Why do the literally billions of human beings in extreme poverty just passively allow an elite few to horde the vast majority of the world's resources for themselves?
Why do the literally billions of human beings in extreme poverty just passively allow an elite few to horde the vast...
Because they're dumb.
The reactionaries are thoroughly brainwashed
The capitalist class has them focused on fighting things like immigration and minorities instead
Because they benefit from and/or survive by the same system that made the elite few so wealthy.
The change or destroy this system would compromise their own well-being as well, it's usually not worth it to risk everything transitioning to an unproven system.
Because they never apply themselves and work hard. Literally the only reason. There is no other possible explanation. Surely they have all made a conscious decision to stay poor.
>thing i dont like is immoral
top kek
It would have to be a billion homeless people with only thirty or forty dollars worth of wealth to their name
>The change or destroy this system would compromise their own well-being as well
>risk everything
You mean risk losing the $1 / day income they're currently making?
How are a bunch of people in the third world going to over throw a system based in American and Europe?
And why would you want them to?
Maybe you should read Stirner on spooks and property
There are wealthy people in third world countries too. Like the heads of state of those countries.
Maybe you should read Marx on why Stirner was wrong.
This, as a white person in Antifa I've noticed an increasing amount of racism and anti-immigration sentiment that is worrying and no doubt backed by capitalists. We have to stamp out the nationalists and xenophobes if international socialism is to be made a reality.
Something that I've foun out talking to people is that most think in terms of the system. It's like everyone sees it as some universal constant put in place by god, and that there will be no change in the way the world works in their entire lives.
Basically they're spookified.
>Maybe you should read Marx on why Stirner was wrong.
>implying das kapital isnt stirnerist
Because the billions you speak of are not a superorganism.
Consider individual circumstance, location, social and cultural differences and attitudes towards wealth and the rich's role in X society and you have your answer.
Why doesn't X do Y? Because there is no X.
>more stirner shitposting
You can't liberate people simply by changing how you think, freedom requires change in the material foundation our human condition is bound up in.
>class consciousness lmao
I hope when you die in a terrorist attack you die knowing you were fighting those evil meanies who were trying to keep Abdul out of Europe.
People like being controlled.
>"""terrorist""" attack
You know those are orchestrated by your own government, right burger-friend?
I hope they cut your balls off before they behead you.
"Overthrowing" the wealthy people in a developing nation wouldn't actually "overthrow" anything. The would have to kick developed interests out of their country altogether - good luck.
Otherwise you're in a developed nation and your life ain't so bad.
Opinion discarded
because they are in extreme poverty
that means they are malnourished, uneducated and sick and canĀ“t do jack shit
>this confuses and enrages the american
Maybe you should fuck off
Poverty is a spook.
Because they benefit from the system.
How are those billions of people gonna get over to the United States or other first world countries to do that?
Do you think those billions of people even know who those billionaires are?
Because the average person in poverty (who is statistically most likely an African or Asian peasant) lacks either the knowledge or means to engage in rebellion.
They are dumb, amoral, and asocial creatures. People get ahead by working together instead of being hateful of others.
Pure ideologies and spook. Also the temporarily embarrassed millionaire mindset
>How are those billions of people gonna get over to the United States or other first world countries to do that?
They're already coming over though.
There's been countless revolutions, op is still in highschool so he must have missed the revolutions of 1848.
Nah bro, I'm turning into a wizard this week.
they dont...
depending on the available societal structures with minimal structures they respond with violent revolt (normally not towards the actually oppressors because those people are on another continent)
with a democracy structure they'll elect a literally insane person to revolt
freedom doesn't exist
>and no doubt backed by capitalists
lol, this really shows how delusional antifas are. Capitalists would never support racism or anti-immigration; anti-immigration and racism is a profit loss.
Oversimplification of complex phenomena, i.E. trying to explain the world with an old book from a dead German, is the main reason political ideologies like Marxism fail to make the world better.
The system keeps them busy.
You mean risk losing 100% of what they earn?
Yes. And/or their lives.
Yeah, why do dictators never get overthrown? Oh yeah, they do, they just usually get replaced by new dictators.