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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/
Cute space lady
>Spec isn't supported by Hekili
Dropped lmao
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
How many centuries do you think it will take to fuck all those skeleton futas?
imagine being so desperate for a waifu you'd actually waifu a sjw pandering mary sue
How can hordecucks ever compete?
>asks for draenei thread
>gets one
I just got into legion, god damn shame i missed most of it because life got in the way. I turned 110 and collected all the pillars through questing each zone. Then i immediately got sent to suramar only to immediately go to broken shore before finishing anything in suramar, and now they want me to go to argus right after finishing the first broken shore scenario.
How should i do the quests/zones in to experience them in chronological order? Feeling a bit overhelmed here
Raiding isn't fucking difficult. Why do we pretend it is?
back to reddo, hiveminder
This is my waifu fag, don't ever reply to me again
Guys, shhh. Post yetis.
there's a difference between "hard" and "bothersome"
>Oh you don't want to use my correct pronouns?
>Expect a visit from Lady Sylvanas' Deathstalkers.
This is the Horde come BfA expansion.
>all those hornless skulls
Blizzard laziness, or ancient Chinese conspiracy?
a shit
>Former Death Knight
Figures that a tranny would be a lorelet.
I did this body swap shit back in WOTLK when my character went from a night elf warrior to a human DK. I'll sue these fuckers for copyright infringement.
pick one, only one
is there any way i can see what's on an inactive character? such as backpack, gold or equipment
i remember this was possible a few years ago through the armory but i can't find that anymore
>correct pronouns
but he is using them, it's a literal male body and he asks for male pronouns
The leveling zones can be done in any order
Then comes the suramar storyline
Then comes the broken shore and tomb (weakest part of the expac desu)
Then comes Argus and the burning throne as the finale
With a minor storyline in silithus as a wrap up to the expansion
>Not having over a thousand days /played spread across your account
>"There will be one appearance per armor type per zone"
Bros ... what's going on? Why is Blizzard reducing art assets all over the expansion? Even tier bonuses are gone too ...
There's a fairly high chance my girlfriend is cucking me when I'm staying in to raid while she's out. I think I'll have to either break with her or the game.
>try doing a +9 brh
>see people with 930 ilvl so think it'll be fine
>everyone fucking dies to the first boss aoe
>900k max dps on trash and sub 600k on bosses
>healer is just fucking around letting grievous stacking
Why do I even bother tanking in this game?
>pass by silithus and ahn'qiraj getting to shaman quest
Fuckk I walked in the raid and it looked so cool, what did I miss? Started in 08 and never did any of that stuff
dying game
how cute that you keep track of the amount of days you've thrown away
So I play on Blackrock and its usually low-medium pop but today its full pop? What the fuck happened?
>Almost completely destroyed the Horde's fleet as they were heading to Lordaeron but got cucked by dragons out of nowhere at the last second
>Wanted to execute every last orc on the planet for the future safety of Azeroth but got overruled by that pansy Terenas
>lost his son to the orcish menace and was betrayed by his degenerate racemixing daughter
>in the end, was proven right about orcs needing to be made extinct
Say something nice about this man. He had a hard life.
yooo what gun did you use?
Go in and solo it. Duh.
>art assets
>tier bonuses
It was the same in legion.
He'll now be avenged properly.
They said there'll be more sets actually
I literally couldn't care less about someone wanting to be a tranny fashionista but
>former death knight
Drives me up the fucking wall, that's NOT HOW IT WORKS
Where are my Project60™ bros at? I can't wait to play with /ourguys/ like Swifty™, Towelliee™ and KungenTV™!
What about those special snowfalke ones that say they're still alive somehow? They do this just for erp btw
>an armful and chestful of self-harm scars
>sex transition scars
>no scars from actual warfare
I feel the need to continue to harp on this. A necromancer that walked through and saw that shit would probably defile their robes. Can you imagine the happy necromancy lego funtimes a skelemancer could have with that pile? It would be like a kid going out and rolling around in the snow, but with bones.
that's 6 armor sets per armor class
that's actually a lot more than usual, especially once you include re-colors...
you're probably one of the retards that can't count or do math that thought legion had less weapons overall too
The plebbest of tastes
Are you literally retardet? There will be an UNIQUE set for: plate, leather, cloth and mail. So only 4 sets in TOTAL.
>the only transition where they can actually pass off as their target gender
>inferior to MtF
wew lad
>keep bidding and getting outbid on BMAH over some stupid pet
>put in a stupidly high bid
>retard outbids me without even looking at the price
enjoy your pet worth 5k at lv 25 in AH for 30k lmao
Do you even know what the word plebeian means
you mean so that they can have erections?
>class with blood magic
>but I'm totally not undead, I have the functioning heart and tubes and stuff
they're just unimaginative niggers is what
Fucking poorfag cuck. It's not about getting something for the right price. It's about cucking soyboys like you and BTFOing you in an all out public auction.
Something something fell energy something something cant be resurrected.
>Half the thread filtered already.
>american /wowg/
Is this a mod?
Don't reply to me ever again, you filthy casual. I bet you've never even bottomed for a qt girl.
Why didn't we just destroy the dark portal from our side during WoD?
Death Knights get hungry, right? Or is that not a thing?
I know they're cold to the touch and they're kind of a mess compared to everyone else.
please respond
>proud of wasting your money
Waste implies I get nothing in return. I do. I get the satisfaction of cucking you out of a win.
yur a cheeky cunt ill give u that. made you use 1 percent of my power
Yeah, they don't need food or rest.
because they have agents on our side of the portal (remember UBRS?) and can just make another portal to warp in somewhere else
Hungry to cause pain and death maybe
filler expansion
Is it considered cheating if you find your significant other "rping" with someone else in the game?
Do explain.
I'm pretty much convinced that these RP guilds listed on the MG forum are all shit, how terrible would a /wowg/ RP guild be? Does it even stand a chance or would it quickly get ruined by autists and trannies?
Wild Combatant's Rifle, costs 5 Legacy Marks
actually it's 100% patrician
more women need to learn what being a man is like, then they wouldn't persecute us so much
>wrapping doesn't work on this year's Package
Bottom left is good. But Draenei are for fags
>ERP with someone
>Also ERP with their S/O
yo guys seriously where is it
think it was remote auction house or something. i can't find it anywhere now
wow rp in general is shit. /wowg/ would be adding a thicker layer to the shit cake.
>rogue naxx helm is up
>30 mins from bid ending at 2 am
>push it up to 15k
>some retard just insta bids every time
>push it up to 89k (all my gold at the time)
>retard bids 90k and wins
>helm reappears the next day
>get it for default 10k bid
feels good
Excellent choice.
That gauntlet thing is sick and you guys are just jealous of this person's creativity.
>FtM are more passing than MtF
Bullshit, and don't give me examples of manly shemales, most FtM are to girly and have to settle for "boyish". All the telling signs like adams apples and finger length are still there just in reverse, and if you go full transition you get that horrible playdoh cock.
I guess its only slightly worse than the fuax-gina though.
dickgirls are best imo on the crazy tree if that's your thing.
Becoming a death knight canonically involves being rewired into a killing machine that literally feeds on pain or they go into withdrawl and get attacked by monsters from the shasow realm
It's a one way street user.
Get the fuck out faggot
Oh I know. I just run into these lorelets on MG all the time.
is that art based on a certain character
>having a gaping wound that needs to be re-opened daily is better than a playdoh cock
How do each of the races feel about being a DK?
I originally made a femnelf DK, so I must imagine that she hates herself more than most DKs.
I'd imagine draenei feel awful when they lose their connection to the Light. Dwarves don't seem to notice too much. They're always numb from drinking anyway.