There's no point in invading a frozen wasteland inhabited with drunken snowniggers. So why does anybody in their right mind do it?
Why do people invade Russia?
Caucasus region oil.
presentism in a nutshell. OP you are a fucking idiot.
Big name on maps
because challenge accepted
> Mongols
> Invaded from even shittier lands
> Napoleon
> Russia messed with France first
> Wilhelm
> Russia messed with Germany first
> Hitler
> Communism messed with Germany first
Basically, Russia always bullies first get invaded as some sort answer, but joke on you, you can't invade Winterland, buddy.
Also the Mongols overran what was Russia at the time and had a pretty firm hold on it
Mongols invaded from literal wasteland into decent land, so they weren't as retarded as everyone else.
Communism was German though
Russia was leader of International after death of Marx.
>> Mongols
>> Invaded from even shittier lands
Invaded the most backwater part of europe with even less city/state/princedom cohesion than the HRE, congratulations.
>> Napoleon
>> Russia messed with France first
A shithole messing with a leading western nation? You must be retarded
>> Wilhelm
>> Russia messed with Germany first
A shithole messing with a leading western nation? You must be retarded
> Mongols
> Invaded from even shittier lands
The amount of wealth generated per square mile of land didn't really matter (especially to the Mongols who learned to ride before they could walk). Populations increase to fit the resources available, the medieval economy was almost stagnant and they had no rubbers so they had pretty much all reached this equilibrium in accordance with the theories of Thomas Malthus. If anything the Mongol conquests prior to the invasion of Russia meant the Mongols had more resources per person.
> Napoleon
> Russia messed with France first
Napoleon imposed the continental system on Russia, denying them the right to trade with Great Britain among other things.
> Wilhelm
> Russia messed with Germany first
Russia threatened to declare war on Austria to deter their brutal invasion of innocent Serbia. It hardly affected Germany, if it was justice they wanted they should have sided with Russia.
> Hitler
> Communism messed with Germany first
Poland wasn't communist, they fought off the Soviet Union.
Did you stop playing Ocarina just before you defeat Ganondorf? Russia is final boss of Europe.
Though Britain is true final boss.
Finland is post-credits final boss.
> Hitler
> Communism messed with Germany first
I believe he is referencing the 1918 revolution attempt in Germany with that. Poland was just in the way to get to the commies.
t. different
>Russia threatened to declare war on Austria to deter their brutal invasion of innocent Serbia. It hardly affected Germany, if it was justice they wanted they should have sided with Russia.
you do realize that Germany and Austro-Hungary were allies before WW1 started
>brutal invasion of innocent Serbia
it's a Serbia dindu nuffin episode
Italy was also their (((ally))), so what?
Italians are subhuman jews who lack honor
austrians were germanic and had a much more closer relation
both their people and their leaders
russia knew this
>it is ok to invade Belgium to get to France
>it is ok to invade Poland to get to commies
Just because they are small doesn't mean they aren't sacred sovereign nation states. It was completely justified for Great Britain to declare war on Germany in both instances.
Of course. Austria acted unjustly so Germany could have easily ended the alliance without a stain on their honor.
The black hand was to blame not Serbia. In fact Serbia agreed to cooperate with the ultimatum sent by Austria, arresting Vojislav Tankosić and asking for proof to justify the arrest of Milan Ciganović.
Justified by scrap of paper? Don't think so, buddy. The agressive intentions of the eternal anglo were pretty clear in both cases. Britain wasn't invaded, so they have zero rights to invade poor Germans.
Because conquering Russia would be like being the weakest kid on campus punching out Mike Tyson, people wouldn't fucking mess with you.
People are always invading everywhere unless your backwater like the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Even they were invaded in fact.
>in their right mind
name one sane leader that invaded a unified Russia
Everyone needs a good challenge.