perfection edition
perfection edition
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for my wife Syndra
>inb4 le funneh doppelgangers
How do we solve the support slut problem?
This thread I approve of.
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
>tfw no qt petite gf
Now that the client isn't just adobe air with a ton of open folders is it still possible to replace assets in the game?
Don't go around creating artificial problems user.
Here's a new Kayn fanart to bring joy to your beautiful heart, Kaynanon.
1148 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
Would you help Sona pay for her bras?
They are really expensive
Like it or not, this is what top quality pairing looks like
Cute yordles doing cute things.
>tfw no Guts champion
Is Jinx also petite down there?
>I'm so funny look at me guys
did qt deleted the video where he is at twitchon fucking with some ants?
I wanted to take a picture of a certain moment of that video
>season 8
>still no pellar champion
would somebody puh-LEASE explain this horseshite to me?
>>I'm so funny look at me guys
Shy yordel
Especially down there
>le brainlet meme
>>>I'm so funny look at me guys
>end of season: gold I
>preseason: platinum III
It's fucking ridiculous that I'm left with gold border just because I didn't have the time to play enough games although my mmr was the whole time at plat
>first game all lanes feed
>second game all lanes feed
>third game doesn't give me LP
>4th game have a Jhin running it down mid
worst part is I promised myself I wouldn't get mad at league today
What is the purpose of this post?
are syndrafags more autistic than lulufags
aren't at least 50% of champions homeless here?
>wanted to buy the Khazix vs. Rengar poster from the Riot store
>it's gone and so are all the other posters
Anyone know what happened or if they're ever going to make more of them?
>he's still going
i thought the original lore was that they were all homeless because they had to live at the summoner's institute or wherever the fuck
What the fuck is with this new client? I've been logging in for literally over 30 minutes. It just keeps loading and loading.
Bless you for my new wallpaper
Yes, lulufags at least don't force ooc shit
>4th game have a Jhin running it down mid
i shouldn't be surprised SAfags have shit taste but i somehow am
>Everything about this image
Pretty much. The old lore was really straightforward and silly compared to epic tragic backstories on everyone, although it ironically made more sense than it does now on WHY the champions are all in an arena. Maokai was a fucking tree that came to life on TT and was pissed, the end. Now he's some sorrowful nature spirit from the Shadow Isles out to save the world and restore it from evil death magic.
Do people just jealous of nb3 making money on people effortlessly?
Sweet jesus.
english please
I'm looking to get back into playing top lane trying to climb to plat this season. I saw this ICU post on Reddit about climbing and he said to main a simple champion and play them a lot until you understand all their matchups and learn how to manage waves and all that good stuff. Does anyone have any recommendations for a simple top laner? I used to play tryndamere to climb but don't really like him anymore. Was thinking about Maokai but I feel like he's due for heavy nerfs
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Have you already tried out the mini-DLC's from the Creation Club? I heard they're amazing!
Do you like teamfighting or braindead splitpushing
if you want to count an autist spamming the same post waifufags do as an actual waifufag because he is triggered that his thread isn't how he would like it, then yeah.
I love you Kaynfag, have a cute chibi
Some Tristana as well.
Fill in the blank: Gas all ____ mains.
I prefer teamfighting
>NA is STILL down
billion dollar company
harpy champ WHEN
[character i dont play]
that is so messy wtf man
>our karthus is 6-0 at 20 minutes
>has 200 cs
>literally does nothing with his gigantic lead, just keeps farming and pressing R
I bet he stroked his penis for having the most damage at the end of the game, despite losing us the game.
The champ you last played now also has the passive of the champ you played before them. How retarded are they now?
>Sion with Teemo's passive
What's the best setup for Nasus right now?
I really dislike Grasp against non tanks top lane, and the new Stormraiders is dogshit.
Cute drawing.
I'm not sure he's the one who lost you the game, lad.
>attacking enemies reduces the cooldown of his ult
>Rammus instadeletes my towers
>just Qs away
Can't you do something with the lead he gave you?
Does jinx have strong vaginal muscles?
>Twitch with Jinx passive
Oh my
>having the most damage
>losing us the game
Cassiopeia with Anivia egg. Snakes do come from eggs.
>Tristana with Kayle's passive
>jinx having vaginal muscles
>Cho'gath with Vlad passive.
>Stop using meteor
>Use Aery
>Damage goes way up
Is Zyra back or is this keystone just that retarded or both?!
>21 results found
that's not even that bad, my dude. try literally any "xth for [waifu]" or swimming in lulu
>garen builds duskblade
>wins the game
sure is FUCKING FUN playing against a fucker running 300mph deleting people and just presses W to ignore everything you throw at him
>Zed with Kha'zix passive
Let's do it
When do I get a support gf.
Yes, as discussed in an earlier thread she makes up for her inability to leglock you (due to her skinny legs) with very strong muscles that are capable of holding you inside her
He hasn't given us a lead yet. You have to do something after you are farmed or the gold is wasted. He didnt roam bot or top once, he never helped me clear wards or set up drakes. He didnt even get first tower in mid.
but umm
garen can't build those items
riot says he is a juggernaut and those are not juggernaut items
>swimming in lulu
>that post on the 9th without an image
he's slipping
jinx has a roastie