World of Warcraft General - /wowg/
Good morning /wowg/
>tfw just want someone dominant to ERP with in WoW
anyone ITT?
How do I make gold for a token? New player btw.
We are gonna have a good time
5 for my paladin and 1 for my mage
Depends. Server and preferences?
Show me the cutie femgnomes now
I'm sorry but you're genuinely retarded
Will Blizzard ever return to making good zones like in Vanilla and BC? Why do they put cliffs, ramps, and walls everywhere now? Why can't I just auto walk towards the direction of the quest.The difficulty should be in doing the quest not getting to it.
How do I get people to join my level 1 guild and stay in it?
Which ones are your favorite guys
You only get to pick one
I only erp as femdom, you probably want a male I guess
Have Hunter, Druid, Lock, and DH all capped and mount/challenge acquired. What class should I do next? Must be able to be a troll.
>5 decides.
whatever you say
not an argument
>log in
>didn't get the anniversary achievment
only 1 hour left until the casuals get BTFO by /ourguy/
How was this boomkin immune to my Polymorph?
This makes me want to reroll alliance.
>vanillacucks will try to shitpost the chat
>/ourguy/ will btfo them
6 because the others would make spooning risky
Can't wait for another hour of same artifact appearances and flying questions
what's the best haircolor
there's only 1 correct answer
Since OP "forgot"
General Resources:
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
Image MD5s:
Make sure to update these lists once you start using them and to post these links when a shitposting OP makes the new thread.
As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
what happens in an hour?
To make up for the fact they can't be arsed making expansive impressive landscapes anymore so they make tiny ones that take three hours to cross and ban you form flying over them
>tfw get accepted in raids even without curve
i love warlock privilege
did you watch the zone creation panel at blizzcon? The retards that make the zones literally believe that more time spent making a zone means it's more complex means it's better.
Alliance or horde for classic? I'm a masochist so I'll probably roll horde
Play the AH
Level alts to 110, not only will you make like 10-20k this way you will also be able to start farming garrison missions for effortless money
I stopped playing a couple months after Legion's launch. I want to start playing on a different server/faction.
Is there any "Returning Player" promotion going on right now?
How much are the 100 character token boosts? Should I buy a gold token instead, get myself upgraded heirlooms and buy +300% exp potions and take a little longer to reach cap instead?
fucking tier set taking away faggot
>been a tank main up til 7.3 dropped, tanking heroic raids
>leveling a new character
>can't decide if i wanna play DPS or just go back to tanking again
I'm not sure why this decision is so hard. I think I need to flip a coin.
>healing my glorious compatriots in Warsong Gulch
>3 horde soyboys think they can stop me from performing my duties to the Light
>juke their interrupts and freecast in their ugly mugs as my boys peel me and kill them
>plant my flags and cap the flag, securing another win
How can H*rde even compete?
Human paladin EU, vanilla stuff only
casuals will get btfo by /ourguy/
>retard with the fried brain is a waifufag pedophile
not even remotely surprised
This is your healer for tonights raid
it's classic
>playing horde
Gonna play my hunter so I can jerk it during the raid
if only they didn't make the stupid fucking order hall resources. i always run out then have to quest and it gets tiring when you have 6+ characters so i just let them rot now.
What's the most fun tank?
Now why would you do that?
Dom Fempda reporting in.
>no monk
>been a tank main
>decide to try to play a mage
>already getting annoying with not being able to solo stuff and wait times for groups
>reddit spacing
>still can't defend his shitty flying idea
why would you pick the most boring DPS spec?
I just picked one i thought looked cool. And I wanted to do ranged
>tfw a new player is in your group
not a single heirloom, always lagging a bit behind, not topping the meters, keyboard turning, looking a bit lost
I'm DYING from the cuteness overload, it's so adorable
>mfw he's a bit behind the group and I lifegrip him to us so he can keep up
I wish I wasn't so socially retarded and could offer him help, adding him on battlenet and stuff
>gnomes are kids
Fun? Warrior.
Good? Not warrior.
>hit 40
>pretty much have every combat ability
why are horns so sexy
I know this feeling. Seeing nubs make me d'aww
I'm looking for someone to ERP a FEMALE Draenei for me, I can RP almost anything or anyone for you
anyone interested?
best looking race in wow? IT'S NOT FAIR we get ugly tauren
Announcing Mysts Of Pandaria 2, now with Red Pandaren.
Is /wowg/ majority Horde or Alliance?
Did blizzard carry over any lore from wod to legion? aside from guldan I mean. Are we all just ignoring that shit expansion now?
don't fucking call me that
I'm a well-adjusted human being that hates these abominations like any sane human
majority are femgoats
Does anyone have any experience with that healslut discord?
>tcfw farming Starlight Roses with your gathering skill at rank 3
>Reddit spacing
Forced meme is forced
so does only one dragon of nightmare spawn a day or what
That sounds more emotional than sane, to be honest
Hate like that doesn't do any good to anybody
Why are warriors worse tanks than paladins right now?
no self heal
Didnt the XP buff tokens use to be BOA?
Because Blizzard buffed and made very other tank super interesting to compete with Prot, but then forgot to buff them too. Now they're literally the worst, most basic-bitch spec in game.
Don't care mate
you get a mail on every single character
I don't care that you don't care mate 50 gold a pop with no chance of dust is pretty based
how long till q&a?
Wowg, do i need ALL my class leggos to be able to get leggo tokens or just all of my current spec?
>its been 13 goddamn years
Is mage really boring? Whats a fun dps class?
What race for my warrior? Not sure about Alliance or Horde.
NEVER EVER for existing goats
why are people so excited for the Q&A?
are they revealing expansion/classic or other new stuff?
Orc, Troll, Tauren or Dwarf
Making a character purely for ERPing while leveling up, fucking any random person I come across
What's the best race for this? I already did it with Blood Elf and by the time I was 110 my record for ERP was 164
>attwhore creates new thread without OP only to showcase his autistic undead waifu
Redditards in 4chins were a fucking mistake
>dk with pvp talent that spawns virulent plague slimes crashes the server
fucking amazing
top right one is so fucking hot
I've played enough WoW to meet thousands of trannies and have my opinion of them
Is there a version with the horns sawed off?