Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

You all laughed, but buffs soon edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Is t-that a dead thread?:

post yfw the barbacue is ready and the chili kicks in

buffs for nurse? hot dog sign me up

Who else dc's every time they are about to get hooked for the third time just to deny the killer the bp?


I'm not salty about this game enough to do that yet.

There's only two killers in your pic and wraith is never getting buffed so you must be referring to nurse

Since when people here hate the doctor? I thought this was the only safe space for the doc

>guy goes to save a guy
>catch him
>save goes off anyways because fuck you
>he escapes
what a great game

>shitter killer camps and still can't prevent the save

What a babyback bitch.


the only people who like doc are doc mains

Why do you shitpost like this?

because you're shit

Today I learned, if you bully the killer while next to the exit/hatch, you're pissing off the Entity. When you piss off the Entity, you get downed and a hook spawns right near the exit.

I will not bully another killer ;~;

Bullying the killer is wrong. They need love.

Why behave like such a brat? We don't need another monkey who shits out the same lines over and over.

Because people are bad. I love Herman. He's a good man.

He's an annoying fag. Constantly blasting garbage all over the screen.

The vid of the dev getting BTFO with instablind flashlights for like a full minute straight is glorious.

The Korean girl is really attractive

Should I dump points into Michael or Huntress? I hate being pallet looped but I also want to use tombstones to kill claudettes and flashlighters

Huntress can deal with pallets better than micheal

>Côté getting called a "Killer noob"


Play Huntress and camp, easy 4 kill. I don't know what it is, survivors always want to crouch and hide around the hook until the survivor is dead against Huntress, literally nobody will do a generator.

He objectively is though, that's the worst thing about this all.

One of the head guys, with say in what happens is a rank 20 scrub.

I don't find her that fun to play as.
Huntress it is

You have made the right choice

I played for 6 hours today and I didn't have fun for a moment.

And in todays stream they said flashlights will be nerfed.


>thinking of dropping the game
>okay but just one more game!
what's wrong with me bros?

>be huntress
>coldwind farm
>bbq and chili kicks in
>see survivor in crop field working on gen
>throw a hatchet
>it fucking hits

>Hook a survivor as a nurse
>BBQ&C shows me a survivor working on a gen
>Blink to him and pick him up before he can even react

I never ever get picked by Myers cause I always see him coming or hear his breath yet I grab niggas all the time with him, that nurse thing sounds cool as fuck tho.

>decide to try playing Nurse since ranks reset
>get a phone call as soon as the match starts
>come back to find 2 gens already done
>fuck it I'll try anyway
>casually float over (without blinking) to a gen and pull Claudette off
>do the same to Nea a bit later
>fast forward, doing well
>Claudette dead
>last 3 gens fairly close to each other
>chase 2 Megs off one
>down one that was already injured
>immediately blink back to the gen and down the other
>know that Nea was trying to do the farthest gen a little earlier and she's still injured
>blink to that gen and down her
>hook 2 and give the last one the hatch as I usually do when I have a good match
>Claudette bitches in post-game because I was afk at the beginning and they wasted time screwing around
>complains about me slugging the others at the end

i wonder how wide the hatchet hitbox is

looks like latency to me, what was the connection in the lobby like?

didn't check, the guy was from turkey so probably not that good.

>teabags on you

It's massive, I honestly don't understand how people like marth88 with 2000+ hours can miss so many hatchets. I played a L1 perkless huntress at rank 1 for a daily last month, easiest 4K of my life. Never played her before.

>weirded out by how anons in past few generals thought that bill was attractive enough to go searching for r34 of him
>now I think he's attractive

i've never felt like this before
Am I gay for liking one man?

>When ya get the tail-end of the Reset and get easy 3-4K with garbage perks cause you're just trying to do the warp hit Daily
Autohaven and they totally fucked themselves on Gen pops and left the last 4 in the crane yard.

It's a spectrum user.

I usually like men but want Anna to cuddle me.

Older, experienced men are hot.

>6 blink hit daily
>end up dunking them before they can even get one gen up
>a dwight had resilience 1 and that was it
I felt disgusted with myself afterwards

how shit do you have to be at Doc that you have to camp hooks just spamming your pulse around the person on it.

when did assg become gay

>when did assg become gay
but i'm a girl


Vaginas exist, get over it

Not on the internet they don't. especially not on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum.

Fellow leatherbros. What perk setups do you use?

How do i git gud with the nurse?
I always blink way past or literally to little.

>How do I git gud

I need nurse porn

I want to sniff Trapper's armpits

I hate having to put BP into this fucker for his perks. Need agitation so bad

I did the same about a week ago, 30+ extra levels on Myers and still only rank 1 agitation.

Holy shit I didnt understand the rage against some survivor perks till now. How is the flashlight justified? Free blind when you break a pallet, how do you counter this?

what are the metal bits stuck in trapper even supposed to be


Reminder that nea is short for best girl


>Dumb a mil on Myers
>No Agi at all or whispers

I mean I got Nurses 3, Monitor 2, Enduring 3 and Brutal 3 but I wanted a bit more variety for him.

>He didnt watch the exclusive stream of the devs sucking survivor mains streamers

Honestly though, what can you do? You have to break it or they'll keep sliding over it. If you break it free stun. Is there any strategy to counter this? As soon as I break it they just run off to the next pallet and do it over again.

Yeah it sucks i have a similar set up, game doesn't want me to have fun either. Rank 1 in M+A, BBQ, Whispers and Agitation. level 50 + about another 50.

Have any of huntresses perks been on the shrine recently?

>one guy is dead
>one generator left
>freddy's chasing two of the guys
>one of the guys runs into my direction
>I'm almost done with the gen
>as my teammate rushes past me all injured I realized he could be coming at me at any time
>keep doing the gen hoping I succeed soon
>freddy pulls me off shortly after that contemplating, and the meter is literally full but needs a little push to be complete
>have DS but not used to the skill or truly anticipated it until last second it the skill check came up
>successfully do it, almost missing it by a hair
>run back to the generator and the moment I touched it, it was complete
>he inevitably slugs me since the gen was only an inch away from where I was taken from
>keep myself alive on hook until both guys unlock the door and escape

truly the most Bill way to go

Kind of fucked myself over by leveling freddy to 40 though now his shit keeps popping up in all my webs.

I know that feel, bro.


If you die do you have to stay and spectate?

>be leatherface
>hook someone in basement
>hide around corner with insidious
>wait for someone to come down and vroom vroom them like a fucking maniac
I hope I spooked em. This is some of the rare shit that makes this game fun.

No, feel free to leave or queue another game.

Are you talking about DBD?
F13? Yes if you want your xp. Unless they changed that.

>end of match, 2 escape
>other 2 wanna stand around and jerk off milking points off of me
>100% not having it
>nursewarp through the other exit gate, behind door. sit and wait.
>getting constant audio pings
>they're probably hopping over a window over and over or something. continue AFKing
>15 or so minutes later, go check em out
>their face when

I should have never released them. Forever regret breaking that pallet...

that meg looks like she's been eating all of her crayons

B-but user, if you don't let them out you're the one exploiting according to the devs!


>Bill will never grab you off the hook and sling you over his shoulder and carry you out through the gates while yellin about vietnam and those damn gooks

>you will never get to smell what his sweaty shirt smells like
>or see him reacting to how your erection is piercing him as you're being lifted by him


Do people actually have fun with this game after a certain amount of time investment? it's just frustrating as fuck for both sides.

you gotta take breaks or else you'll just get pissed off at everything

I feel that this game is raging overall for both sides. Actually, two weeks into this game and assessing the community, this is literally the most salty playerbase I've ever been in, and I've been in the smash community for so long and thought that had the saltiest people

>love playing killer?
you're going to be frustrated playing no matter how much experienced you've amassed because devs have been surv-biased
>killer is camping?
he's mad because of palette looping
>survivors bitching?
killer is too good, or survs baited/trolled and failed, or wanted to milk killer for points with gates unlocked and failed, or killer camped. i feel that no killer is op atm to warrant a true outrage
>enough survivors bitching?
killer gets nerfed, even if they're new dlc and no one has truly adapted yet and in come angry customers that specifically bought dlc for freddy
>killers don't like being palette looped?
derank to shit on easier players
>new player?
get shit on by experienced killers who just want to play the game without bs loops and enjoy the game
>new player that got wrecked?
complain on steam forums/leddit/Veeky Forums, refund game so devs cant buy avacado shakes or some numale shit
>game is refunded by guy who only played for 30 minutes as surv
numale devs get mad they have to delay buying gyakasou running tights on amazon and have some sort of meeting on how truly despicable the players behind the killers
>devs finally play killer?
theyre so frustrated they nerf the flashlight

so much frustration overall, im even guilty of dcing once in a while

is there anything i missed?

The "us vs. them" mentality really doesn't help. I feel like 70% of the survivormains didn't play killer since maybe one time in the beta, and somehow think that doing the killersp's objective is rude, and don't realize how obnoxious most of the things they do are, such as standing in the gate for minutes, or waiting for a blind after every palletdrop. A lot of killermains have been so abused that they don't care about chases, they just want to take revenge on survivors by trying to make them as salty as possible. And even beyond design, most people play survivor because they know that's the "stronger" role, if killers were actually more stronger or had more fun possibilities most shitters would change roles in a heartbeat.

The satisfaction of getting a 4k on a 4 man swf is the greatest feeling you'll ever get from playing this game, isn't it? Because I just got a 3k against 4 extremely altruistic Claudettes who all had DS, BT, and dead hard and it felt really fucking good.

i just want no hook regen sabotage back my man

That's exactly it, i can't stand it anymore. It sucks because somewhere deep down under all the balance bullshit and salt there is a decent game. Boohoo i know but i'm done with it, not worth the time when so many other games are available to play. I honestly think the player-base made up of children no self respecting adult would put up with the frustration it offers for too long.

for that to happen killers would scream for old Iron Grasp back which would mean more dances in the basement

4k games are about as enjoyable as 0k games in my experience. With SWF you either get a very well coordinated team that steamroll you or 4 idiots, neither is enjoyable.

I want both cause both is what I did back in ye old times

is it worth the pain user

so far, it's been survs vs killers vs devs

what are some unironically good game mechanics they could add to the game to make it less repetitive ?



They should add more modes in general instead of adding to the same ranked mode. If we had a "fuck around" mode without the need to have 4 friends with you, it'd easier to unwind between terrible matches.

>Playing drunk
>Can't play killer, I'll get destroyed
>Play survivor, keep fucking up skill checks, letting myself and the team down
>Still consistently escape

Survivor is too easy