Pick your waifu edition
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DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
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Top guns: docs.google.com
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reee 1 post early
>nova deluxe
are you trolling me
Should've been Autistic Sperglords Edition.
Friendly reminder that new players are the cancer of this game and they need to go back to their shithole.
I hope sarg dies of cancer, I really do.
6th for Nezha
>doesn't like Embest skin
>likes Nova deluxe
I think I see the problem here.
very cool
hey dude reply to this post
>literal cowwhorshiper shiteater garbage
Not the same user you're quoting but Nova deluxe is one of the most atrocidus skins ever made for her. If you like that then you really need to check your brain and acquire some taste.
vectis prime is surprising strong and fun
Thanks twitch
>buying tennojew
and yeah it actually is a good deluxe skin because nova and nova p look like hot fucking trash
I hope he nukes his tumblr again
What do they honestly expect me to do against this raptor boss? It just sends out a dozen of these little zappy fuckers that move quickly enough I care barely kill its shield before having to try and jump across the whole map.
best rifle(shotgun)
It's been a while that I haven't seen DAT ASS
What skin is that? and the accesories please, just... for research...
get better mods, you should be killing raptors as soon asthey come out of the chutes so you don't even need to pick up the bombs
>something bad is good because other things are bad
are you autistic
Nova Deluxe is fine, what's your problem? Why do you have to bring it down to insults just because you can't articulate what you personally don't like about it
>Sybaris Prime
Thanks for taking this garbage, m8
Best Waifuframe
>Getting BTFO
>Still thinking nova deluxe is anything but trash
pretty autistic to be unable to grasp the concept of 'better my comparison' my guy
Meta but still fun as fuck
Arguing with low test beta nu-males like you or this guy is pointless.
Is common knowledge that Nova deluxe is disgusting and everyone agrees with that, only people with shit taste and poorfags like it, that's a fact.
>Still thinking nova deluxe is anything but trash
all those posts implied nova deluxe is garbage
nova HAS no decent fashionframe. Shes wearing chunky boot cut jeans. You CANT salvage THAT
she also has no nice helmets, only mediocre ones.
but that's cute
agreed, her helmets are terrible. good deluxe skin though
>boot cut jeans
They will come back in style and then you'll feel ashamed of your words and deeds, user
Of the terrible helmets which is best?
boot cuts are fucking hideous you mud ape
>haven't played since harrow update
>heard about archwing in plains
>get excited
>haha faggot you need a foundry piece from dojo
does it still take THREE(3) fucking days before you can acess the lab buy the blueprints and fuck off?
Is it even worth investing in chroma for eidolon runs knowing full well hes going to be gimped in his role of DPS and most likely reworked into an 'all round ''''''''''''''''''''''better'''''''''''''''''''''''' frame'
favorite focus and why? I need tips on what to choose
no bulli
>good deluxe skin though
>still trying after getting blown the fuck out
Best husbandframe
there's only one good focus and that is zenurik energizing dash
>good deluxe skin though
t. pajet
Yup and there's more!
After you wait days for the clan tech to finish, you can only use archwing by consuming charges! how do you make these charges? Fish oil and plants.
Only 50 charges! and if you run out you gotta make more which takes 30mins.
Oh and every infantry unit as antiair weaponary.
Thanks DE
unfortunately one of the tennojew ones. lamia specifically
and even then its still nova. cant make her not look ugly
Corrosive blast is fun
Sobek a best
such a nice looking gun but sadly so mediocre
not even the most gun gunblade c'mon man
1992 called and it wants you back
my status kween...
burning lead
Anyone has experience using Nezha here?
Does the duration of Blazing Chakram refer to the period I can get health back from the kills?
If I get stretch, does my fire and the explosion from teleport get bigger?
>all these (You)s this post is getting
im just going to claim the best bow in the entire game
heg :-DDD
dude lmao all of us have multiple experiences of using Nezha he is a massive slut
>implying default nova prime isn't the best
>Get melee riven
>It's for the Kronsh Zaw Stike
Fuck Why do I keep getting garbage.
pretty autistic of you to try and win a discussion by backpedalling this hard kiddo
deluxe skin is 100% superior frankly
the awful neck shit somehow makes an already ugly frame worse
looks like shit 0/10 wouldn't use
Heavily considering making it my first potatoed gun
trash gunfu
Which hunter mods should I be aiming for?
none, they're all shit
>Anyone has experience using Nezha here?
only like 75.9% of all the posters here, hes the faggot kid who sucks dicks for free during high school
fire trail doesnt really seem to improve but explosion yes
I have spent the last few days mostly ignoring the event apart getting Fulmination and Snipetron, instead doing void fissure survival and clearing groups with it.
Also someone already claimed the Tigris.
Munitions for Slash.
My first Prime weapon I farmed. Carried me far and I still have it.
she might not look the best but it's stats that really matter
true beauty is inside user
Is time to stop my deat shit taste kiddo.
Everyone in this thread is already shitting on you thanks to your lack of taste, unless you love embarrasing yourself.
get another one and make it an aklex
rerolling rivens is pretty addicting, but is there any obvious way to know that I should stop? Or is it different depending on the weapon? Ive heard multishot is a good stat, what else?
>awful neck shit
So how would you guys go about modding Nidus with this new rage mod? My current build can't fit both in without losing power strength but it seems like it would be better to build with both rage and hunter adrenaline.
needing riven for your rifu is like needing plastic surgery for your waifu
shit what's the name of those statue things again
Nidus doesn't use either of them. You're not building him properly.
I like fixer upers.
it would be a lot better if DE were capable of texturing anything ever
I'm Korean, so I'm used to girls with plastic surgery.
>it's a hatsune nezha episode
Statue of Fertility
2d and plastic surgery do not reside in the same realm.
Unless you are implying 3d and waifu can somehow be related.
>Thought maybe the new hunter mod could stack with rage to give QT some stabilization for oberons "immortal" build
>It does jack shit
Test to see if the mod does anything first. Maybe the mod is bugged and doesn't give energy like it should. Also maybe theres a cap on heath to energy.
>2d and plastic surgery don't exist
You are wrong.
add the mods that give energy spent as shields too
you'd at least die slower