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Anniversary Glasses Edition.

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>log in today
>didn't get the anniversary achievment


Hang on, am I fucking reading this right? A single WoW token, good for 30 days of game tie, costs over 400,000 gold?
How the fuck do you even get that much gold? Can you even hold that much gold on a character?

What the hell would you even do with that much gold otherwise?

>main a warrior/priest since LK
>finally level a warlock
>join a bg @ 892

God damn this is fucking good.

Fem gnome or male human for my new mage

EXTREMELY fertile Blood Elves!

spooky tree

I hope they remove holy power for BFA I don't think it's feels very good

they are sort of unkillable killing machines.

I've never taken a gnome, worgen, or draenei seriously in PvP

>tfw wotlk retri was the best


I'm pretty sure I saw this exact femgoat before at the goldshire inn.

Why are fem draenei so sexy?

NA WoW tokens are like 180k.

>How the fuck do you even get that much gold?

Being able to do basic arithmetic plus a willingness to craft items.

>Can you even hold that much gold on a character?


>What the hell would you even do with that much gold otherwise?

Probably save it for the 2,000,000 mount.


fem gnome ofc

Goat milk is GOAT for you

Keybind every ability my newfriend

I don't want to buy a new mouse and just making keyboard binds for everything always seems uncomfortable in its setup.

>fembelfs are so smug because they know they have high performance wombs

How can other races women even compete?

>make an event where you kill old bosses
>they're super weak and take forever to respawn so you cant queue or even manually form a group 99.9% of the time

>take forever to respawn
literally 5 min

>even manually form a group 99.9% of the time
you have to be retarded if you can't queue

>Undead splinter faction that can't reproduce
>Orc remnants of the original Horde that migrated to Kalimdor
>Tauren who were on the brink of extinction before the Orcs landed in Kalimdor
>Darkspear who are just one of the minor Jungle Troll tribes
>The Blood elves who didn't die during the Scourge invasion or follow Kael'Thas to Outland
>Goblin survivors from Kezan

These people are more like a band of refugees than a faction. How can they possibly stand up to a world superpower like the Alliance, who are armed with weapons such as Gnomish tanks and helicopters, Draenei spaceships, and recently fucking gundam robot suits?

If you don't want a thicc mouse you can still use shift modifiers
Buttons like R F and C are so accessible and that can save your life

How long does it take to go from Honored to Exalted with all of the Legion factions (excluding Nightborne)?

Last part I need for the first part of the legion flying cheevo.

they are gay

Chemical warfare and nukes
Tell your tech races to get their shit together

BEs are reproducing more than muslim familys

nice goggles
where did you get them

Why are you wearing Nintendo 64 polygon goggles?

i need new ones that's why i'm asking!!

Dalaran has the focusing iris. Horde has no nukes. As for the plague it's pretty potent but if it's used wide scale at the very least tauren will leave the horde. The conflict is pretty much conquistadors against indians with plot armour.


is EU wow gold only inflated because they are connected to Russian servers that bot so much?

that must suck they destroyed your community in so many ways.

Can you just sit there and kill them over and over until you get the items you want?

literally read the op


Classic Vision™

>sit at spawn point for 45 minutes

rely mags u tink

are there any I should prioritize more? It feels cluttered and I'm (currently) only using like, 6.

How 2 queue 4 world boss

>Horde has no nukes
true, they're not strictly nuclear, they're just absolutely enormous explosives

On the upside they fucking suck at PVP. Everytime I get into a BG where the whole opposing team is full of cyrilic names I know it will be an easy win

>bouncing Mortal Coils off fools' heads
>double dunking on Alliance shitters with Havoc'd CBs
>stopping bitches with Conflagrate
>fat million absorb

This is nuts.

i didn't get any...

Kek what the fuck happened to the rest of ions right eyebrow?

He also looks high as fuck like always.

You just need to learn the moves and what has priority, something that interrupts spells or gives you more defense obviously needs to be accessed faster than say, a rez

1% -> 100% health with a healthstone

>He also looks high as fuck like always
that's just how all high rank russian maffia members look like

you have to buy them

My favorite dinosaur?

The Stegosaurus.

he looks like he goes to gay bars and gets high off Moley and enjoys gay orgies.

Anyone know if Trial characters are eligible for the world boss loot?


stop posting.

Why has this shit happened EVERY BATTLEGROUND TONIGHT.

I started at 1/5 victories two hours ago.

I am now at 1/5 victories.

they cost 200 timewarped badges from the guy in the stormwind library

LOL look how mad this guy is
U mad?

>not playing affliction
do you even WANT to have fun, user?

He’s Greek u fucken idiot


nice filter list can you add alt codes too? some of the shit posters have started using them.

The new horde is literally a band of refugees. That's what they always were.

Horde is quitting babies haHAA

How many gnomes can you fit in that mouth?

Holy shit
How long did it take you to get that far with those keybinds

Alliancefags are teamstacking dickbags.

But that's a given since very single one had a five-six stack from Sargerass.

I've played WoW for like 5 years without ever keybinding desu

Are low level dungeon personal loot when soloing with max level character?


>literal nigger in mudhut unable to evolve

wew lad.

well at least lore finally gave up on his jheri curl

>join random BG
>it’s twin peaks ctf
>our team is 80% rogues
>okay let’s do this I’m sure we can chainstun ez
>entire team rushes to enemy flag, takes it, then starts the trek back
>somehow on the way back, everyone fucking splits up
>entire enemy team smashes into our now undefended flag carrier, makes him explode, and carries our flag back
>this goes on for the rest of the match
Ok maybe that was some bad luck
>queue again
>some of the same players
>it’s territory control this time
>take the mines
>literally everyone leaves, and I’m alone on point
>ask him why he isn’t on mines
>I am
>he shows up and starts crying in chat more, then goes afk
>two warlocks show up
>I start fighting them alone, not doing too well
>he just stands there, stealthed, and watches like a cunt
>the entire rest of the match is the rest of our team playing catch-up in control points and crying in chat about how everyone but them sucks

Never playing BGs again desu

>not Ankylosauruses
>didn't see Land Before Time

>caring about other peoples keybinds
>caring about sub-60 keybinds at all
>caring enough to shitpost on a taiwan scarf-knitting forum
you might, unironically, want to consider killing yourself.

>log in today
>get the achievment

He still has it it's just in a ponytail.

Ion probably told him to stop looking like a sperg every Q&A.

What sub race are gnomes and humans getting?

>log in yesterday
>no achievement

Gnomes are already a sub-race.

>i-it's sub-60
>i-i've been doing this for 5 years! it's okay!
>y-you're a loser!
lmao clickers

I will, eventually. I was leveling in Affliction, but tried Destro on the recommendation of a friend and fell in love almost immediately. I'm an invincible, flaming howitzer and I love it.

congratulations so much to tgish!! did icy get any loot?

Whats the best/your favorite class for female(female) ORC

rate my mog



If that was a class I wouldnt have asked!

You’re probably that guy in the dungeon that’s doing 400 dps at level 57 and making everything worse for everyone involved

did you nut

just add some keybinds you little sensitive faggot

>Mark of the Sentinax
>Collect 50 Marks of the Sentinax.

HOW the fuck do they expect people to finish this quest now? I killed mobs there for over 15 minutes didn't get a single. fucking. beacon. And yes I've made sure to always have the "shadow of the sentinax" buff on.

damn do draenei look cute wearing spectacles


Guess we'll see what I unlock later before I start messing with. its kind of annoying i'm gonna have to do this on each of my forms, though.

Farm bosses on broken shore or spend shards on nether portal disruptors to get beacons/greater beacons
Use the beacons you get from those to summon underneath Sentinax
I did it in literally 7-8 green beacons since each portal gave like ~7 tokens.

