My penny stock lost 50% in one week after a good Q1 report, should I dump it and live with the loose or just hold it (invested 2k bucks 4 months ago)
My penny stock lost 50% in one week after a good Q1 report...
>"investing" in fake companies with unlimited share counts
Wait so you mean an unaudited financial (which is worthless) for an unregulated company (authorized share count infinity and can be expanded at any time) went down? wow, it's almost as if penny stocks are fake companies and "earnings reports" don't change the flow of dilution.
Stop pretending to be a trader dude.
it's called
So hold or sell?
seriously, shitcoins are a better place to put your money than dime a dozen OTC scams with literally unlimited share counts
atleast with altcoins you can find out a) the amount in existence and b) the rate of inflation with simple research. that NEVER works with penny stocks because hurrdurr guess what they all are dilution machines
if you can afford it: double your shares for half the price.
that's called throwing good money after bad.
>buy high
>sell low
Thanks mate. Way to go.
I know you're stuck on rookie mistakes 101, but I'll help you by telling you that you're a moron and to stop talking like you know a thing about value oriented investing
How long have you held it?
4 months
You buy another 2k right now so you average down this way.
Drops again? You do the same.
That of course requires that it is at least a stock that will not go to zero.
yeah, about that.
also HOW long will you wait? HOW long before it comes up if ever?
if you know your thesis is incorrect, you have to get out IF you need the money
if you can wait then just wait
user ain't playing blackjack m8
How about telling us more about the specific company, user? Penny stocks are a risky gamble, but maybe some other anons can help you out more if they know more about the prospects of the company?
This: I myself am holding onto a pharmaceutical penny company even though it's down 20% from where I bought it.
Why? Because its one of the only groups doing research on a certain technology that is going to be worth a shit ton in the future, and so far its the few company with plans to commercialize it. So I'm willing to swallow temporary pain.
>Lose money
>realized if I just put in more money, the percentage lost feels smaller
>Now I'm all in on a shitty company
He doesn't say it was OTC.
"Penny stock" can also mean a listed company under $5/share.
It's not OTC, right?
If it was OTC you never should've bought it in the first place.
This is what I was about. Which market? Which products in the pipeline? Which regulations? It all comes down to this. If your company, for example, gets a medical breakthrough, stocks will skyrocket.
Also I'd suggest you tell us how much your stake is in relation to your total capital, OP, so we can further assess if you're a dumbass or not.
What's the ticker?
No point in keeping it secret since you want the price to go up.
Sorry, keeping it close to the chest. I'd rather it stay low until they deliver results.
It's not like it's going to pump if you mention it in a thread on Veeky Forums.
>my stock will do really well if no one hears of it
Its USRM, I'd bet a dollar on it
What stock is it? I cant tell you to hold or sell if I don't know the company.
You don't lose money if you don't sell.