. You know what i dont get, why isn't any of these wagecuck baka shilling dividend stocks. At least these are a better long term investments and compounds and involves some form a research. Vanguard is literally a collection of NYSE stocks that some investor thinks will go up. You might as well go here zacks.com/ABR/best_worst_abr.php?bw=1&ac=5 and invest all your money into the first 10 stocks here.
>Overall economic growth and return on capital is what makes indexing work
Oh yeah, so basically, if the S&P falls, youre fucked, because your too much of a baby to buy an ultra short.


One final thing for the wagecuck poster here shilling vanguard. Fun fact, my mom invested 20 k into a vangaurd fund or some other shit in 1990. NINETY FUCKING NINETY. And guees how much of a return she got back after waiting 30 years? A whole 2 k.

What in your opinion is the best investment? What have you currently done so far?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Vanguard is literally a collection of NYSE stocks that some investor thinks will go up.

That is literally not what it is. There isn't one Vanguard fund and the stocks aren't chosen based on "what some investor thinks will go up".

>Oh yeah, so basically, if the S&P falls, youre fucked

If the S&P falls, it recovers. Even the 50% drop of 2008 was completely made up within a few years. The stock market is not the economy. More importantly, the stock market is not all global financial markets.

>because your too much of a baby to buy an ultra short.

Yes, by god, you figured it out. You know when the market's gonna drop! Just go ultra short!

Wait, you do know when it reaches the bottom right?

>Nope, that wasn't the right time.
>Hmm, hasn't bottomed out yet.
>Yeah, this is a false recovery, I'll keep hanging on to the short.
>Come on! Fucking drop!
>Agghhhh! This market makes no fucking sense.

>One final thing for the wagecuck poster here shilling vanguard. Fun fact, my mom invested 20 k into a vangaurd fund or some other shit in 1990. NINETY FUCKING NINETY. And guees how much of a return she got back after waiting 30 years? A whole 2 k.

I'm sorry your mom didn't get great returns on her all-in-on-bonds-for-30-years play. However by any reasonable account that means she's either well over 100 or a complete moron.

Where do I learn?

Ill never do long term. Especially in an economy where we are due to a recession. BUt if you want to do long term, DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH. Seriously, you need to do an estimate on which companies you think are good for a couple months. This can be based on a new patent or product line.

For instance, FUEL made a 400% return in the last 2 months, because of a partnership with IBM.

AMD did a 600% return in a year because it was shilled all over the place for being in competition with intel.

Find some stock you think are due to grow.

Personally, i think SCON and MU are good long term ones. I also rec reading expert picks from here




Not every stock here is good. A lot of them will fail. But youll be closer to finding a good longterm one.

The wagecuck slave is literally some asshole who doesn't want you study the markets, and instead give all your money to some shills.

>That is literally not what it is. There isn't one Vanguard fund and the stocks aren't chosen based on "what some investor thinks will go up".

Yeah it is. I got a $1000 dollar one two years ago as a birthday present, and only made $34. You get about 20 different funds to choose from, but its literally all the same shit. Its just some specific sector in the NYSE

>If the S&P falls, it recovers. Even the 50% drop of 2008 was completely made up within a few years. The stock market is not the economy. More importantly, the stock market is not all global financial markets.


>Uh, dont make any money for two years, because it will eventually bankrupt!

>Yes, by god, you figured it out. You know when the market's gonna drop! Just go ultra short!

>Wait, you do know when it reaches the bottom right?

Holy fuck, you are getting more and more retarded. YOU CAN STILL SHORT A STOCK WITHOUT PREDICTING THE BOTTOM. It took a year for the 2008 recession to take affect. Im not saying it was a year long drop. But the majority of days, the S&P was falling, and you could make bank by shorting stocks. Why is this is hard to understand? Are you seriously saying no one in the world made money off of shorting stocks? Do you think shorting the S&P is just doomed for failure.

>I'm sorry your mom didn't get great returns on her all-in-on-bonds-for-30-years play.

She never really cared about stocks or money. She just sort of did it for why not. But the point is, she basically did what you're suggesting everyone should do. Youre encouraging people to never learn what makes a stock valuable, but to only give all your money to "insighters" only to get a 10% return in 20 years.

Just fuck off. You are literally annoying me with how much of a beta retard investor you are. I hope you die at your office of a heart attack while your wife rides tyrone, you fucking wagecuck.

>Yeah it is. I got a $1000 dollar one two years ago as a birthday present, and only made $34. You get about 20 different funds to choose from, but its literally all the same shit. Its just some specific sector in the NYSE

You can't even understand the different exchanges or what sector funds are. I'm so glad morons like you throw your money away in the market.

>Holy fuck, you are getting more and more retarded. YOU CAN STILL SHORT A STOCK WITHOUT PREDICTING THE BOTTOM. It took a year for the 2008 recession to take affect. Im not saying it was a year long drop. But the majority of days, the S&P was falling, and you could make bank by shorting stocks. Why is this is hard to understand? Are you seriously saying no one in the world made money off of shorting stocks? Do you think shorting the S&P is just doomed for failure.

Yup, over the long term it is. Because over the long term, the economy grows, technology improves, and companies become more valuable.

I'm sorry you're very triggered about this, but nobody ever knows for sure whether a dip will be 5, 10, or 50% *while it's happening*. Unless you have insights into, say, mortgage bonds being garbage, you're more likely to get crushed than not.

>She never really cared about stocks or money. She just sort of did it for why not. But the point is, she basically did what you're suggesting everyone should do.

If she put $20k into "the market", you know SPY, the S&P 500, it would now be $110k.
Following what Vanguard advises, adding bonds and international exposure, would've gotten her less volatility but only like $80k.

>Just fuck off. You are literally annoying me with how much of a beta retard investor you are. I hope you die at your office of a heart attack while your wife rides tyrone, you fucking wagecuck.

Again, I'm sorry you're getting all emotional over this. Having no self control might be one reason you keep failing at trading.

>You get about 20 different funds to choose from
Um, Vanguard literally has hundred of funds.


>Its just some specific sector in the NYSE
Huh? That's demonstrably wrong. Why would you lie?

>It took a year for the 2008 recession to take affect
The word is "effect" and it took about 3 months.

Honest question: are you the janitorfag? Because I've never seen a less informed investor on this board in the last two years.

I told you fucking moron. I DONT FUCKING LONGTERM. I DO DAY TRADING. How are you this retarded. You're saying during the 2008 recession, you never thought of shorting once, you just let all your funds drop 50% because you knew it would break even? That is mentally ill level bagholding right there.

Im sorry, but you are not an investor. You have no idea what makes a company valuable. You dont know what macd is, what rsi is, what market cap is, or what any of the japanese candle formations are at all. You probably dont even know what quarter earnings are. YOu are just some wagecuck who is too retarded to day trade, and denying the existence of all the day traders that are out there who make 100% returns a year.

>600% gain in a vanguard fun
holy fuck you are literally trolling at this point

>keep failing at trading.

I dont know what to say. Im baffled. I, me, made money off of trading stocks for a week. You, the retard, are saying im losing money. when the proof is right in my gains. How are you this retarded?

The actual recession lasted only a few months. But many of these blue chip stocks, the things you fuckheaded baka are investing in took YEARS to recover. Like i said, literaly mentally ill level bagholding.

Oh yeah, might i mention my gains here

again. I made them with actually researching and risk taking, instead of putting all my money into a vanguard fund, proceed to wage cuck it out.

Why the fuck are you even in my thread at this point? I made money on etfs. I did not lose. You guys literally lost.

I honestly want to know how old you wage cucks are. Im only 18, yet ive had more returns in a week than you guys do in a year. Are you guys like 40 year old virgins who only got to 1st base once? You guys are so beta sounding, i feel like you just sit in the corner of your wage cuck office cursing at God for making you guys too retarded to make big bank.

You should consider suicide if you think "my mom bought S&P in 1990 and made 5%" is truth.

>But many of these blue chip stocks, the things you fuckheaded baka are investing in took YEARS to recover.
Yeah, but like most people I didn't put all my money into the market before the crash and bear the full brunt. I invest as I earn. So when those blue chips were down, I was buying. When they starting rising again, I will still buying. I'm always buying, because I'm not a poorfag -- I have a job and an income.

Children like you don;t even understand "buy and hold" let alone why it beats every other investing strategy on earth. Not an opinion, btw. Proven fact,

Look, you're an idiot. We all know it. The only question is when will you wise up and stop lying about your investments. You can do it now or you can do it in 10 years. You'll be richer if you do it now.

>LARPing on Veeky Forums. Nothing more sad.

>I use zacks to call stocks
>amd is good
>i'll never invest long term
>do some research

Reported, crafty bait you have here.

This is you
>Hey, dont learn how to day trade and triple your money in year, learn what makes a company and stock valuable, or learn how to do risk management.
>What, you wont follow my wagecuck path?
>ok, kys

Why are you wage cucks on biz? Shouldn't you guys come back every 5 years or something? Its not like you guys trade more than 1 time a year.

>i-i made 40$ daytrading and putting all my eggs into 3x leveraged ETNs
>so visibly upset and desperate for human attention you keep bumping your own thread
>my mom made 5% in the S&P holding it for 27 years

Reported for spam.

That literally what the wage cuck did. He had all his money in funds, let the market crash, and said, "Ohhhh, well it will recover"
>proven fact


Are you kidding me? Ive seen countless people on biz with 100% returns in a year. ive seen evidence and pictures from multiple people. There is literal news of people doing this. THis is a job. People CAN do this for a living.

If someone can pick stock winners 8/10 times, they will make a profit. According to your logic, people will only pick good stocks 5/10 times. And thats because you refuse to do research in what makes a stock grow. Again, you dont know what quarter earnings, macd, rsi, or any technical indicator is. Because your autistic mind just cant comprehend how people can beat the market. YOu think everyone fails, because your a retard

>Amd made 600% return in a year
>Stops this month

I said literally here >Not every stock here is good. A lot of them will fail. But youll be closer to finding a good longterm one.

And why are you even replying to this post? I did not mention you here. You are literally so triggered by me encouraging people not to wagecuck, that you are making up lies.

Except i made $150 on 3000k in 4 days. Not $40?

>putting all my eggs into 3x etfs
Again. I made money, and did not lose any. Prove why im wrong.

Remember biz. The wage cucks are saying AMD was a shitty stock that never made any money according to them. I repeat, this chart is not good enough for wage cucks.

>my mom made 5% on the S&P holding it for 27 years

Reported for spam.

>Fun fact, my mom invested 20 k into a vangaurd fund or some other shit in 1990. NINETY FUCKING NINETY. And guees how much of a return she got back after waiting 30 years? A whole 2 k.

Haha alright man.

Reported for spam.

I never even said S&P. I said vanguard fund. WHich is what you wage cucks are shilling

You repeated yourself 3 times. And are getting so desperate to prove im wrong, that your posting a donald trump reaction face.

Also, your reporting me for spam in my own thread. Are you in kindergarten or something? This would be really sad if your above the age of 30 and doing this.

Is anyone seeing this shit? Does this autist not know of id's?

Also, its the truth lol. She put 20 k in a vanguard fun and only made 2 k. This is a fact.

>Except i made $150 on 3000k in 4 days.
That's it? Four days? You do realize that you have at least 40 years to manage your investments. Getting a couple coin flips right isn't going to make you rich unless you do it consistently for years.

So let's see your 5-year returns. Or your 1-year gains. I won't even make fun of you for having so little saved IF you can show a proven track record.

Ball's in your court, snowflake.

>Fun fact, my mom invested 20 k into a vangaurd fund or some other shit in 1990. NINETY FUCKING NINETY. And guees how much of a return she got back after waiting 30 years? A whole 2 k.


Then again I wouldn't be surprised if you're the offspring of someone who managed to make 5% after 30 years in index funds considering your current autism and spamming Veeky Forums to attention.

Reported for spam.

Well said. Here's an even harder redpill to swallow. The stock market is a shitty medium to grow wealth if you're not a millionaire.

Your time is better spent throwing your money in your business, self educating yourself, networking, and reading.

The problem with small retail investors is even if they earn above average returns (I had 46% gains last year), they won't earn much (made maybe 2.2K and wasted hundreds of hours last year reading about and analyzing stocks/markets). It'd be optimistic to say I made $5/hr trading last year.

Even guys like Warren Buffett made a nice sum of money to start through business before they became legendary investors.

Game on wage cuck. I will screencap this thread, and comeback in 5 years to boast my gains.

Gonna get an asian wife and live comfy home job life.

>I don't understand what investing is and can't comprehend the idea of allowing a stock to grow

google.com/#q=arrow electronics stock

Here's one stock people like yourself will never understand the appeal of because you're a mountain dew chugging retard.

>calling others wagecuck all thread as you boast about 80$ gain on putting all your eggs into a 3x leveraged ETN

>my mom made 5% after 30 years in index funds

Alright kiddo.

Reported for spam.

>Your time is better spent throwing your money in your business, self educating yourself, networking, and reading.
Why not both? You do realize that people can be self-employed AND save money for long-term investing ... at the same time, right?

>It'd be optimistic to say I made $5/hr trading last year.
Thanks for proving that active trading is futile and unproductive. If you'd put your money in an index and not spent the time trying to outguess the markets, you'd be much farther ahead.

>Even guys like Warren Buffett made a nice sum of money to start
Warren Buffett does M&A. You do not. Stop comparing yourself or anyone you know to Warren Buffett, moron.

>I will screencap this thread, and comeback in 5 years to boast my gains.
Sounds good. See you in five years.

Mods, you can close this thread now.

indeed. But my wagecuck job literally makes less than i make in a week on stocks. Honestly, my plan is just to go to college for free, major in finance and CS, work a wage cuck job for a few years, then put 100 k into day trading so i can live comfy life. Still got some 10 k im withholding from investing yet. Want to be more consistent first.

But even if you did read a lot on the markets, how can you deny the people who just get flat out lucky. There are people on rgt, who rode htgm cbio with all their portolio, and boom. They already made a 100% return in a year, and would just have to hold it. There are already people who have bult algorithm bots for robinhood, and are making 20% returns a month using them.

Now. im not wreckless enough to go all in on meme stocks. But i think i can do it. I think i can be consitent with this mayn. And im only getting more and more smarter.

>Why not both? You do realize that people can be self-employed AND save money for long-term investing ... at the same time, right?

You're talking to people who pretend to be market makers with their 5k robinhood accounts and don't know how to look through edgar filings. you really expect them to be able to have enough brainpower to work AND pretend to be a trader at the same time?

Here's their life
>work at mcdonalds and save money
>throw it all into meme stocks robinhood bagholder general recommends
>make threads when you have a trade go okay
>never post when you lose money
>when account is below 500$, get back into mcdonalds job and restart cycle

I think Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums culture in general is to blame for this.

>being this buttmad and begging for the thread to close

Why are you even here.
>Thanks for proving that active trading is futile and unproductive.
LITERALLY, ONE FUCKING user. Ive seen countless other people with 100% gains. Ive seen people on biz who have developed strategies of making 5 k a day trading on forex. One guy isn't the end all be all, and it just shows how desperate you are.

Long term investing is literally pointless you morons. Oh boy, a whole 20% return more when im 80 years old. Im sure a great investor!

>And im only getting more and more smarter.

>tfw too intelligent to earn 5% on index funds in 30 years by pissing away my money on day trading 3x leveraged ETNs

>my mom got 5% returns on index funds in 30 years
>all daytraders ever make money and you're lying if you say otherwise

>There are people on rgt
You mean /roleplaying general/? Jesus, you're a gullible cuck.

>how can you deny the people who just get flat out lucky
People win the lottery. Doesn't make it a smart financial investment.

>There are already people who have bult algorithm bots for robinhood, and are making 20% returns a month using them.
Lies. I know you're desperate to believe such things because your situation is shitty, but use your brain.

>more smarter
>more smarter
>more smarter
Jesus, if I was a comedy writer I couldn't do better.

You do realize ETFs are never shilled on rgt and its only meme bio stocks?

Ive talked to multiple people who have gone down 30% in a 2 months of trading, then stuck to their guns, did not give up, and turned around to +10%.

But youre probably going to deny this happens and just proceed to shill long term investing.

You realize you're reported for bumping your own slide thread right?

>Lies. I know you're desperate to believe such things because your situation is shitty, but use your brain.

I say the thread. The user posted his robinhood account. You are literally denying evidence. Except it wasnt even 20%, it was 50%. The thread was posted just 3 weeks ago.

>Jesus, if I was a comedy writer I couldn't do better.
Youre seriously so desperate in winning this argument that youre refering to grammar errors


All you wage cucks. Post your age and salaries now. I want to laugh. Im 18. Post your guy's ages and where you went to college.

Youve literally made 6 posts dedicated to saying my mom making only 5% return in 30 years is false. And youre saying im the spammer. Im literally replying to posts from you retards in a conversation. you guys are just spamming denial.


Age and salary right now. Im guessing you all are 30 and have a 60 k salary at most.

>my mom made 5% in index funds after 30 years

Reported for spam and bumping your own thread.

>you really expect them to be able to have enough brainpower to work AND pretend to be a trader at the same time?
I never said anyone should pretend or try to be a trader. I said the opposite, in fact.

>Here's their life
I get that you're playing the odds here, but not everyone on the board fits that mold. Just be aware....

>Ive seen countless other people with 100% gains.
No you haven't. The only real gains in this thread are the (You)s you're collecting by being a massive troll. Have fun spending those, faggot.

>Post your age and salaries now.
Here's another (You) to boost your gains. And be careful what you wish for ... if I posted my investment account your head would fucking explode.

Right. I forgot to include trust fund babies who are desperate to piss their parent's money away pretending to be like wolf of wall street.

>Here's another (You) to boost your gains. And be careful what you wish for ... if I posted my investment account your head would fucking explode.

Post it you dumb loser. Even if it is a lot. You probably made it all by wagecucking and luck, without actually day trading.

>No you haven't.
lurk biz for 6 months. and youll now the truth, newfriend

Reported for bumping your own thread

Not sure why you have a chip you shoulder. There's quite a few people with good salaries and sound investing philosophies that post here. Granted, they tend to be smart enough not to feed troll threads like this one, but your assumptions are off base.

And for the record, I've never seen even one trust fund kiddie on this board since its formation.

>Even if it is a lot. You probably made it all by wagecucking and luck, without actually day trading
Cope much? It is a lot, and I agree that a good share of it came from "wagecucking" as you call it (salary, actually), and that absolutely none of it came from daytrading.

And yet, I'm rich and you're not. So who's winning?

>Not sure why you have a chip you shoulder.

Because I deserve to.

Ive seen the evidence. People make 200% gains.Not only in stocks, but also daytrading forex, sports gambling, and crypto trading. You can deny it all you want

>Why wagecuck is bad

>youre wasting 12 hours a day at a shitty place you dont want to be
>you get to miss out time being with your wife and helping her raise the kids
>youll never know the fun of having your trading theories proven right on the market, and youll always be relying on someone else

But whatever suits you more. Also, you never said your age.

>People make 200% gains.Not only in stocks, but also daytrading forex, sports gambling, and crypto trading.
Yeah, we're done here. The (You) train has run its course. No one is actually this dumb, and now your troll posts aren't even interesting.

btw, theres one guy on biz who is incapable of wrking because he has fucking brain cancer, but instead of giving up like a bitch (you) he manages to make 300 k a year day trading. Food for thought

Why do you deny this and wont post your age? Ive seen the evidence. Just read the biz archive. deny it all you.

Also, i love how you shut up about how i list the disadvantages of wagecucking. Admit, you hate your life.

I have a question, which are these three etfs you are trading ?


Yeah, people here are literally handed cryptos and money making ideas on a plate but most people who browse biz are still wagecucks.

Deep down most people just want to be told what to do.

Uwt and dwt
Ugaz and dgaz
Jdst and jnug

They also seem to be autistic bitches who defend being baka failures to a core.