No wewuz memes, please
Favorite black people in history
Paul Robeson
Katherine Johnson, just look at this intelligent black woman.
My melanin enriched brother
Cool choice
Lawrence Dennis, premier theorist of American Fascism and (probable) major influence on William Appleman Williams
OP's dad
This is a spicy meme but Joseph Boulogne is one of my favorite concerto composers.
Seriously, the "people" who fetishize Africa solely for fetishizing them disgust me. No, you're not showing you're "progressive", it's akin to say "look, these monkeys aren't savages after all!"
But my favourite black guy of any historical significance was James Kabarebe, for his ebin role in the second Congo war.
>In a bold move, Rwandan soldiers under the command of James Kabarebe hijacked three planes and flew them to the government base of Kitona on the Atlantic coast.[17] The planes landed in the middle of the Kitona base, but the motley collection of troops there (ex-FAZ, but also Angolan UNITA elements and former Lissouba militiamen from Brazzaville) were in poor condition and in no condition to fight unless given food and weapons.[18] They were quickly won over to the Rwandan side. More towns in the east and around Kitona fell in rapid succession as the combined RCD, Rwandan and rebel soldiers overwhelmed government forces amid a flurry of ineffectual diplomatic efforts by various African nations. By 13 August, less than two weeks after the revolt began, rebels held the Inga hydroelectric station that provided power to Kinshasa as well as the port of Matadi through which most of Kinshasa's food passed. The diamond center of Kisangani fell into rebel hands on 23 August and forces advancing from the east had begun to threaten Kinshasa by late August. Uganda, while retaining joint support of the RCD with Rwanda, also created a rebel group that it supported exclusively, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC).
Thomas Sankara.
Made Burkina Faso great again until he was murdered in a coup. He was a commie but he was a good man, wanted to help instead of plundering the country.
Papa Doc Duvalier
Was he the retarded one who went to meet rebels and got killed or am I thinking of Liberia?
Rec me some Boulogne famalam
Haile Selassie, Jomo Kenyatta, NĀ“Krumah
Pic related wasn't too good of a president, but is a total /b/ro and doesn't deserve any of the extreme vitriol thrown his way.
Yeah. Then France had him killed and has had a dictator that favored their plundering for decades since.
Edward James Roye he was the first non-mulatto president who sought to overthrow the mixed race elite who sought thr white life of the south in Africa and create a Liberian nation that brought together Americos and Mande inland.
Dumbass took out a loan he couldn't pay though and the mulattos always hated him for wanting nothing to do with the US.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin- Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
He was mixed race, apparently he is 1/4th because both his parents had the same African grandfather.
Sir James Douglas first Govenor of British Columbia
Angela Davis, Shirley Chisholm, Eartha Kitt, Assata Shakur, Marcus Garvey, Nina Simone
He had an interesting life.
>Rape baby in the carribian
>raised like nobility but not really given inhertience
>Make living by writing bitchin music
>Duel trannies at Versaille
>Go on sick nasty adventures in Haiti with Lamothe and escape the revolution barely
His Imperial Majesty of course
This is real nice desu
Jesus Christ
What a fucking Legend
Was about to post this. Man was based.
Fuck off porky
>this is considered black in America
>this Marxist dictator would SURELY turn out good if he wasn't killed, unlike EVERY SINGLE OTHER Marxist dictator who held unto power
When will this meme die? Want a good African leader? Look out Seretse Khama. But then, he wasn't a Marxist and he actually cooperated with the people who were "plundering his country", so he can't fit your narrative.
Anne Frank
That was the Liberian dictator going to meet the Nigerian peacekeepers.
Kanye West
He definitely deserves some of the shit, but nothing more than most presidents would. At the end of the day, his whole term was just mostly unremarkable. Possibly due to clashes with Congress, but still.
It worked because Tswana people were the only major nation, they sat on gold, Copper, coal and diamonds and he basically sold out to Debeers. Meanwhile most households are food insecure, HIV is rampant and most are poor as fucj with limited international power even in the region of southern Africa.
The double great grandfather is an even more interesting figure desu
Frantz Fanon
The Goat of Goats
The king of kings
We wuz furerz
I know it's bland but, this. I'm black and reading his auto biography in highschool made me think there's no excuse for black people today. Hard work, dedication, and a little help goes a long way. During fucking slavery he was able to make a great man of himself.
>No Scipio Africanus in this thread
Am I really on Veeky Forums
he literally ordered the summary execution of American citizens.
>control+f hannibal
>0 results
Malik Agar for obvious reasons
The funny guys!
not that I disagree but he was pretty lucky for a slave
He actually seems like a really cool guy
Jean Jacques Dessalines
They were terrorists. Next you'll tell me that the police aren't justified in killing people who are about to detonate a bomb and kill hundreds.
Juan de Pareja, a slave Velasquez inherited, freed and employed as an assistant. Mixed his colors. Also a painter in his own right, although I don't know how large his body of work is.
>travelled to Mecca
>handed out thousands of pounds of Gold and Salt in Egypt
>caused inflation still felt today in Egypt
This nigga created the welfare state before it was cool
One drop rule
I know he technically isn't allowed on this board because of the 25 year rule but I really admire Barrack Obama.
Fredrick Douglass was pretty cool I guess.
Ralph Ellison is another favorite
>This nigga created the welfare state before it was cool
I guess its genetic after all
Probably one of the most competent political players ever to come out of the Caribbean
>you will never assault the Vatican wielding a lasso with your nigga Garibaldi in 1848
why live
Mansa Musa, Muslim King of the Empire of Mali
Yeah, I agree. As a black man I feel we should just embrace out heritage for what it is, history should be as objective as possible and should be about studying without this need to "keep up with the Jones's" jealousy. It's like when people say X culture is better than Y culture. It might be true when you look at it through certain perspectives but that is not the point.
>no Idi Amin
it's like you don't want to challenge the guerrillas that are about to depose you to a boxing match
Ayyy, my great grandfather worked in his administration.
I've got some books about him laying around that I should get to.
I found his discussion of race very intellectual and fair. I also like that he realized the economic problems that did and would face black people, he did not blindly focus on race like some people. If he were around today he would not approve of BLM, he was one for action but it was always thought out and clear.
I am kidding, I like how he wasn't a megalomaniac like other royalty of the time and he denied his attributed godliness in favor of christianity.
I think its implied we are talking about sub-saharan africans.
>taking art history cause art requirement
>professor is an artfag, very clearly not a historian
>get to roman art and culture
>mentions severus dynasty
>THIS is the history they won't show you >:)
>thinks everyone named Africanus was black
>spends half an hour of our 3hr (she lets us out in 2) class talking about Trump
>can't maintain a conversation that goes outside the book at all unless it's about artshit
>slows down every time we come across some interesting but insignificant woman that managed to make his-story
>blasts through Julius Caeser in no time
>john green video at the end of every lecture
Why is this allowed?
because its what (((they))) want
The Anglos?
oh sorry normie, the jews
He only wanted good for his country, too bad he drank the socialist kool aid and fucked up his country.
People are thinking of canonizing him.
Also this.
Alexandre Dumas
Whoa cool, what did he do? How did the coup affect things?
Would Ghana have been better off if it stuck with the Eastern Bloc?
Posts like this are embarrassing. Are you underage or just new?
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc.
le /pol/ meme request
Mbaye Diagne
Really activates my almonds.
I've heard that Montezuma and Mansa Musa are the same person. It's interesting because Mansa did infact send imperial voyages to South America even before his journey to Mecca.
Someone should check me on that though.
>Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.
>Blahyi now claims he would regularly sacrifice a victim before battle, saying, "Usually it was a small child, someone whose fresh blood would satisfy the devil."
>"So, before leading my troops into battle, we would get drunk and drugged up, sacrifice a local teenager, drink the blood, then strip down to our shoes and go into battle wearing colorful wigs and carrying imaginary purses we'd looted from civilians. We'd slaughter anyone we saw, chop their heads off and use them as soccer balls. We were nude, fearless, drunk yet strategic. We killed hundreds of people--so many I lost count."
>We were nude, fearless, drunk yet strategic
Words to live by.
Malcolm X.
But for memes' sake, Marcus Garvey.
Freeway Rick Ross also seems like a really good guy.
It's so strange, the further back you go the more African-American writers you find who're just urging people to conduct themselves properly and get on with it. I remember reading Zora Neale Hurston's anthropological work - she basically decided that the slavery blame-game was pointless, since everyone (including African tribes) were in on it. She then decides that 'fuck it, you are what you want to be'. We're all bags of stardust, I think the metaphor went
>"For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!"
Man, the British really did a good decision in allying with him against the French.
>Marcus Garvey
If I didn't know you were posting him just to annoy me i'd write a really long angry post about why you should be shot in the back of the head.
came here to post this
Mansa Musa, king of Mali and one of the richest people in history
>the richest people in history
Too easy
he also caused gold inflation in egypt that is still felt today
>richest man throughout history
>wanted to bring grand architectural buildings and educational centres to his Empire and sub-saharan Africa in general
>could hire any engineer and architect throughout the muslim world
>this was his magnum opus
>a fucking sand castle
He really knew how to give /pol/tards today the ammunition they needed to ridicule the proud black man.