Shit event edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.3.0)
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first for Kanak riding my face with her tight lil ass
Reminder that
Adrenaline > Rage
>Thread edition
Literally shit gay meteorite event
At least you can get some rare Plains resources for free
Fully modded Vectis Prime + Hunter Munitions.
Vaykor hek w/ Hunter Munitions is great
If the /aco/ drawfag is here, I love you for drawing my shitpost. That was so unexpected I couldn't stop laughing (or fapping) for like 10 minutes.
All the frames use the same skeleton for their animations, so technically every warframe is the same height and its only add-ons and helmet shapes that set them apart.
it's also great on Lanka. 40k slash proc headshots and I don't even have it forma'd for viral or 90/90 elements.
I believe "shot damage" becomes the base for the crit proc, not the standard "base damage" of normal slash weapons.
make a vid with titania razorwing, apparently it works with that
'Helmets' might as well be their actual heads since they have no person inside them. Same goes for the rest of the stuff. Warframes might technically be 'armor', but that armor is basically their entire being with nothing to inhabit them except hipster ghost teens
So let me get this straight, if one random pellet crits, Hunter Munitions makes them take bleed damage based on the full shotgun blast? What happens if multiple pellets crit?
I don't have my titania fully forma'd, or I would.
also works with Artemis Bow
Can someone explain to me melee range mods and all of them "stacks with combo multiplier" mods. Are they useful if there aren't a lot of enemies around?
This is the easiest event yet to gold and get anything interesting.
Im not sure if I should even run more past my 25 hemocyte kills for PoE resources.
The lack of any threat to Cetus and lack of a leaderboard makes it hard to care about participating after getting the gold trophy.
it calculates pellet by pellet as far as I can tell, but factors in the damage of that pellet.
Haven't touched the new update. Can anyone answer what the new stand-in for the energy regen focus is, or at least tell me which link in the OP has the info?
zenurik still
you need to do 33 just to buy all the wisps and gems to craft 10 copies of one exodia
still faster than getting them normally, probably
Thanks, any other tips for the update before I jump in?
Ok took /wfg/ advice and rolled my Scoliac riven from today's sortie a few times.
>+56 damage to Grineer
>+106% crit damage
>slide = +116% crit chance
>-8.7 combo duration
Yeah I know, keep rolling for range, +DMG etc but meh, close enough damn it. Going to build me a Scoliac and whip some bitches like it's a slave audition for Roots 2.
Wonder how fast I can get it nerfed by posting the webm on forums and reddit.
Since someone mentioned it last thread, is it true that Hunter Recovery makes the pet heal you? I've got it on and I'm not being healed at all, while my pet is still being healed by melees.
I seriously hope this is true, because that means I'll go to full health every single time a pet attacks.
next thing you know they're removing some of the applicable multipliers, and putting a cooldown on the proc
>wanting a nice ass on your face is /pol/
post cute nezha
I want to make tadpoles with Ivara.
i want to pound his tight boygirl ass
How do i maximize credit farming at hieracon?
>will never have a cute Nezha bf that makes fun of my dick being so much smaller than his
>will never be asked how it feels to envy a trap's superior nuts
I want death and I want it now
So guys recently I've been having this weird thing.... I realized I really enjoy killing ballistas as they are charging up. But not just any time, I try to time it right before they shoot, or "go off" so to speak. Like, the instant before. As a sort of orgasm denial. I've always liked the idea of denying women pleasure and since I am pretty sure the ballistas are female and probably don't experience sex, them shooting their vulkar is probably the closest that they get to a sexual experience. I like to imagine the whining as the gun charges up, as their sexual pleasure index increasing, and the gunshot being when it "pops" in a monstrous orgasm. So by shooting them I am denying them their greatest ecstasy. I don't know why I am enjoying this so much, I don't jack off to it or anything but it makes me kind of horny to wait until the whining reaching its apex, before headshotting the ballista and snuffing her life out instantly. I think it might go back to the first (and only) time I ever had a girlfriend, when we had sex I could never make her orgasm, and the one time I got really close her dad came home and we had to get dressed really fast but he caught us and he made me break up with her. I don't know if that makes any sense and I'll never know cause I'm not a psychologist. But I figured I would share it with you guys in case you had any insights into why this is. Or maybe some of you enjoy doing this as well.
>hey tenno! we noticed a small bug with the Hunter Munitions mod! it was taking full damage into account, instead of base damage. We have fixed this issue.
Trash. Keep rolling.
speedva, ignis or something else you don't have to aim
Three questions:
1. Does Warframe ever get more plot oriented? I haven't been playing long, and I'm wondering if I should stay invested in the game or if it will continue to be aimless grinding
2. I've heard some really negative stuff about Warframe on /v/. Should I believe it? Is Warframe just a scam?
3. Not as important, but how tall is Equinox? I like his design, but I want a taller warframe, and he looks kinda frail and tiny.
Is there any reason to play Warframes that are not Nidus?
>infinite energy and hp regen
>highest ability damage in the game
>CC that puts Hydroid to shame
>literally invincible
>good team support
I ran out of riven space. Which should I roll first?
Its a little more plot, but a lot more grind.
Of course its a scam.
She's smol
1. Second Dream and War Within.
2. /v/ are cancerous manchildren who want the world for nothing. Formulate your own opinion.
3. That's not Chroma.
equinox is a tranny desu
Can Mutalist Cernos poison cloud proc it? If so, how'd it determine the damage?
Boar, Daikyu and Lanka, maybe Kohmak and then maybe Paris.
pedophilia and defending pedophilia is the Republican way right now, Republicans flock to - get going, fuckers
>tfw no one to bully me about how nonmeta my frame and weapon choices are
*tip fedora*
1. There is plot. 90% of the playerbase ignores it. It's fairly typical of modern shooters, you have a DARK and EDGY past as a TEEN who KILLED THINGS. Go play Dark Sector.
2. For a game where you have to pay for literally nothing except Steam-exclusive skins, and only because Steam threw a shitfit when DE tried to sell them for stuff you can acquire ingame, it is actually really fucking good. /v/ says negative stuff about everything. I bet they even criticise Ocarina of Time these days.
3. Every frame is exactly the same height. Any apparent difference is just padding on top of the head/bottom of the feet. Also Equinox is a girl.
hey, faggot, get out
should I use Hunter Munitions on Dex Sybaris? Is the HM good?
>ran out of riven space
you can always just buy more space and not worry about a bit longer.. As for the Rivens, tough call, depends on if you are going for space jew or using them yourself.
bulk of my rivens have been such total dog shit I don't inventory problems. Yaaaaa!! *sigh*
show me the akjagara one
>Fiction is reality
>complaining about republicans
Like pottery
I remember being bullied for using boltor prime by someone use synoid simulor. I had a shit-eating grin for like a week when the nerf came.
i'm actually having fun with this event
>and only because Steam threw a shitfit when DE tried to sell them for stuff you can acquire ingame
What? when the hell did this happen?
nerf incoming, don't get attached
If you post your fashion I'm sure you'll get instantly piled on.
>Toxin drones still keep getting stuck
there's no defending republicans right now, dude, if you do? you're beyond retarded. Pedophiles out out out
dumb maso boi
post more worm
color scheme suggestions for boygirl nezh?
im as artistic as a brick and everything I do looks like shit
D. Sybaris already does a fuckton of slash, I suppose it's useable, but you're running thin on mod space. HM is mostly good on high damage weps or weps without IPS.
pink and cyan
>gets cucked by a boy
>people enjoy this shitty fate season
yeah, and you can focus on crit and ignore status except for viral.
Makes it competitive with sybaris prime desu
i just like it for asstolfo
People should post Nezha colour schemes in general, because I want more Nezha
Liberals and their media are the ones trying to normalise pedophilia you niggerfaggot.
Is there an updated guide regarding focus? It look like I just pump the energizing dash for all my old zenurik needs, right?
>people like fate anything
Should I make a one-handed infested scythe, or a two-handed one?
Should it be fast and low-power,
or slow and strong?
>being this mentally distant
this is why Germany is ahead of the US now
*Slams desk* LIBERALS
pretty good
the combo duration is unfortunate because it means you need TWO combo duration mods to get use out of blood rush, and blood rush is OP as fuck when combined with maiming strike type stuff
Definitely one of the worst shows of last season. The source material is already shitty enough, the fact that A-1 is adapting it doesn't do it any favours.
>implying the republican strategy we've just seen in the last two weeks is to BE A PEDO and DOUBLE DOWN ON YOUR STANCE
Here's my garbage colour scheme because I'm lazy and boring
Fuck you I want into Zaws.
Seems like a lot of faggots love nezha, new helmet and deluxe when?
polearm one desu
wait guys, try linking the primed fever strike in game
>it fucking works
>its really happening
ahead in being fucked by sandniggers?
you must be joking
I don't enjoy anything Type-Moon does since 2006. It's all shit. I'm not even watching, just kinda staying in-touch out of habit.
Oh well. This wouldn't have happened if Kinoko had worked harder!