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>Danganronpa News Last updated 11/15/17
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I love Junko!
i love kaede.
To the people who like Gundam and Sonia stuff.
A Doujinshi for them is coming out.
You and the ugly sister posters are the worst avatarfags kys.
Angie and her beloved Saihara!
I want to fuck Kaito!
IN DR4 you'll be playing as me! Surprising, right?
What actually happens for Angie's love hotel?
Good reminder that Valwinz collected our autism into a video
Didn't they already waste that twist on DR0
i love cocks
I love Kirumi!
She's basically into femdom and starts teasing and touching up Shuichi who's going full spaghetti mode the entire time
Say something nice to Saionji.
I love all of you :)
She's cute!
Love you too user.
Threadly reminder to hydrate your Toko twice a day otherwise she will dry out and start to wither.
I love you too
Good morning /drg/!
>didn't have a drem about my waifu
Oh well. I'll try again tonight!!
what did they mean by this?
That team danganronpa one is fucking baller
Hold my hand user
they are the most popular right?
they put the two boys and the two girls together i guess
Deliciously homo.
>iPhone 7/8
>iwn have an iPhone so I can't use these
captcha: Route Tulipas
Is kaede and Saihara the most popular couple in Danganronpa?
I remember a jap poll saying that.
isn't oumasai more popular?
Two protags + the ship being pushed HARD at the beginning of the game will certainly do that.
No Saihara and Kaede was.
Since guys voted as well not just girls
Hajime x Nagito
i don't remember.
i only remember the kaede and shuichi love hotel voted first
the ouma one second
and korekiyo one third
Ah but this time it's not a twist, but the premise.
These was for the character polls
When are they gonna rerelease these? They won't will they?
Pretty sure you can still get them from JP Amazon.
You're right. Thanks user!
I only want it if it's a first person VR game
>Buying overpriced garbage
Is maki greatest flaw her arc/relationship with Kaito?
Because most critism I heard of her comes from referencing that. Unless there are other factors, She was alright on chap3.
It really was, at least in my eyes. She became awkwardly obsessive and hardly cared about her own self. It also dragged on for way too long and only lead to "yeah, love yourself" which was a hilarious middle finger to the whole arc
Himiko big facesitting
How big is Himiko's butt?
That’s weird because it’s about her only redeeming aspect
smol facesitting
her relationship with kaito was the only good thing about her
Woah, what did you like about Maki?
Late Koko! Some fujos are scary.
Miu is the most popular girl after Kaedeif I remember correctly.
Did you get into a fight in Twitter again?
ultimate assassin twist made her a shitton worse and just basically confirmed her being a survivor
even without kaito, maki got worse as the story progressed
>constantly posts on every platform known to man
>has never had an intelligent thought in their life
I wonder.
Himiko is for bullying
Himiko giving Tenko neck kisses
Tenko shaking in pleasure
>every platform known to man
>not in neopets
Don't be rood to her user
Himiko getting a restraining order on Tenko
Should be the other way around
Youtube, actually. All this because I said I headcanon Kokichi as bi.
>walls of text
>fucking youtube comments
You have a problem
I had a dream about Angie but Angie isn't my waifu. Its slightly upsetting that I asked her on a date but at least it was a pleasant dream.
Why would you even talk about shit like that on YouTube
>Iruma hates Saiouma
When did Iruma say she hates gay stuff? Hell she even makes a joke about dropping the soap in front of Saihara and Hoshi.
Himiko sucking Tenko's nipple like a child
and to be fair, the joke was pretty funny.
Fujo stuff brings out the crazy in you. I speak from experience.
I had a dream like that, but with Sonia-san. Who isn't my waifu. We were on a date and she speaking German.
I know the comment thread she got that from. It was basically a comment chain there are people out there who thinks Ouma isn't gay.
>a joke about prison rape means you’re a gay activist
Hmm gay all my dudebros are gay
Accept Atua, fucker.
It's all fun and games until you stop to think about how much time and money you spend on it.
>Don't want to disappoint myself by looking at lewd pics and doujins of my favourite character
>Has a scene in the actual game where he is tied up and begging to be fed while somewhat moaning.
>Is also a cutie and have to stop myself from having fantasies about him.
It's hard man. I've seen lewd shit of everyone else except for him but now I think I'm gonna cave in.
I didn't imply her being a gay activist, I just said she clearly doesn't hate gay stuff like the comment said.
Who are you even talking about?
It better be with Hajime
He's talking about Ouma, of course.
Nekomaru, who else could they be talking about
Bet your kitty. You'll feel better.
Stop sexualizing the Himiko, you degenerates
My point being that prison rape jokes have more homophobic connotations than anything you dumbass.
I only like the Hajime ship because he gets so excited when talking to him
Whatever the new writer is, I want him to create a dangan that is the korekiyo of fujoshits. We need a purge.
Saihara and Himiko begging Maki to stay with them
Saihara and Himiko telling Maki they'll give her love if she stays
Saihara and Himiko trading their love in exchange for protection
Toko/Syo already exist
No worries, the one I'm going to be sexualizing is you.
Why is Tenko such a slut?
But Korekiyo already kills girls.