can anyone give me a rundown of mussolini's policies/what he did with the italian economy? my textbook doesnt go into much, if any detail outside of "it was fascism" and i'd like to have more details
Can anyone give me a rundown of mussolini's policies/what he did with the italian economy...
He corporatized it (which basically means the economy was organized into guilds that represented industries) and generally discouraged class conflict
He wanted to make the worlds greatest pizza
is there any industries that were focused on specifically? was the whole, "Trains ran on time" thing actually true?
thanks for the bump
he made italy great again
I'm the face of the economic depression of the 30s he tried to make the country self sufficient (autarcy). His apparent success while democracies seemed to suffer did much to propel fascist movement abroad.
Trains did improve but that was more because of technological innovations rather than any actually policies by Mussolini.
>I'm the face of the economic depression
Forgot pic
it was fascism
can somebody explain what was bad about fascism/Nazism?
the only argument i have seen my whole life is "muh feelings"
in a democracy a leader is required to bribe the voters with stuff to get re-elected while in a dictatorship we rely entirely on the good will of the leader.
Well leftists' arguments against fascism all ultimately boil down to their premise of the blank slate, that all individuals, races, and genders are equal. And that's obviously false.
Part of the Fascist aesthetic demands an external enemy, and by consequence it usually leads to war.
Of course, while some people have a positive view of war (i.e. proponents of Fascism) as a nation-strengthening activity and a fit past-time for the mobilized masses, some people have no stomach for war, and many wars fought by fascists tend to have disastrous results for themselves, which I would speculate is caused by nationalism alienating possible allies.
Another issue with Fascism is how nebulous it is, take for example Mussolini's shift on racial-ethnic views. He went from 'Race is a feeling', to falling in step with views found in Nazism.
There is not clear doctrine aside from the basic principles, which some would see as a weakness, some as a strength.
Nazism is literally "muh feelings" the ideology. In one year they were able to destroy the academic tradition, that developed quantum mechanic, with their main excuse being "muh jews", like always. And for what? They collapsed in decade anyway.
The same that with Capitalism except now you can't even talk shit about it
Bump, I am interested
>It's either Fascism or emotional cosmopolitanism
Kys my men
A Fascist economy can only sustain in war due to its inherent nature of mass mobilisation. If war fails, Fascism fails. If war is over, Fascism is over, unless it transitions, which in the history of mankind has only occurred in ancient times after mass conquests where people had the conviction to do so. 20th century European Fascism didn't work because there had to be a party in the first place, meaning that Fascism was just a specious and aberrant superstructure on a democratic, party-based substructure
It always was strange to me that there were so many jewish scientists in the 20th century
Portugal was fascist into the 1970s and its economy was fine the entire time.
Perhaps war was necessary to the Nazi German economy specifically, but it's clearly not inherently necessary to every fascist economy.
Ok, so this is to do with land reform and farming and comes mostly from my study into Southern Italy and Caroline White's book "Patrons and Partisans".
So, like all of Mussolini's (and fascism's) policies, they were very inconsistent and were enacted depending one what gave the central government more power.
For instance, land reform in the North took a very distributive stance because the land owners 1) highly politically active 2) very Conservative and thus against Mussolini and 3) if Mussolini didn't do it he would have lost support to a burgeoning Socialist movement who was picking up support amongst rural workers.
So Mussolini looked to gain support through giving more power to the farmers, breaking up the landowners power and atomising the workers and preventing them from unionising.
Land reform in the South, however, was focussed on keeping landowners in power for other reasons. Southern lords were not politically active, they were typically only interested in their own domain politically and had a mutual interest in keeping the Socialists out. So, Mussolini allowed them to remain in an almost feudal position in running the South.
Their relationship is exemplified in how many noble titles that Mussolini sold to Southern landowners in exchange for support and control of the people. For instance, the Prince Torlonia bought his title early into Mussolini's reign.
So his policies were very spotty and very much centred on "how do I remain in power and keep forces in society happy?" at the expense of protecting the weak and poor.
Jews value knowledge and education above just about any other virtue. I'm far more surprised that there is so many Christian scientists in spite of a culture of ignorance.
> portugal "economy"
> fine
I wish national-syndicalism was set up foot in Europe. Too bad it was crushed by Franco.
Portugal was not fascist
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