RIP Tribunal Edition
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/lolg/ - Lego Legends General
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xth for my wife Syndra
xth for my wife syndra
Get Jinxed is still the best Champion reveal
Jhin comes close though with his Teaser
xth for my wife Syndra
Xth for chef champ when
>can't even shitpost properly
Goodbye, lolg
Syndrafag is annoying but the chucklefuck trying to copy him is worse
Xth for my wife _Kayle
What did he mean by this?
Can we have this as a rammus thread or is that asking too much
>[All] rBAGg10: unlucky game lol
>syndrafag spammers
xth for my wife Syndra
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!
>Trying to copy him
>Implying we aren't just trying to get him so pissed that he stops posting the same shit in every thread
can't do much about it, they are more autismal than I am.
I mean that the faggots hopping on my dick should hang themselves.
How does your leveling loot look like anons?
do you think they'll remove this screen anytime soon?
do you think theyll ever fix this issue without requiring a client restart like the old one?
Shit, im barely 33
>I mean that the faggots hopping on my dick should hang themselves.
We aren't hopping on your dick. No one likes you, you annoying fucking autist. We're trying to get you to stop. Neck yourself, fucking autist.
>all these syndras
Excuse me, cutest grill coming through
The true one
Women can't be dominant it's nature
t. Armchair psychologist
That art is fucking disgusting and horrible, why would you save that.
what happened to the lulufag? Why's the a syndrafag now? Why can't we just not have a waifufag?
Getting on average 800 blue essence per level up. Really miss when I could grind out a mystery champion shard worth of ip in a day.
>one post every thread annoys me
you are the one who should kill himself fucking idiot
>Women can't be dominant
Reminder that anyone who unironically says this has autism
I like syndraposter...
Um proofs???
I'm still waiting for you to bully and dominate me, my goddess.
>one post every thread annoys me
Yes, it does. I cant fucking stand seeing how you literally starve for attention every fucking thread. No one cares about your fucking ''waifu'' you dumb fucking autist.
You said it
You have autism
That's proof
Why would you guys hate Syndrafag? He just post his waifu once per thread and then proceed to discuss about the game.
Lulufags are 1000 times more annoying
I legit couldn't care less about replies, it's you and your friends who are making it worse by spamming the same post I make. The moment you'll realize you can ignore me and stop making it worse it'll be better for everyone. But for now you are too autistic to realize it.
hes right in the sense that the only dominant women are bi or lesbians
dominant straight women do not exist
now do i dodge this or not
Nice ad hominem??
Like um I know I'm perfect sweetie but you dont have to put all the attention on me......
isnt that a digimon
>Too autistic
>Coming from the guy who posts the same dumb shit in every single thread for no purpose
This is your support for today. Say something nice.
Your top 3 played champions tell you that you have to fight one of them to the death in real life. Which one do you choose to fight?
>dominant straight women do not exist
That's incorrect
You need at least be somewhat on the spectrum to enjoy playing this bitch or Janna
Yes I am autistic, but whoever does that is even worse than me for multiple reasons.
>tfw no Angewomon gf
Be my cumdumpster
>Your top 3 played champions tell you that you have to fight one of them to the death in real life.
1148 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
Jarvan IV is a horrible example of misogyny in videogames.
His kit is heavily focused on penetration, with his dragon strike sundering his foes armor and it's ability to 'knock foes up'.
He heavily permeates rape culture, and it isn't just his Dragon Strike that is obviously supporting rape.
His shield 'Golden Aegis' "calls upon the ancient kings of demacia" to protect himself, Jarvan LITERALLY has the patriarchy protect his rapist ways and Jarvan's flag that he stabs into our mother earth is called the "Demacian Standard" so not only does he exemplify horrible overmasculinity with his focus on penetration and patriarchy, but he LITERALLY rapes the earth! and his flag's name implies this is normal for his culture, his RAPE CULTURE.
Not only that, but for his ultimate he rapes the earth so hard that he creates a huge crater, he DESTROYS the mother earth so hard that her vagina becomes a gaping ruined chasm - saying that unless you disfigure your partner during sex you are not a real man.
Which is the bigger wimp? Jhin or Tristana?
Evelynn because i can probably get off to it
Literally where
>steal 1 CS from top laner
>"going afk"
>proceeds to afk a minute in base and goes back to playing
>we end up winning
>check his
>he lost his last 7 ranked games
how can people be this fucking retarded? hes most likely a kid right? no one can be this fucking retarded
after 7 ranked losses in a row, isnt your brain supposed to go "ok im gonna do everything i can to win this next game"?
I want to fuck her face
"literally where" what
Edgy is that you?
I'd fight Illaoi because it'd probably be kinda fun
>dominant straight women do not exist
Literally false
>posting the same ones as last thread
>complaining about things get reposted over and over again
Its almost like you're fresh off of reddit and hate le upbaoting
Literally where do they exist
>>steal 1 CS from top laner
You went top lane just to take CS? Or you failed a gank and took CS? Also by taking that CS did you cause the wave to push? Wave management is really important as a top laner
>resolve + inspiration on urgot
>200 more health than my tank jungler at lvl 1
>second wind + dorans shield
This isnt legal
jarvan has been OP for a long time, if u give him a skin then more people are going to play him. i say fuck jarvan its good he hasnt been getting shit, the only thing he needs is nerfs
I just start with the soraka and lee ones for being the best,then go onto the other ones
>I as a Syndra main should be able to one shot everyone but no one should be able to one shot me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I want Taiga, Smochi, Nagi, Vladfag, Femdomfag and Edgy to sit on my face!
Where does she hide it?
Do these still get made?
These arent funny
ok, todd
Last one was posted a week ago but since the tribunal is dead they come from reddit now
In reality
Wonder what that argie bitch is up to nowadays
>completely irrelevant to the point
Dusted, for the most part.
t. 35 also
Redpill me on Sarah Fortune. Why is she suddenly #2 in botlane even over Teitch?
It's not irrelevant. I'm asking so I know if OP is underplaying what he did. I'd get tilted to if I was on a 7 game losing streak and the jungler came top randomly to fuck up my freeze
Do you take yourself as an example?
Because you'd probably fall apart at the first sight of a real penis and succumb to your inner female desires to be a slave to the man.
It's in your DNA.
I like it.
Ah the maledom intellect
Truly something to behold
how i build graves now, im talking about items.
>Because you'd probably fall apart at the first sight of a real penis and succumb to your inner female desires to be a slave to the man.
if you think this happens in reality you have autism
Loli syndra skin when
It's the preseason, get creative.
get transcendence, jg item+4 cleavers or 5 cleavers
People that go aery on Rakan need to be gassed.
>tfw just realized Faker doesn't win worlds when there is a good worlds song
2014? Didn't win
2015? Won
2016? Won
2017? Didn't win
>Implying a female who browses and shitposts on /lolg/ all day would know of reality.
Go back to writing shitty fanfiction or whatever you failed women do.
Take a lesson from Vladfag and just accept it.
Is Riot going to add more mastery levels in the future? Are there any tweaks incoming for blue essence / champion shards / champion capsules?
Why would he take a lesson from a man?
Why are supports always sluts?
Shut up
eu vgs are up +2
pass: vidya