Cryptoboard petition

Can we petition to have a board created just for cryptocurrency just so it can filter away some of the nonsense from here? This used to be an interesting place to come through, but lately, people who aren't interested in your shills have to go through several pages to find something remotely interesting. Seems like you faggots post enough to warrant your own thread.

Not thread - BOARD

Just get the fuck out nocoinz faggot. This is our board.

Also, buy Monacoin.

Daily reminder that Veeky Forums is dedicated to the discussion of blockchain and cryptocurrency related topics, anything else is tolerated on OUR behalf.

If you want to cry try /r9k/ or /lbqt/

Nocoinz faggot is making a lot more money than you are with your shills. This is just a bunch of noise. Also, why wouldn't you want your own board?

Oh really? Says who? This board existed long before your cryptofaggots got involved. Re-presenting the question: why wouldn't you want your own board to discuss?

Jesus christ how stupid you can be. This board was literally created just for crypto but was given broader name. Same is with fit which is health and fitness but you rarely will find anything related to health or healthy lifestyle, except maybe some cheap ticket to snap city

>>triggered this easily

Stay mad no gainz

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Cryptocurrencies being mentioned in parentheses _hardly_ counts for "this board was literally created just for crypto"

God you guys are more retarded than I thought.

What's the problem OP? We're just trying to spread the word of crypto.

>This board existed long before your cryptofaggots got involved.

Thats bullshit you newfag. This board was created specifically because /g/ and /pol/ were crying about the bitcoin threads. Please kill yourself

Whats everyone here holding anyway? XCP looking good for take off.

Hah I'm the newfag? So they were tired of bitcoin threads and decided to create a new board called Business & Finance for cryptocurrency. Even if that were true(which it isn't), that was a huge misstep. I've been on Veeky Forums since 2005, but nice try.

you can pretty much filter out the shit you don't wanna read

i have over 100 filters for various boards

i was thinking of starting some filters for Veeky Forums actually


Finally some sense. How exactly are you filtering them out?

If people were interested in things besides crypto, then there would be more threads about those topics.

As it is, most other threads are idiots who are scared to do anything at all. Tell me how to get started in... affiliate marketing... drop shipping... stocks... forex... real estate

It's a bunch of idiots who haven't even started. Then it's a bunch of LARPers responding. Who wants to hear from them?

settings -> filters & post hiding

>tfw 33 threads already hidden

feels good man

I don't disagree with that, but there are some good ones and the crypto shill posts drown those out. That's all I'm talking about. There's so much shit in here that I can't even find a decent thread without wading through a bunch of "to the moon" crypto nonsense. It's ridiculous. I can understand why so many people who responded to this are butthurt. I don't see why they shouldn't have their own space. If they're not running a shill and having legitimate conversations, it would only be beneficial to them. Someone comes onto Veeky Forums for the first time and sees a distinct cryptocurrency board vs a general finance/business board, that's a better relevant driver of traffic.

This board was created as a crypto containment board.

I say we should have a wagecuck containment board so all the depressing shit people post about their jobs can be removed from here.

They could have a thread every Friday about how much of their paychecks went into their 401k.

Wouldn't disagree with having a wagecuck board on its own either. The board is too broad and takes in all the wrong people.

That drives into another thing the board posts:
>Note: Veeky Forums is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in.

Nearly 100%(if not actually 100%) of crypto posts are promotional/soliciting. "Hey guys, why aren't you investing in faggotcoin?"

Wow, I have not seen such mental gymnastics since trump election. This board was, is and will be dedicated to crypto and all other topics will be allowed because of flavour not because it's contribute something significant to board.

Stay retro grandpa

I'll listen when you can write in proper grammar. I could just barely parse your post, but thanks for trying!

>I'll listen when you can write
wew lad


relax uleh

Oh, I'm quite relaxed, thank you. I'm just confused by your response. Care to explain?

here i'll simplify it for you

Yes, please correct my grammar. This will validate your post and opinion, plus will make me look like silly goose :)

I thought that's what you were referring to, but was trying to assume you had a little more intelligence. One of the definitions of "listen" is "To pay attention; heed", and doesn't require it to be physically auditory. I hope I simplified that enough for you. As in, I can read what he said, and not listen.

wew lad

I know it's tough out there.

The grammar was just a gate. Even having processed what you were trying to say, it was already covered here
You've contributed nothing. Try again?

You're posting on it senpai.