Lamb Butt Best Butt Edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for name a comfier champion, protip: you cant
I can't complete games because the performance anxiety makes me literally physically ill and I have to stop playing, but I can't walk away from the game because quitting doesn't do anything to alleviate the feelings and actually intensifies them because it reaffirms I'm terrible.
xth for impregnating submissive vastayan sluts.
Whos better to carry mid with ziggs or taliyah?
>Like kindred
>Like her skins
>Suck with her
>Suck on marksmen champions in general
Am I actually retarded? I have no clue how to play marksmen and adcs at all. Am I missing something about them?
protip, don't play knidred
makes you wonder what rakan would be like if they made him actually cool like in pic instead the most annoying flaming faggot ever imagined
user, if you can disregard the edginess out of this video, not only will you learn why you suck at kindred, but that it isnt your fault your bad with her
Hey Faggots,
My name is Veigar, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to your clairvoyance magic on summoner's rift.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of a trading vessel, and studied with all the greatest dark wizards. What spells can you cast, other than “jack off to naked drawn champions”? I'm also the strongest mage in Valoran, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
>Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
Why would you ever play a champion without an ult?
That Rakan is fucking beautiful holy shit I'm gay now
Why does he have to be the most annoying loser champ in reality?
>deleted image op thread that was early stays
god the mods are such fags
It's mostly just the fundamental stuff like positioning, spacing, kiting and whatever.
They're different. If you're asking probably safe to assume you shouldn't play rock girl, though.
>got arclight varus skin from razer giveaway years ago
>got arctic ops varus from a friend's mystery gift
>got dark star varus from the mystery skin reward thing for ip
>don't like playing varus
why is this happening to me
>tfw in-lore Talon comes the closest to literally "nothin personnel" but is still the most likeable assasin champ
Why is he so based?
What did bird man ever do to you?
Even if it's not kindred I want to be able to play marksmen champs like lucian, corki, vayn and xayah
I suppose that comes down to just experience then? There's no real guides for positioning, spacing and kiting
is there anyone who actually likes his fucking voice lines
I always thought he was unanimously hated and Riot made him that way to make people jealous and like xayah more
The voice actor is amazing
They aren't submissive though. Pretty sure both Ahri and Xayah would be feisty.
>most likeable
He cuckolded them. All that talk of cuckolding him is a coping mechanism.
I stopped playing league so I dunno if he's a faggot ingame or not
Oh she'd be feisty.
At first.
you will never ever ever get good by quitting
stop fetishizing your anxiety and play games out you fucking pussy. god forbid you actually face a real life issue
talon's a faggot and can't compare to the real midlane chads, zed and yasuo
Marksman in general is a shit role. You're better off learning top/jg or support
>play champ normally
What is Riot trying to tell me
I can't between how mad and how sick I get fuck off
>get lucky vs consistently good
Chrona champion when?
You suck at last hitting
That's it dumblr poster
actually just kill urself ur life has been a failure and ur a waste of time and space end it
end it
you attention-whored with your pathetic condition last thread, grow a pair and fuck off
Nice game
Normal Kayn?
How would Ahri fare compared to Xayah?
can we all agree to get rid of this cancer and talk about League, if you have mental problems consider over the counter drugs and suicide like the rest of us
I want a qt petite gf
What else am I supposed to do when I'm 0/3 at 5 minutes and literally can't even enter the lane?
played 7 games today
every game was decided at 10 minutes in
and everytime the teams were extremely stacked
really wonder what the fuck is going on, this isnt fun at all
i only won 2 of them and those where I lost I wasnt even playing bad, its just that 2 lanes get completely obliterated so my lead doesnt even matter
stop playing this game stop postinfg in this general buy a rope and end ur life
literally just fuck off
seek help
like really
Ahri's quite a bit smarter than Xayah, she realized the superiority of Human Cock quite some time ago. Would be painfully easy to fugg her.
>alleviate the feeling
>performance anxiety
>league of legends
Are you being ironic or not?
>i can't
no faggot, you can but you won't. huge difference
you literally do nothing to better your situation yet you come here crying for sympathy. you're a pathetic human being blessed in living in the only time in history your beta ass could actually survive. please do not have kids
Yeah I've learned the other roles but want to know how to play marksmen as well for fun stuff like lucian mid and kindred jungle
It doesn't affect any other aspect of my life but League though.
Would you rather I kept feeding instead?
Ahri never pretends to hate it no matter how helpless she is.
Ahri is your cheap but good quality thot. She's not a bottom of the barrel bargain bitch like riven but is easy as fuck.
>fun stuff
play volibear and try to gank
Would Ahri help in making Xayah feel good from the dicking she gets?
>Third best dance in the game
>Hates Malzahar
>Fucks up mages on the daily
>Doesn't need hexdrinker for magic shields
>Cosmic reaver Kassadin exists
>Can assassinate someone and leave the exact same way he entered
>Amazing voice
Just try and tell me if you throw Talon into a mafia film setting he wouldn't be the "guy with principle who you end up rooting for but helps the main guys with a thing and dies an honorable death, and even the boss regrets having no choice but to off him"
Zed is memeworthy and more of a caricature than an actual relatable character
Yas is fine but not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "assasin"
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
xth for breast metal waifu
Well since nobody else had any input on what to write, I thought a bit about including Nidalee. Something like this:
>Morgana gives user a potion to increase his "output"
>Tells him her friend will be coming by to take her share
>Has another go with him in the meantime but doesn't take everything
>Nidalee arrives
>In contrast to Morgana's slow and sensual treatment, Nidalee is passionate and intense
>Due to the potion's enhancement, both girls can have go at him a few times
>The potion also lets them control his ejaculations even more and he can cum repeatedly, or they can even stop it partway through to really overwhelm him
Does this general idea interest anyone? I'd have to fill in details and flesh it out since this is just a gist of things, but I like the way it sounds and Nidalee would be fun to include. Assuming I haven't taken too long thinking of this and lost interest of the anons I was talking to.
You wouldn't need her help. Remember, even an average Human penis is larger than the biggest of vastayan """men""", you would have to be careful not to mindbreak her on the first thrust.
I'm sure Ahri would help in "acquiring" Xayah though, there's no way she wouldn't enjoy seeing her get put in her place.
You should start by playing Vayne to learn marksmen since you don't need to think about any abilities besides Q. And her E is veeery situational so it's only just your mechanical skills being trained.
RSA Tier: Averages a month or more to break into submissiveness, with the hardest being Vi and Shyvana (unless you're J4).
TaCF, DDbnQaS, High tier: Around a month for Sejuani, Vayne, Fiora, two weeks for the rest, Xayah instantly.
Mid and Low tier: Jinx is the hardest to break, since she's crazy and doesn't care, one week to ten days for the rest.
Submissive: Already broken.
Pretty easy to do when you have magic void powers
I'm sure Talon could go toe to toe with him with just flesh, blood, and glorius hardened Noxian steel
This is complete and utter bs and "breaking" a dom is impossible and a shit meme
this is your botlane for tonight
Anyone who goes top singed should honestly neck themselves
Which champ has the best dance?
Vastayan bird men are the smallest in comparison with the exception of sub-race of duck vastayan, but they are rarely desired by female Vastayans.
Vastayans of other sub-species are as big as human males if not larger, but due to size, they suffer from low performance in bed as they can only insert and release in an instant, and due to the soft exposed nature of their penis, they must be careful of the elements.
I want to assault lulu violently
>enemy picks Zyra support
>adc is Ashe
>get a stupid idea
>decide to try out MF support
>get into game
>Zyra is actually mid
>enemy team has no support; their bot is Jinx and Lux with a D Ring
>get bullied hard all laning phase
>somehow make it to mid game on the back of our fed Fizz
>realize after three items (not counting boots) I don't know what to build next
>lose terribly
So what do you build on her? I went Eye of the Watchers > Mobis > Cleaver > Mortal Reminder > Liandries (game ended before I could figure out what stupid thing to build next)
>M7 on a champ is just luck
oh ok
honestly probably yeah
why is he still streaming, whats the point?
Going by the dramatically low numbers of them, they also seem to be having some troubles with fertility.
Star Guardians are top quality sluts, user.Ahri probably is the highest of quality though
It's the same level of autistic fiction as labeling a bunch of fake women as dominant or submissive.
What would be ironic about this?
King of POPping your adc
Soraka is by far the highest quality fuck of all the Star Guardians
support mf builds ap initially and maxes e. try going liandry first. also support mf is a fucking meme so don't do it.
It sounds absolutely orgasmic. Please do it
So, just don't pick it under any circumstances ever? Thanks friend, I'll remember that
>So what do you build on her
>highest quality fuck
soraka does the fucking, user
Janna and Soraka are best star guardians, and I say that as a fan of ahri
>Vayne will never condemn your nuts to the wall while lulu uses wild growth on your cock when its already inside of lux's tight pussy
why live anons?
>building that much damage
>on a support
I dunno about this one boss
Semantics, the net effect is the same
unless you're talking about horsedick in which case fuck off degenerate
>POPping your adc
Replace mobis with lucidity boots for max cdr after cleaver and round off the build with rylais liandrys so your ult slows and all of your abilities burn.
support mf isnt even good anymore
she only had good winrates as support with a jhin or ashe (cc lockdown) into zyra.
basically every other combination of botlane and she is worse than almost every support, including non traditional ones like veigar, lux and whatnot
Post your favorite bugs this patch
I want Star Guardian Janna to leglock me and then start floating so the only thing holding me up is her body tightly wrapped around mine
if youre playing mf you arent actually trying to support
what about being a known trap is so magnetic for you?
>Janna and Soraka are best star guardians
I'm curious to see your reason as to why.