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Old thread: eyosongive.us

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xth for my wife Syndra

where did all the lulufags go
i miss seeing cute lulus improve thread quality

Xth for Morgana. Post Morganas!


Best couple!

Anyone have the comic of Lux, Katarina, and Riven hanging out in Lux's room discussing Garen?

>tfw no qt petite gf

what are some great overlooked rune/champion combinations youve found

>Lethal Tempo J4
lock them in the thunderdome and wail on them for the full duration. Bonus points if you get PD or IE

>Phase Rush Celerity Garen top
>there is no longer any escaping from the spinning. Rush Yommu into Black Cleaver ALWAYS and finish with Duskblade if you can. the removal of Armor runes in the top lane and increase in base stats makes Garen extra dangerous right now. You would actually be surprised by the results

>Glacial aug on Caitlyn and Kog'maw
the stupid slow thingy lets you basically get in 3 extra autos or so before they have a chance to retaliate properly. its really fucking slept on especially lategame when it goes up to 40%.

Fingers crossed with her update it'll be one of her best skins

They'll probably throw it into the store too


couldn't you also get it from doing Tribunal ?

>They'll probably throw it into the store too

I kinda hope not. I have the skin and I wanna feel speshul.

that fan art reminds me of when lol art was good.

what went wrong?


I love Riven, my cute and perfect wife!

Remember Imperial Lux is made for defeating and then breeding.

>Game model with some shit on it


anyone care to explain this graph to me?

>not wanting her to defeat and breed you instead

shit taste famalam

kevin died

Oh I do too, believe. But nothing can stop Riot's jewery


>tfw Silver Kayle is gonna get an update as well

Lee sin buffs when

tfw unmasked kayle is gonna get an update


cucks ruin threads

le 56% hours

Projection, bias, boredom

he said he would protect lulu forever
what a lying bastard

the cuddle and protect lulufag

eu hours are the worst. nothing but cucks, sissies, and faggots

Rate and post yours. Lolg is full of Riven/Ahri haters and pedophiles(yordle posters so I don't expect much

howd he die

fuck off

what am i looking at here


>no Bara lee
I'm disappointed user


Riot wants to overload all the champions, so the last champ you played now also has the passive of the champ you played before them. How busted or shit are they?

>Bard with Eve's passive
The best roaming in the world


Download skin preview

come on

dooo iiiiiiiiiit

it's FREE(that's right, free) skins. kind of. sort of

>blocked name

What are the odds?

the Cutest

But user, all yordles are older than 18 so it's not pedophilia... even those who are attracted to girls above 11 (average puberty age) are technically not pedophiles either.

>t. 56%

>Not wanting to "teach" Lux the "song of your people" If you know what I mean.

I think you might have some shit in your mouth

Exactly now abuse/bullyfags are ganging up on her now.

He failed to cuddle and protect her.


This should've been her splash

>get ahead in lane
>Other lanes behind
>Stall with traps, farm and make the game unfun for the enemy team
>Win by attrition

Feels Cait man

Why are toeless socks so fucking hot?

did he finally swim in lulu? or was that a different one?


t. circumcised overweight mongoloid

Your not so wrong.

>only now are they beginning to consider nerfing Twitch
Hopefully his pick/ban rates finally go down.

I know. I really like these.

nah that's quetzal

>2+ years of consistently being top 3 ADC in winrates by a mile
>"maybe we should nerf him"


How is it even allowed to solo carry this hard? Fucking Graves won the whole game by himself.

What have I done? Stop that Now!

How did you fuck this up user?

>play top
>Enemy is an AP malph with ignite
>I unironically lose lane
>Malph is 3/1 try not to feed anymore since it looks like MF will carry since she is 8/1
>We win and Malph says to report his team since he is the only one who did well
>He was 4/5
>He tells me I'm a fag and to kill myself since I lost land
>Riot sends me a feedback report that he was penalized for homophobic slurs

post more zoe please

Lulu is now free for public use!

>We win and Malph says to report his team since he is the only one who did well
not sure why people do this

>report my team for losing lane
like nigga

>Better than mine/10
I've been working on my Irelia, moving to top this season Riven main Irelia back up.

Vlad fed the Graves like fucking mad. Honestly had no idea how to manage this. I did like no damage against him while he literally oneshoted me. How am I supposed to deal with this?

Yeah, I've had games like that as Graves (except from the jungle). I really don't understand his low as shit winrates, he's still fucking amazing.

Could you be more repulsive?

are you implying left looks bad

You now remember Touhou blade used to give attack speed and has critical chance.


>coming from a tristana-clone poster

Sorru but the conquest of ___Lux___ can not be stop!

Darius buffs when

Build an hourglass to start that would help some.

Soraka is cute.

they can't be

who is this cute boy

>honor 3
mah nigga

>tfw no adc gf

Well at least it's a clone of something cute.

>fuck off
Choke on dick cancerous faggot.

Kog butts when?

>get a teemo toplane for the 5th game in a row

bring me my cyanide lolg

Tell him to fucking khs and play a carry support like Zyra or Brand

>those feet
they didn't even try

Does it get harder to level up after 30?

Amusing, but no. It was crappy ms-paint tier art (though pretty decent for that) and lux bitched out Riven for her crappy choice in words.

Cute girl(male).

at 50 stops

>47% wr
>Gold for 5 years
Why did you even post your op.gg

feet are a degenerate fetish so i'm glad they didn't

Considering getting back into the game with all the new runes and what not. Played a lot of Sion, Warwick and Rammus. How do these guys fare with the new shit?

its his

tanks are still really solid, weaker earlygame though
bruisers less so, idk about ww