How many of you have lost money trading crypto?
I'm not talking about the small losses that come with trading, I'm talking about losing some or all of the capital you started with.
How many of you have lost money trading crypto?
I'm not talking about the small losses that come with trading, I'm talking about losing some or all of the capital you started with.
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I spent 2K one night trying to win big on IQ option.
Didn't feel like I had much IQ after that!
I use to do large percentage arbitrage buying bitcoin on circle and selling it on paxful. Took some precautions but got greedy and eventually succumbed to too many scams of buyers doing chargebacks and keeping the bitcoin.
Sounds retarded but i was keeping all the proof of the escrow service and delivery and "their" id and all that but some payment processors just didnt understand it enough or were too crooked to not give the thief your money.
I'm still about 300 in the red and started woth 2650 so it feels like a pretty big loss. If ETH goes up a lot it'll come back though.
I've lost 300€ in an ICO. That was all I allocated to this coin.
But I made mad gains since the start so I don't care
Is that you? If so clip your fucking nails you disgusting fucking nigger
where can i trade crytpto like forex ?
I heard about some kind of new pretend internet money way back in like 2009 and bought 5 btc to play with. Then I lost the wallet password...
I learned about Bitcoin in 2009 when it was worth pennies, set up CPU mining (GPU wasn't out yet), decided it's not worth the 100$ electricity bill because I was a broke student, deleted the Bitcoin client
i used to sometimes make money, and sometimes lose money in crypto when i was blindly trading and reading twitter. too many shills, trading literally turns into gambling at some point.
i started doing research and learning trading techniques, and now i'm part of a group where we collaborate.
there's no membership fee, no "BUY THIS COIN NOW FOR LE MONEY XDDD", no shilling. just legitimate trading tactics.
Lost 30 euro.
in total I made good profits and no real losses but I got weak hands several times, sold too early and didn't make as much as I could have
I bought some Byteball months ago, created a multi signature wallet between my desktop and phone but then I lost my phone and with that I lost access to the wallet. Always backup your shit, write down your Gauth keys and secure it properly.
>Note: Veeky Forums is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed.
Where are the mods of this forsaken board?
I really don't understand. How could mods let all of these scammers run wild, advertising their shitcoins to scam people who visit Veeky Forums looking for real business and financial advices?
What is it with these closeted homos noticing and caring whether a guy's nails are trimmed.
Probably one of those idiots who trims them past the skin because he's afraid of looking gay. Can't even scratch an itch with those fleshy fingertips. Sounds like hell.
First thing I noticed, cut them you fucking pig.
I took a big risk a few weeks ago and lost $700 in one night on some shitcoin. I was mostly just upset about all the wasted trading time over the previous months.
Right now I'm still about 250% up on my original investment, so i'm just going to take it as a learning experience and try not to be as stupid in the future.
That's not a big loss. It's only like 10%. You're doing fine. It's big enough feel, but you're not facing "risk of ruin".
Started with $2,000
Went down to $500
Then went back up to $4,000
All of this in the course of about 12 months
>altcoin bull market
>losses money
Started with ~9000€ in in 11/2013.
402k€ today.
>Losing money in crypto
Of course, there were also huge drawdowns....
went to ~100k€ once and at some point back to as low as ~20k€....
Haven't lost anything despite owning several cryptos but I'm just incredibly lucky and I play with small sums.
In 600€, if I cash out now I run with 1200€
It's a group telegram chat composed entirely of Veeky Forumsraelis, you fucking moron
fug dude youre set
did you have a job while doing this?
I just thought about it lately, that f you put 10 BTC into Eth when it was $2 a coin and then jumped on the PIVX train you could have 1000 BTC now.
>back when bit coin was $2 a pop
>Thinking about dropping $500 into it
>Nah just a fad crypto currencies will never be a thing
>Just used to buy drugs and sheit
>Now worth 1100 a pop
>Get physically ill every time I think about it
So lost about 275000 before fees and taxes
We've all been there man
Fucking liars. BTC was worthless in 2009, you could mine 10 000's with a laptop CPU, no one was even selling it back then
Is IQ option a meme?
I made 3000$ profit in two hours in the practice version
I guess I wouldnt bet as wildly had I put my money in?
Just end me i want a redo in life