Who was Rosa?
Who was Rosa?
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A Jew
An Angel
To what extend is the modern image of Rosa the real one and to which extend is it one crafted by different socialists to make her more appealing to them whenever or not she actually would have supported them?
Proof of Jewish aims
It's really just most useful to see her as someone who made compelling contemporary arguments against bolshevism, because most people equate bolshevism and socialism.
who keeps making these crap threads about this criminal woman
If all Jews shared Rosa's vision, the world would be a much brighter place
Thats funny m8, I'm sure THIS was the one Jewish marxist that wouldn't have been a despot.
This has been debunked already, and yes Rosa was at the head of the leadership. Her preeminence among Marxists, even this thread and the awareness of her proves it.
Probably the single most self-actualized woman to ever live.
It's completely accurate.
>haha you stoopid nazis dont have any evidence proving that communism has ever happened
>Here are several cited sources showing that the leadership of this given Communist uprising was compromised solely with a single exception of people who were ethnically Jewish
>b-b-b-but that's just fakes made by the regime that defeated them!
Just like all of the """""""""Evidence""""""""" for the Holocaust, right?
Karl Liebknecht was the real nigga behind it all, but this bish gets all the fame.
>Zetkin isn't a Jewish name
>durr who is Eugene Levine and Paul Levi
Not even wasting time on the rest, fuck off /nationalistjew/.
Levi isn't a Jewish name
I've some uneducated posts but this one wins for today.
You're either trolling or meant Zetkin because Levi is pretty much the most Jewish name in existence.
Only one Jewish Marxist has ever run a country, actually. Kaganovich was named as a possible Stalin successor, but Stalin wasn't a fan of Jews so it didn't happen.
No, having one Jewish grandfather doesn't make Lenin a Jew.
>Bela Ku
>Joe Slovo
>inb4 you say Mandela
He was merely a puppet, you can't have a communist Jew running South Africa as the face of leadership while screaming muh apartheid.
I'd even include Golda Meir for good measure.
When u pick grain
>people hate on Rosa for being of Jewish descent because they can't critique her theory
Every. Damn. Time.
Probably you are talking about nuclear explosions.
A fucking jew
To be fair, there have been plenty of critiques of her theory, but they're almost all from leftists.
I kinda wonder why it seems right-wingers can't into genuine ideological critique. The strongest criticisms of left-wing movements are one and all from other leftists.
>needing to be critiqued
Because they play the same game as the liberals they enjoy bitching about.
But instead of the question being: "who is most privileged" they ask: "who is the whitest"
>thinking the holocaust never happened
now who's denying evidence?
It's mostly because we don't care. Reality refutes leftism well enough. Why should we read tomes of Marxist literature just to criticize it when we can just look at Venezuela, point and laugh?
Except reality really doesn't. Civil rights, labour laws, and business regulation have all worked out pretty well. There are a bunch of leftist policies that have worked out extremely well and mixed economies are at this point fucking standard.
Also I'd wager it's because on the whole, the right tends to be anti-intellectual. You wont see intellectual movements such as post-structuralism taking off among the right, and so you wont see them taking the time to criticize the fundamental underpinnings of other ideologies.
Intellectuals are leftist not because they are smarter, they are leftists because they want larger bureaucracies that can employ them and their likes.
not sure how that guy is profiting from their fight. idk, maybe he just likes to cuddle his money while watching a good show
nazis should have finished em off
Jesus Christ.
>Civil Rights
They're merely a method of forcing the majority to bow to the minority under the guise of altruism.
>labour laws
would've come about without marxism just as the Magna Carta or the Constitution.
>the right tends to be anti-intellectual
The left tends to desire to create an autocracy ruled by self serving, self-styled intellectuals who never fit into the working class whom they claim to champion in one breath but curse in the next.
>See all these things capitalism gave us?
>Well they're actually the result of a theory that doesn't require empirical evidence to demonstrate it's validity!
>They're merely a method of forcing the majority to bow to the minority under the guise of altruism
That kind of depends on the civil rights in question.
I'd actually be willing to say that repealing the Alien and Sedition acts advanced civil rights without doing this.
K. I'm sure every leftist thinker, even the ones that were poor as shit motherfuckers that gave up positions of affluence because of their ideas just wanted bigger bureaucracies to pay them.
A dumb woman who thought they could have another october revolution in berlin and instead ended up in a frozen river like raputin.
>They're merely a method of forcing the majority to bow to the minority under the guise of altruism.
I'm sure you're very oppressed.
>would've come about without marxism just as the Magna Carta or the Constitution.
I never claimed it was Marxism that gave us those. They came about in large part due to agitation from left wing groups and labour unions.
>see all these things that we now have due to left-wing agitation and movements?
The oppression exists within the reduced ability to self-govern and self-determine, both through legalism and culture of of criticism and self-censorship due to the unspoken threat of retribution. A nation where 30 million invading, non-citizen lawbreakers take advantage of the economy, housing market, and public services but nothing can be done due to "civil rights". Sovereignty has taken a backseat to special interests.
user, it's like 14 million.
But yeah, people conflating their political opinions with civil rights is total cancer.
>ACLU takes out full page ad threatening Donald Trump if he implements torture
>they immediately fuck it up by claiming that mass deportations is unconstitutional
Like, if you think illegals shouldn't be deported, there are plenty of good cases to be made.
But just calling everybody racist isn't one of them.
It's because right wingers and left wingers want fundamentally different futures.
To the right, an egalitarian society is aimless and chaotic. To the left, a tightly ordered society is authoritarian and evil.
He's not profiting so much as not being guillotined
Venezuela is falling apart because of capitalism you mongoloid. Its entire economy is based on the oil market.
>you need to be capitalist to sell oil
How precisely do you think the USSR came to an end.
>muh venuzeula
This is bait
14 million too many user. The Republic of Texas was founded by immigrants trickling in and rejecting the government's mandate. The Mexican military at the time was top tier. Trust me, nothing good will come of this blind eye we turn toward the immigration crisis.
Yes, that's exactly what anarchists want
Fucking retard
She was based.
I read her and she's basically what I think about Bolshevism. Pro-Russian Revolution but skeptical about vanguardism's implications for personal freedom and the direction of the revolution.
She is "real communism has never been tried" incarnate
Well the real problem was that Texas was isolated from the interior of central Mexico (northern Mexico has always been underdeveloped, and back then it was basically natives and bandits) so there was less govt control and the soldiers in Mexico were very far from home.
Angrls aren't ugly
Venezuela's entire economy is falling apart because their retarded socialist policies, which as they were being implemented were supported by the entire Latin American intelligentsia, completely killed the non-oil part of the economy.
old jewish hag
>when we can just look at Venezuela, point and laugh?
>country that makes money off trading oil in a capitalist system falls apart the moment that oil prices go down.
State control isn't socialism, though. Socialism is worker ownership.
And Venezuela isn't even state control. It's mostly private.