Chad and Stacy Edition
Chad and Stacy Edition
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FUCK the police.
Xth for gassing waifufags.
that's pretty t h i c c
t. poorfag
xth for my wife Syndra
may i ask why when people compare stat gain from old runes and stat gain from compensation + new runes they ignore completely stats that you get from new runes?
xth for nu-runes are even worse than nu-masteries were
>you can see the void
thats where kog and the boys are hiding
Reminder that I'm a unique and special snowflake. You should judge my posts by my identity and name, instead of their content.
I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!
unironically kill yourself please
xth for using protection!
>cant play lol because i have to study
someone kill me pls i dont want to live anymore
>everything but the splash art scales
>tfw no qt petite gf
>tfw trying to level up account to 30
>game is boring without skins
>am a poorfag
what rank are you? post
That's a pretty big galaxy dude
Why do cropped lewds of league characters on a somalian tree trimming website get me harder than intentional porn in 1080p does?
>game is boring without skins
what the fuck
>t. poorfag
>tfw can't get both high kp and high cs at the same time
Even though I'm diamond 4 I just cant cs in a game where I get kills....
>implying a goy would spend money on style points
Titanic Hydra or Triforce on Shyvana?
>makes skins literally FREE for everyone and give more gibsmedat benefits for non-shitters
tit hydra
I don't play this game so jew games doesn't get any support from me
honestly that things damage should scale with size
Kinda hard to enjoy getting sat on by oppressive burst damage runes without them user. That and the default skins for a lot of champions are underwhelming as fuck.
its the same reason tf's gold card isnt an aoe stun anymore user
Would've been a fun champion if he actually deals any actual damage at all
if you dont play then why should your opinion matter?
give me a quick rundown on mid Pantheon
>skins make a game fun
You learn something new every day.
Lee Sin R
because I post with a name on, unlike you. You're too scared to post with a name on, goy
>literally how does erotic work
i also post with a name
only good vs kassadin
How do you feel knowing your garbage game is dying?
1. Scorch+Manaband
2. R botlane, get tower get dr
3. Cross your fingers that your ADC is not retarded like any other game
>faker stream a ton the last couple of days
>will probably never see him again
Some how I wish he had never streamed at all so I wouldnt have tasted the forbidden fruit.
>calling him out when he wont even post his
How could you enjoy watching his stream? It was extremely boring.
I do not care about skins, all skins I got from codes and for free. Don't even remember all of them.
Gold 5
Impersonating me here is really not ok...
Is anyone else having FPS issues this patch?
>How could you enjoy watching an actual good player instead of memers spamming adds and begging for donations?
no delte this
razor mallet tits
good != entertaining
You could literally mute his stream and it wouldn't make a difference.
if any of you fucking losers play darius I want you to leave my thread this instant noskill scum
Yuri or futa?
this is NOT me
I don't have any skins, this is some goy tring to trick you
I suck cock by the way.
Alright kid, go watch your lol so funny screaming american streamers.
but darius is an incredibly high skill champion though... ?
>will probably never see him again
what? why?
pick Aery, manaband, celerity(or 10cdr if you wanna stack cleavers), scorch, Domination lethpen and collection or ravenous
run up
throw Q
hope their punish doesn't outtrade yours or you somehow outrange them
weep because you are only good vs melee matchups, ADs or retards
this is him btw
lvl 33 avarossa icon with rune pages named malphite mr malphite ar malphite ap
gold v 0 lp negative w/l and 53% win rate on malphite with over 100 games
me too
I will. You enjoy your soulless one word commentary every few minutes.
shut the fuck up faggot
>t. jayce main
>decide to check reddit to check on what the shitters think of the preseason
>feel my iq declining with every post I read
>alt f4 as quickly as possible
>cant forget what i read
will i ever be able to recover anons?
>ADC comes to my lane and starts sniping CS
I also take it up the ass by the way.
I'm also an ahricuck
/r/leagueoflegends and /lolg/ are bros since back in the day of hotshot browsing this general
Anyone know if qt is going to stream the scrims tomorrow for his TCS team? I bet that shit will be more hilarious than the actual tournament.
stop impersonating me, I go to reddit every day
>be new
>try playing jg after getting smite and everything
>learn how to gank and everything
>feel like i fall behind midgame when the enemy jungler outlevels me and then kills me a bunch
What am I doing wrong? I feel like I run out of monsters to kill but I don't dare go to the enemy jungle before level 6 or else their jungler will kill me.
desu if you didnt lose those 3 ranked games i wouldnt find you cuz i was using data that was 4 days old
>hide your summoner name
>dont hide your exact position on the ladder
fucking gross
this place is a fucking hellhole, go back to rddit and take your rddit spacing with you cuck
Voice chat when?
t. newfag of /lolg/
We literally use eachother memes all the time
Move to China
>he wants to listen to 12 years old kids flame each other
>reddit spacing
>he's not in plat where all the girl gamers are hard stuck
I cant wait to get drunk and chat up the ladies.
I want to tell these 12 years old kids I want to cum inside their buttholes
I want to tell you I want to cum inside YOUR butthole!
me too! fuck, just makes me hard thinking about little children
hows lucian and what r the best items on him
I hope youre behind a proxy dude
>i posted his and he stopped responding
lmao mane
Familiarize yourself with how long your jungle camps take to respawn after you kill them, and use the interim time to gank or defend the tower for missing lanes. You'll generally be two levels below your top/mid and on par with your bot, and should be similarly leveled with the enemy jungler unless they're getting plenty of kills.
Counterjungling isn't hard when you get used to it, and watch the map regularly. If you spot the jungler down bot harassing your lane, and you're in the top river, feel free to go grab his raptors and lizzer.
>Nearly all divers and bruisers only need Steraks and T-Force to 100-0 your backline now
>Xin and Wukong rip and tearing every game
Best champ/role to smash the hopes of new players while smurfing?
Also any tips for maximizing Blue Essence/skins on a smurf?
quit playing until better balance
Are yordles pink on the inside or purple?
unironically kys
Klepto Ez or GP seema like a solid choice.
Anyone on NA want to play? I'm trying to perfect my Nami with the new runes.
any assassin on mid
well what do they taste like?
Are there girl champs that are actually boys?