the hunter mods better be good edition
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I want Ivara to agility stance on my face.
The event is shit but the bounty reward update is pretty legit
Based gay OP
I miss data miners
I want Nezha to smother me in his dramatically oversized, sloshing balls
>/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
rate this garbage guys. and what riven worth wasting kuvas on to sell or perma use?
updated to add riven checking and riven calcs since people keep asking for those
Argonak one's pretty good. -duration isn't a big deal if you use it on a crit build, and slash crits will still do plenty of damage during the few seconds the enemy is alive, which means -duration isn't a big deal
I'm not a fan of any of the rest, though Akjagara can probably be sold to someone
>get new riven
>it requires me to play solo again
why is a multiplayer game forcing me to play solo?
You can duo with my dick if you want
Next Prime this month or december?
what does it mean when a mod is DAMAGED? certainly the joker doesn't hold influence over mods in warframe right?
nice timing there on the butt
Also the pods don't do shit, they just get attacked by the infested and don't spawn any additional ones and they last almost nothing
means its damaged
essentially sub par versions of the regular mods for new players to tide them over until they get a proper none damaged one
dont bother wasting your endo with those
a lot of my nova screenshots are like that for whatever reason
not all of them
also fucking sleektus
warframe is a free to play game in beta.
the unvault is supposed to be in december, if they do a prime before that it'd kinda have to be this month. They could hold off til january though.
>pick up toxin
>get reward
>3 seconds later get a prompt saying that the next bounty just failed
what did they mean by this??
They're less effective and have fewer ranks than a real mod. It was a dumb idea from DE to give new players shitty versions of essential mods.
The only good thing about them it's they are sometimes less mod energy intensive so you can throw a little something on when you only have 2 energy left.
Checking these for Nova butts.
oh, alright
there's no way to repair them right?
>pick up toxin
>have to go to the other side of the map to mix toxin
I know the grineer are stupid but boy is this beyond retarded
no, just get new ones
That was the idea, use then as a decoy so Mesa can just hold M1 down without moving the mouse.
maybe the use the mixer for something else and its very uncommon for them to use it for toxins which is why they have it so far apart
Is there any way to acquire these without using steambucks?
>stop services
Play console, otherwise git gud at jewing the steam market.
probably january
i swear these assholes better not give me the 75% discount after i haven't logged in because i was waiting for my new gpu to arrive. it's fucking ridiculous how expensive the 1070 is still. what a rip off
Play on console.
>buying GPUs now
>shadows can man turrets
>mfw have to wait till christmas to buy a new GPU
On the note of this image, what's the best Marage mod now? Apparently the 2 augment is rather good, and I more or less become Killer Queen while doing it, while her 1 is no longer as useful as there's almost no real guns for Marage to abuse anymore, and only 2 of her 4 clones even attack now.
they expire way too fast to be of any use
yeah, i know. i don't care though. i'm not waiting a few months. i mostly play f2p and indie shit these days. all the games that actually push hardware are trash
Endo my life.
so, I've been staying in it for a while.
when will this hotfix thing be over? or am I just being fooled?
The 1070 ti seems worth it, at least at recommended price, the standard 1070 was never good value due to currency mining.
what species was the monkey
that's the one i bought. i saw the 1070 ti and just went with it at $460
Does anyone know if Huras' stalk also scales with time as it goes up in rank? The wiki only says it increases with range - but it's wearing off fast as fuck, and apparently is meant to last 2 minutes, and the range only matters for when the dog initially casts it. I haven't leveled Stalk yet as I find defensive mods more important for leveling my kubrow, so it doesn't die randomly
go rank up you lazy dingus
maybe it was just foresight on Heks part. He probably didn't want them in the same area for the Tenno to just smash and grab. I mean we do that anyways but he didn't want us to just easily get it all there.
It's like if you knew you had a team of mercenaries coming after you and you knew they planned on using c4 or some explosive you had on you, would you keep the blasting caps and stuff in the same room as the raw stuff?
Weird to still find the occasional mod, even after 1800 hours. Fucking .03% drop chances.
I just got that the other day. That mod is terribad.
>Got War
So, how does one build this thing? It has both 20% crit and status.
mostly crit, it's too slow and impact focused for status to be stellar.
Keep them. You can't get them again if you lose them.
well it has a guaranteed impact proc on every hit
Still waiting for the custom Vega cards myself.
>people think hydroid is boring
Oh yeah, it's irredeemably terrible. Especially since enemy melee damage is either set to "tickle" or "annihilate" like these fuckos.
They still can randomly one-shot tank frames on bounty 5 difficulty, with the exception of steel fiber + vitality Inaros.
You got fooled.
What you on about, bruv.
I love my current MR
is there trading in this game as in actually trading or just buy and sell?
yeah, people occasionally trade for items of equal value
fuck you
Does anyone have a picture of the Helminth Charger with the Bruja kubrow armor?
>you still don't spawn into a mission with full energy
ive seen people trade gold mods for some trash prime parts
>not using a medium of exchange
what a pleb
I want to see The Lotus get Embered.
I'll buy your Argonak one
ign: elias977
The only way I can fun with him is using tidal wave + heavy melee to sweep enemies around and blender them. puddle and ult just annoy me for some reason.
>being this new
wew lad, are you and related somehow?
which warframe would be Chad?
my bet is on Nidus
>that fucking buldge
>depot/landing area has the raw materials
>field camps all have a mixer
In the context of the grineer grunts all being retarded clones, it's pretty clever to keep the fabrication of your highly volatile chemical weapons away from the main compounds.
complaining about something they should've changed since day 1 makes me new somehow?
>he doens't know
everyone point and laugh at this faggot.
what? zenurik and pizzas? That's not fixing the issue, just a stupid work around
take that barter talk elsewhere and by elsewhere I mean your Yee-Haa! hippie town back on mars.
Wukong, he doesn't even need a potato to turn invincible
What an ugly boy.
>popeye forearms
>doesn't need to build stacks
>only has to push one button
>sets themselves on fire just because they can
>O U C H !
Forma your shit for starters. The more spare points your warframe has, means the more energy you start with in general. If you are sitting here bitching you don't start with enough energy, you're not forma'ing your warframes to have spare points left over, and that's fully on you.
Volt has the biggest cod peace.
I got a 'he doesn't know' for this cop out forum shit
>Built the Astilla finally
>Gun is pretty strong and acts like an exploding rifle
>Decide to look for a riven
>mfw all those prices
Can I get a decent Opticor riven without selling my kidneys?
How much do you guys think I could get for an unrolled Dark Dagger riven with melee damage, crit damage, channel efficiency. Isn't this pretty close to perfect for Fatal Teleport builds?
No, are you kidding? The only stat that matters for daggers is speed.
>carry 3 retards through bounty 5
>fly to hostage while they are still 800m away
>hostage teleports to the player furthest away and then walks to destination point
How the fuck does this even happen?
look for bad unrolled one and gamble.
>Hey this new gun is really good and cool I'm sure the rivens for it are cheap
On top of that shotgun rivens are the rarest, I've got exactly 0 from sorties since they were introduced
how far can frost prime carry me?
>log on
>faggot clanmate messages me begging for platinum
>"give me 57p so i can rush banshee"
>"then give me 30p to rush nekros"
>no. Dont you have a bunch of prime sets and (un)veiled rivens lying around? sell those
>what the fuck, why?
>"because its muh stuff >:("
can anyone else relate to this shit? The retard could have made shittons of platinum off of the rivens and prime sets he has lying around yet he prefers to just leech off of me.
how heavy are you
Is bait necessary for fishing? I'v
e been doing the least fishing I could but I seem to need more now that I hit the bounty standing limits.