1. Country
2. Age, Gender
3. NEET? aka. poor?
4. Satisfied with yourself?
5. Main source of income?
6. Virgin?
1. Country
>NEET? aka. poor?
The NEETS are the richest demographic on this board.
1. Moldova, but moved to London 3 years ago for studies
2. 20, Male
3. Second year, using my contacts atm effectively to get a start in my project management career (have worked full time and have done internships before)
4. A little bit insecure about my body, 6' ottermode, tho I'm fine with my face even tho it's a 5/10
5. Parents helping me out with rent, savings from past jobs
6. nup
1. Czech republic
2. 19 male
3. yes
4. no
5. none, mom pays for my food
6. yes
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
27, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
I'm learning Mandarin in school right now. Not poor.
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
No, I need to lose weight and overcome my social anxiety.
>5. Main source of income?
Rental income for the time being.
>6. Virgin?
H-Hookers count?
UK, London.
46, Male.
Definitley not poor.
Full time crypto-trader.
Certainly not.
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
20, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Law student
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Pretty much
>5. Main source of income?
Internship, also living rent free with mom.
>6. Virgin?
21 male
my job
no not a virgin
1. Egypt, currently in Canada
2. 19/M
3. Nope, in university
4. Not really, I've got programming and MS knowledge but no real work experience or internships, and I'm finding it hard to get either. Also I'm a bit fatter than I want to be/used to be.
5. Parents, drop shipping
6. Yep, seem to get cock blocked everytime I come close.
United State of America, global association of white peoples.
>age, gender
Early 30s man
Nope, thank god
Satisfied with my progress, have a ways to go before i get where i want to be.
Primarily my business, secondary rental realestate.
No, but definately not slaying it on the regular. Honestly would rather get married rather than be a man whore at this point.
Say hi to the rest of the nsa/fbi internet autism monitering service for me.
1. The Netherlands
2. 18M
3. Uni, no job on the side
4. Sort of. I can derive pleasure from my study, but over the holidays I feel unfulfilled (no job).
5. Gifts from parents + government student loan
6. Yes
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
23, M
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
>6. Virgin?
1. France
2. 25 Male
3. No
4. Yes
5. Crypto trading
6. No
are you #cucking4cuckron
>tfw everyone over 21 is not a virgin
I'm going to be 29 this year. Should I consider applying to the Virgin's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in advance or do I have to be 30 in order to qualify?
is Veeky Forums the most alpha board on Veeky Forums?
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
25, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
Merchant of gold
>6. Virgin?
1. Finland
2. Male 27
3. Business owner. Net worth 700k
4. Yes and no, I am satisfied but I still envy richer people
5. Wage + Rental income
6. Nope. Have had sex w about 70 women. Finland is literally the EASIEST country to get laid
I'm in your country drinking your excellent beer. Dobry den.
> Finland is literally the EASIEST country to get laid
heard this from other people as well, is it like that in the whole country or some cities only? why?
It's easier in smaller cities and in the country side, cause the guys are so ugly. It's still very easy in the big cities too. Here people don't care too much about status, so you can be dirt poor jobless neet and still get hot girls, as long as you look okay and aren't autistic
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Got a little bit saved up
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Yes, and what's unsatisfying I'm working on
>5. Main source of income?
>6. Virgin?
Interesting. Does the lack of appreciation of status mean that it does not matter whether you have it or not or that you dont necessarily need it but it would be useful?
>most alpha board on Veeky Forums
>bragging about being the smartest retard
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
20, helicopter
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Uni student
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
Bitcoins that I mined years ago. Botting runescape
>6. Virgin?
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
>6. Virgin?
No, but I'm growing my virginity back.
Nope. ?
1. US of A
2. 23, male
3. NEET atm. just quit my last job doing outside sales. was way too much driving. interviewed last week for a job i really want. plssss based god. I also co own a niche porn site. we've grown a great community around it. gonna do a site revamp soon that will help bring in a lot more revenue
4. Nope
5. Right now, my savings account...hoping to start doing Uber Eats just so i have some actual income coming in while im between jobs
6. >tfw hot af qt azn gf. feels good desu senpai
>botting runescape
maaaaah nigga
1. USA
2. 22, Male
3. No
4. Not at all, working on it though
5. Work (professional tard wrangler).
Entertaining the idea of starting a business
6. Surprisingly not
1. Croatia
2. 23 m
3. In uni
4. Nope
5. Poker
6. Yes
1. usa
2. 23, male
3. neet
4. no
5. btc investments
6. no
1. U.S.
2. 20's M
3. NEET not poor. NEETNP
4. Working on it
5. Cryptocurrency investing
6. Mary
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
31 M
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
No. Satisfaction leads to decline.
>5. Main source of income?
Job as an analyst
>6. Virgin?
No just get a girlfriend lmao
>1. Country
Austria (The one in the mountains where Hitler was from, not the one with the Kangaroos)
>2. Age, Gender
30, Attack Helicopter
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Nope, and apparently a net worth of 70k€ at my age puts me in the upper 10% or so. Sad.
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Mostly. I'm a lazy fuck that could do much much more with his time, but other than that, I'm quite happy.
>5. Main source of income?
Doing a PhD. 14k starting…
>6. Virgin?
No. Managed to get laid just before my ascension to wizardhood. Since then I worked hard to become a happy normie, but with a working brain.
. Virgin?
>No, but I'm growing my virginity back.
Well, there's reconstructive hymen surgery for girls, so maybe you can get something like this too, but for guys?
Also, really interesting how many old guys are on here. Expected not that many idiots like me, who can't leave this shitty site.
>Nope, and apparently a net worth of 70k€ at my age puts me in the upper 10% or so. Sad.
Is this actually true for western europe? That makes me feel alot better about my NEET crypto-trading self.
I would not be surprised if that would be somewhat true for Scandinavia as well. So many people count on governmental aids to get by (thus rich also accumulating little savings) that I think 70K€ at your disposal would be a lot. I'm in college and I have friends who do not have more than a few euros on their bank account. Supposedly people here live like this until their mid 20's. It's so sad that I have had to pay for my friends' lunch more than once because they haven't had balance. Sure enough, I got paid once the monthly gov aids came in.
1. Germoney
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes
Don't let this thread die yet xd
Kreative Antworten…
I thought finnish are some of the most introverted people?
1. Netherlands
2. 21, Male
3. History student aka. poor and meme-tier degree.
4. Let's just say I like the course subjects.
5. Student grant, student loans, health insurance grant (parents pay the premiums so I get to keep it), secondary-school tutoring.
6. Yes, average-looking but anxious, depressed and periodically schizo.
Chads are everywhere
1. USA
2. 25, M
3. Cyber Security, currently looking for an internship or full time position in networking
4. No, I want to lose weight, not where I want to be at my age. Wish I had more confidence.
5. Part-time job as repair technician
6. Yes
1. Venezuela
2. 19, male
3. I'm venezuelan, that automatically makes me poor.
4. No,
5. A shitty webpage where I make $2 an hour. You may say 'hurr, but $2 is fucking shit. You would starve (I am)' But you need to consider that the minimun wage here is at around $20 a month.
6. Nah, I'm alpha. I get a lot of pussy. Even when I'm poor as shit.
I put $20 in pivx.
20$ a month for 160 hours of work. Vs. you making 164*2*4 = $1312 a month
You make more than 65 times minimum wage without working at all, yet you're starving?
The thing is, the workflow isn't constant. I haven't made more than $80 a week.
And I do work. I have to sit for 8 hours listening to calls every weekend, while I study the 5 other days of the week. I study mechanical engineering, so I'm not studying a memecareer that you just need to go to college to memorize some shit.
The webpage is humanatic, if you think it's so wonderful to listen to calls 8 hours a day for $2 an hour.
You can google it.
Also, if you make a mistake, you will get deducted x2 the total amount you earnt.
In a weekend I can make $23, for 16 hours of busting my ass listening to calls.
Nobody has the attention span to sit infront of a screen listening to 16 minutes calls and marking them. NOBODY. And as I said, if you mark them wrong, you will get deducted x2 the amount you earnt.
I'd rather clean floors or do some other shit.
1. Saudi Arabia
2. 27, male
4. No, I actually hate myself
5. Father (culturally normal to get money from parent if you're loser) and govt benefits about $533/mo
6. yep
feels sad man
At least you're allowed to drive a car.
Here, have some haram pictures that will get you in jail.
>get you in jail
that's just a meme. No one cares about anything you do except if you do it in public. Funny enough I just watched porn.
R i s k y ~
I hope you only watch high quality trap/tranny porn...
Im an autistic friendless virgin neet living with my parents. I am 23 years of age and my life savings is in crypto. Can anyone relate?
Wtf, I didn't know this place was so multicultural
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
Software developer, 60k/year
>6. Virgin?
>1. Country
The land of the free
>2. Age, Gender
24, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Not Neet or terribly poor. Don't make very much though.
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Myself? For the most part yeah. My life situation? Fuck no.
>5. Main source of income?
Wagecucking for an insurance company
>6. Virgin?
1) Australia
2) 19 male
3) Second year uni student, average degree though
4) good tier face, 6ft but low test
5) bartender 24/hr also bought 150 ETH at 20USD
6) no lol
>27 M
>Very comfortable
>Satisfied with self
>Programming money
>Not a virgin
1. Country
2. Age, Gender
3. NEET? aka. poor?
$100k a year
4. Satisfied with yourself?
5. Main source of income?
cubecuck, small business, small inheritance
6. Virgin?
nope, 2 marriages, 3 kids
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
21, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
No (Full time student and work part time, still live with parents though)
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Unsatisfied overall
>5. Main source of income?
Working one 12 hour shift every weekend
>6. Virgin?
No shit
I'm tired of selecting street signs and mountains, fuck google.
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
24, male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
Nah boi
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
sort of, looking to work in states/uk/asia for a few years
looking to hit 2/3/4/5 plate lifts
looking to be invest more online, so im doing more research about it
>5. Main source of income?
accounting job at big 4, live in one of my parents apartment with a roomate
also have some money in stocks
>6. Virgin?
1. US
2. 28 Male
3. somewhat poor
4. No
5. kitchen manager
6. No but I'm single
1. US
2. 22 M
3. No, but poor
4. Top 10 percent of my class and on my way to work for KPMG so yeah
5. Labor for Tree Removal
6. No, lost it at 18
1. Germania
2. 18,male
3. Have 1k in savings
4. Dont know
5. I make money buy holiday jobs in a factory or in a lumbermill but at the time i collect bottles on partys because for every bottle on festovals you get 1 euro back... And i let sb write a adventure book for me and want to sell it, wonder how that works out
6. No
1. Albania
2. 14, Male
3. 10K under 2 to 3 months
4. I'm not gay nigga
5. Parents kek
6. Yes
Yes, I am a NEET. No I am not poor. I earn more money in a week than most people do in a month, and I don't even have to get out of bed for it
Interest from investments that I gained from selling an internet business for 7 figures
Considering getting into the property game. The returns would be better, it's still pretty damn passive, but I'd have to put some pants on every now and then and I consider getting dressed to be the mark of an unsuccessful man.
This is why the term 'NEET' is pretty much redundant.
> "Soros you NEET stop fiddling with your investments and get a job!"
> India
> 35|M
> NEET. Not destitute; lower-middle class.
> No, obviously not satisfied with myself.
> None. Savings from when I was a normie.
> No, but whatever :(
Maybe I should off myself.
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
30 m
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
>5. Main source of income?
salaried MD
>6. Virgin?
What kind of internet business?
1. Italy
2. 18, Male
3. a poorfag
4. Not satisfied w/ myself, feel like wasted potential
5. Half-yearly budget from Parent
6. Yes, virgin
NEET, no. Poor, yes.
Student Finance/Part time work
14 and making 10K in 3 month? Obviously if this wasn't bait I would think you have a lot of potential, stay in school and keep hold of that cash, don't slurge it on weed little man
>1 - Country
>2 - Age
>3 - Neet? aka poor?
Work full time corporate wage cuck, 90k pa / 300k net worth, so no
>4 - Satisfied with yourself
Fluctuates wildly, but generally not. 3 years ago I weighed 150kg and was ~50k in debt. 12 months ago I was 118 kg, getting strong as fuck, 70k of debt. Right now I'm in zero debt, 300k net worth, but I weight 128kg and haven't been to the gym in fucking weeks. I know I can pretty much succeed at anything when I apply myself to it, and yet I always end up beating myself up for little failures or worse, self sabotaging myself when I'm so close to the goal. Need to change my paradigm / self image shit, did it with money easy, food / body on the other hand is a struggle.
>5 - Main source of income
Working job (recently got a promotion and now my work fucking sucks desu) and trade stocks on the side, make more money trading stocks but still work for the regular income / credit access. another ~12 months and should be free of wagecucking forever.
>6 - Virgin
May as fucking well be. Had sex like twice, both times have been terrible. Would just like to have a part of my life where I'm slaying on the regular,
1. USA
2. 25 M
3. No
4. Yes
5. Entrepenuership
6. No
Would they fuck brown guys?
3:NEET, but still make around 100 a month from general labour and ebay sales(mostly)
4:$824.00 per month from SSDI.
-22, M
-Neet; Not exactly poor since parents are wealthy but I have no sense of self esteem so I am poor in spirit
-I can't get no Satisfaction; But I try, Oh I try.
-YAS; I don't even understand how it possible to convice a girl to sleep with me without paying her; What the fuck am I supposed to do ; Go to a bar and buy drinks for random women unless they come over ?
I don't think I can figure out how anything works; How do people make money ? How do people get laid ? How do people find happiness and fulfillment; IDK I AM A MESS
Do you have a sister whom I can arrange marriage ?
You need to take your girl out to the shitting streets, Pajaet. Didn't you father teach you how?
Don't forget that you both need to take the everlasting shit, the one that unites souls to each other forever.
Hello data analytics.
>25, male.
>Pretty much, yes.
>Employment. Would like to have a second form of income.
>1. Country
>2. Age, Gender
22, Male
>3. NEET? aka. poor?
I don't struggle financially
>4. Satisfied with yourself?
Nope, currently make 30k, which is about 580 a week, I'm trying to take home at least 700
>5. Main source of income?
Inventory Control, 30k
>6. Virgin?
No unfortunately
Yes I am a useless poo
But one thing I can do
Is poo in the loo
so end this stupid meme
so you can finally deem
of me being a worthwhile human being
No. I am single though, and would like to arrange-marry yours if she's hot and not a bitch. I won't even demand dowry. Maybe she will fill the gaping hole in my life.
>18, male
>finishing gymnasium right now