What's the best way a teenager in high school can make like $75-$100 a week for about 10 hours of work? I work at a grocery store right now and it sucks balls. Pic related
What's the best way a teenager in high school can make like $75-$100 a week for about 10 hours of work...
>I work at a grocery store right now and it sucks balls.
Well, then I guess you aren't going to like my suggestion.
Just be a tease on grinder and receive gifts from rich old men and sell them
Buy some knee pads. You'd only need to suck 200 dicks at .50c per dick.
Learn to invest in stocks with ROBINHOOD.
>Buy some knee pads. You'd only need to suck 200 dicks at .50c per dick.
It'd be interesting here to figure out the price optimization for OP sucking cock. He said he was willing to work 10 hours, I mean he could realistically get down to a dime a cock and net $100 after expenses. Who's going to turn down that price point?
Why don't you like working at a grocery store? I work in one and I love it. I don't think other part time jobs for young people are better.
I like this idea. I was on a gay dating app and there was a rich 50 year old guy who was looking for a young gay guy to go with him on a vacation ''for free''
>You'd only need to suck 200 dicks at .50c per dick.
Why would anyone pay for that when they can get it for free on grindr? unless OP is hot
Pick up more hours or a second job.
Some call centers may allow you to work at home.
I'm kind of in the same boat, but I'm 23 and working at Goodwill. I'm still part time and making shit pay, but I'm asking for more hours and responsibility. There are full time people on their way out and I'm on good terms with the managers who say I work harder than any of the other part timers (not hard because they all either slack, or suck at their job). I'm going to try and lock down a full time position within the next month and then work on getting manager. (We have vacancies)
You just have to be confident with what you want, and put yourself in the position to be the obvious choice for your manager to make it happen.
If your store is a chain, you may be able to pick up more hours at another nearby location. That's what I'm currently doing.
Can't handle a part time job bagging groceries? Fucking loser.
Fuck off ^ maybe some of us have lives other than working and want better hours so they can continue not being a beta faggot.
Have fun being poor.
Do some paid surveys online with Mturk or something. If you are underageb&, lie about your age. I remember back in high school there was a site I used to use called prize rebel that I used to get League of Legends cards for installing viruses on a VM (some people are dumb enough to do this on a real computer, that's how they make money). You may be able to get some money that way, but only in gift cards.
>10 hours of work
75 / 10 = 7.5
Sell candy little boy
Painters can make pretty decent money and are usually either alcoholics or meth heads/stoners
Mow fucking grass...... My friend started doing that and makes like $50 and hour now. Its insane how much people pay for that shit
Read "Super System" and go to the casino and grind dem chips. Playing conservatively, you should be able to average $40/hr off the donkeys
>My friend started doing that and makes like $50 and hour now.
seriously? i gotta get in on this shit
>Painters can make pretty decent money and are usually either alcoholics or meth heads/stoners
this is because paint fumes destroy brain cells and get you high
painting creates addicts
my first job was a salesman for a company that put out local yellow/white pages directory selling ads in them. many of my clients were lawn care guys. most of these guys have a crew of a couple mexicans, show up on there sit down mower while the mexis get the edges/weeds/misc shit. in and out in like 15 min for an average yard, which is usually $40-60. obvious expenses of the gas, but pretty sure most of them pay mexicans under the table (these are smaller towns, like 5-20k people). but they work from 9-5+ everyday, the main guys can make bank.
a lot of them also do snowblowing in the winter
Veeky Forums IS FOR 18+
>have life
Just shutup kid
Gonna go skoot on the skate park buddy
18 actually work as a painter. if the work if fully consistent its ok. i know nothing about the construction scene but I guess you can enter there with steal toe boots and 9 atleast a hour.
painting will affect health though, i cough blood often and you have to wake up at 6am because traffic.
The problem is that the white guy usually is a licensed landscaper and his cronies work for 5 bucks an hour.
t. Guy who realized why landscaping requires a license
How is pic related?
Cannabis. I'm starting my own growing operation. I will sell wholesale. Northern Lights. Most of what you'll find in my area is low grade shit, I can do better.
Find it funny how a lot of people talk shit about me but I'm 17 and more successful than they'll ever be. Internship at Fortune 500 company (in top 200), 1490 sat first try, 4.4 gpa, multiple ap classes, founder and member of many clubs, volunteering at rescue mission, investor and crypto trader, all while working a part time job. Sorry I don't hold myself to as low of standards as some of you
Bro. I made 14k in a week last week. And 7 this week. I do sweepstakes and gambling runs. I would suggest you put money to the side and add it into a ira or a stock market trade. Let someone else do it for you because doing it by yourself is for professionals.
Also I made about 400 $ in just trading etc and Bitcoin in a week sooo. I put on about 2000$ and after expenses it worked out
Good luck user
Then why you asking nigger
>$75 for 10 hours of work
But that's minimum wage? Just put exempt from income tax on your w4 and you'd basically be at that at the job you're currently at(a bit off because of social security/medicare)/
They've grown from a 2 man operation only doing lawns to sprinkler service, landscaping, all kinds of shit. He doesn't even fuck with the general public now, only bids jobs for home owner's associations and commercial properties
Well most of the stuff we sold at Sherwin Williams was pretty low VOC but theyd make up for it by chugging beers and hot boxing in our parking lot. The oil based or industrial shit will fuck you up though.
fuck off
Draw furry porn and start a patreon
Wow you sure are a smart kid
Sell drugs to high schoolers, that's what I did.
>1490 SAT
LMAOOO nigga are u srs, thats retard level. 2030 here, and im really not that smart. anything under 2000 is retarded
Op is a dumbass but the SAT now is out of 1520