Year 1 Edition.
Year 1 Edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop playing hunter
But I like not having crutches
Post screenshots.
But i like stoping all other supers
nova bomb is better at shutting down supers than tether
And GG is better than that
im legit considering deleting my hunter and making another titan
its actually not if you think about it
>power level 271
>gear still comes in at 265
You said it got better after 270.
oh no
it gets worse
>play titan
>having fun being a titan
>play hunter
>suddenly cant go back to any other class cause the movespeed game too good
>using class with the worst nades
why handicap yourself
but i dont have any screenshots
>said no one ever
Nobody said that. It only gets worse. Hopefully you weren't dumb enough to cash in your milestones already because that's the only way you climb.
Does anyone want to play some crucible? No one on the clan seems to want to
Did user ever deliver on that Female Awoken Warlock drawing?
can i get to lvl 25 without the dlc?
Because I'm good enough to
>mfw i forgot to save the muscular femtitan in crucible armor drawing that got posted
I'd really appreciate if someone could post it.
and there you go. The reason why Iron Banner isn't level dependent anymore.
I got you senpai.
I miss my titan. Why is there no shader in D2 that gives me a silvery white and polished green armor? And where's my armamentarium?
>good enough
>needs a super that one shots people across map
night stalker has better nades and doesn't need a crutch super
Is there any shader that will make a jacket look like brown leather?
Thanks, man.
>a super that rewards accuracy
>vs a super that's broken with exotic pants
hows it feel to be a exploit abusing cucboi Akari?
>where's my armamentarium?
I miss that too my dude
spamming grenades was fun, specially with the sunbreaker class
>calling it an exploit
I wish Sentinel had kept SPike Grenades instead of Voidwall grenades. People always underestimated how much damage spikes dealt and how fast they did that.
It is you piece of shit.
>thinking people use Orpheus Rig in crucible
SO What is the best hunter subclass for the raid? Is Nightstalker even viable for Calus?
>starts with a capital letter but doesn't use commas
>supports exploits
kill yourself, loser.
>nobody to raid with
just sit in guided raid queue for an hour
>check gameplay footage from bungie event
>pulse grenades not nerfed
We're gonna make it Titan bros
I hope they buff sunbreaker. I just want to hit a motherfucker with a hammer.
You speak true?
if you legitimately think using Orpheus Rig in PvP gives you any sort of benefit you might be certifiably retarded
to get a full super back with it you need to tether 8+ enemies (half if they are all yellow bars)
that will never happen in this games PvP
even if you tethered 2 people thats only about 25% of a super which doesn't matter anymore since they shortened the games score limits meaning you will get 1 super 90% of the time
>muh racist armor design
Yeah instead it has crutch invisibility to go with its crutch sword
>Hopefully you weren't dumb enough to cash in your milestones already because that's the only way you climb.
what do you mean by this? turn them in before the reset? if so, how come?
KEK logo
>he thinks quality of enemy tethered matters in D2
you're right tho, rig in pvp is awful at best
kill your self scum
please post one single example of someone actually calling the armor design itself racist.
What would happen if I mixed my semen into a bunch of Radiolaria?
It was a "racist" symbol on the armor, so there was a racist design on the armor, therefore the armor has a racist design.
>those vex augmented guns
New element confirmed?
So you dont have even one example of the thing you're crying about, ok. Thank you anyways.
Ask Ashy Rick.
You'll get the Asher treatment and they'll put their radiolaria in you.
No, I mean in English that is a proper way to express what was wrong with the armor.
So I thought you meant that the armor design was in no way racist but only the symbol was, and I was saying that the way he expressed it was correct.
Also please learn to use Google.
so in the story of destiny 2, is the player character a special snowflake and the only or one of the few remaining guardians? if so, why couldnt the player character simply tell others of how he got his light back, so others could attempt it?
Cool, I always wanted to be a robot.
>one of the few remaining guardians?
Everyone has their light back at the end of the game anyway. This has been flat out stated and confirmed in the stream.
Reminder that even without their best player Alpha Team is still top 10
uhhh hey Guardian! You’re special super marvel character - Bungie Writing Staff
Until you save the day of course and everyone gets their light back
No, why would you think that.
Give me some good thematic songs for playing different subclasses.
Gunslinger for example:
Yes, good goy- I mean Guardian...
Trust the Traveler...
you still didnt answer his question my man
all those posts were created after they removed it
I was wondering this myself, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be the to guardians what master chief is to Spartans. THE guardian
It seems like the traveler specifically picks you and only you.
So do the guardians even get their light back at the end of the story? Like is Cayde/Ikora/Vuvuzela just a normie now?
and dubshit actually thought he was competition? Lol
Everyone got it back
>Strike Titan in super
>3min in
Do your own internet research and follow the leads user!
It's like a fun game but the only thing you win is more time not contemplating your own mortality.
I'm gonna help you out and highlight some shit here. Juts check Twitter.
Stop being a fag and go back.
Because your character is canonically mute now.
>tfw week 4 on PC and still not 305
>tfw powerful engrams left to get still
>tfw no nightfall queue
>tfw inactive clan but it's made up of some real-life friends
>tfw have to rely on Flahspoint, Crucu and Clan EXP next week
>tfw will never get my needed slot item
>tfw when Osiris drops it doesn't even matter anyway
why bother logging in even?
Make some new friends user, it doesn't matter which discord is the real one, just choose one and promise lewds for carrys.
>notice the lore for a sparrow mentions sparrow racing
>"dammit that's perfect, why isn't that in the game"
>it was in the game
>but only for a month
I would literally buy a sparrow racing DLC
Oh they’ll be selling it to you just wait
It came back for another month and then for good in custom games during the age of triumph. Here's hoping they make it stick around in D2 (They won't).
Shhh... don't let Bungie know.
Ghost of Christmas Past here to beg:
Is there anyone here that can get on PS4 D1 and help with final Outbreak Prime step? I go to the app and all I can get are thick accents who haven't even started the damn quest. Need a Titan and a Warlock. You may have your way with me afterwards.
>far left skew it into being synonymous with neo nazism
>KEK on armor
>social lead is in the MUH TOXIC GAYMURS crowd
How do people learn of stuff like the upcoming double EXP weekend? I've read nothing about this ingame, learned about it through R*ddit
man, are you two illiterate ???
who's alpha team's best player
There are zero well documented cases of someone going "I'M SUPER BUTTHURT BY THIS MEME" over the gauntlets. Is that what you're looking for?
Someone sent word in to Bungle that it looks like the Kekistan flag, now associated with nazis thanks to the far left media, and Bingo removed the design. What part of this do you not understand? How on earth this doesn't equate to ">muh racist armor design" is fucking beyond me, God damn.
Is the PS4 Clan still active. I would like to do the raids
Oh shit, he's loaded for bear and has specialist ammunition for all occasions!
What do you do if you did your weeklys. Playing on PC so the game's rather fresh for me but I already feel that I've done everything. last couple of days I intensively grinded exotics to get them orpheus rigs but after a dozen radar knuckleheads I just gave up. now I don't feel like playing anymore til reset 2bh and then it's only to hope for a slot on my last 304 slot, which will never come I know it
>team instantly scatters on supremacy
Instant GG
>far left skew it into being synonymous with neo nazism
its literally the nazi battle flag
are you retarded?