Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

On Ruby Wings Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!
>HotS: 2017 Year in Review

What's New? :
>Dragons of the Nexus Event!
>November 14th - December 12th

>Blizzcon 2017 Announcements!
>New heroes, Laning changes, Skill-based MMR, Laning updates, Voice chat, and more!

>Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder; Now LIVE!
>Hanzo, Master Assassin

Community Resources :
>Guides, Tips, Talent Calculators, Youtube Content, and more
>*Unofficial* Heroes of the Storm API
>Upload your replays and contribute data for more accurate statistics
>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes

Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game? :
>Blizzard App - Social Tab invite links
Type "/join Veeky Forums" in the chat


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Hopefully we get a good Black Friday sale.

Where the FUCK is Maiev?!

They didn't have one last year, what makes you think they will this year.


>Thanks for the detailed feedback and glad you're liking her overall!
>One thing I want to address is the fact that you can't currently max-range W and walk over it when retreating without having to stop. This is something we intended to be possible, but we accidentally broke the timing at some point before release. I believe we're looking to address this in an upcoming patch, which should help quite a bit.
>I do hear a lot of feedback asking for the delay to be reduced, but something I don't think people realize is that making it shorter will also make it harder for your team to respond and get into the circle before it goes off. That's tough to appreciate right now while everyone's still learning, but there's a future a week or two from now where players have a pretty good handle on the timing and are playing around Abundance much more efficiently.
>The biggest mistake I see players make right now is that they see Abundance go down and just stand in it, making them easy targets. The thing is there's no benefit to being in Abundance at any time other than the moment it goes off, so the ideal scenario is you dip in just before it activates, which makes you a lot harder for enemies to hit and is less disruptive to whatever else you're doing. We put a ton of effort into making the activation timing very clear for exactly this reason.
>Timing aside, we'll definitely be keeping a close eye on both Alexstrasza's overall performance as well as how Abundance & related talents are doing. There's still a lot of room for skill growth and I think we want to be careful not to overreact, but we're not opposed to making the ability easier to use if needed.

>Originally this was done to be thematically consistent, and it never really proved to be a problem in our playtests. However I do think your feedback is reasonable, and if we get to a point where we want to buff her Dragon form, I think we'd be open to trying a flat heal amount on Q.

Reminder that Malthael loses the lane to Probius and struggles with against Murky.

sup bronzie

Reminder if Probius and Murky are in your game, you already lost anyway.

With any luck they'll be inspired by the recent EA drama.

Probably not, though. Last year blew.

Accept the truth
T. Abathur main