How can nationalist cancer be eradicated once and for all? Now that religion is a non-entity if you discount the brown hordes, nationalism is the only thing preventing unprecendented human progress
How can nationalist cancer be eradicated once and for all...
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>brown hordes
Once we eradicate the spook of distinct, determinable races nationalism will fold like a house of cards.
If you think religion is exclusive to 'brown hordes', you're not paying attention to whichever society you're in whatsoever. Unless you grew up and are currently living in China
We're coming for ya globalist!
Only by cure that is globalization.
There's only three countries most people here would consider "white" over 30%. This graph doesn't support your point.
The brown hordes go all the way down to USA and they're the ultra-religious outlier in western countries, just like in regards to imperial vs metric and cutting off baby foreskins. Poland is the first Euro one
>a white male
>not Euro
french "people" aren't white
africa begins at the rhine
how dumb do you have to be to think nationalism will ever go away and why would you want it to anyway
multicultural multiracial societies are hell on earth
Nationalist cattle need to be dragged into the future kicking and screaming.
Ive seen anarchist on the streets a few times. They are usually rail thin manlets who do drugs all day. Nationalists go together in summer camps to practise martial arts together. You can still try though
T. 193cm 93kg nationalist bully
you wouldn't last a second against my antifa buddies lad
Funny how you say buddies. Cant fight on your own pussy? :^)
And you people wonder why the rest of the world wants to get rid of your barbaric slavic ""culture."""
Step aside for the manlet!
I'm not an anarchist either.
I know this is hard for nationalist brainlets to understand. But worrying so much about politics is for the plebs.
An enemy. It is really as simple as that. Nationalism was born in war, nationalism lives in division. To try to destroy nationalism only makes it stronger.
Nationalism can not die
Hahaha not the nationalist boy scout here but I hope you're trolling mr. /lefty/skeletor
>Implying I'm a Slav.
>nationalism can not die
All ideas that are born will die some day.
collectivization faggot
First and foremost nations are important because they represent variety of government, social and cultural systems. If I don't like a shithole where I was born, I have an option to move to a slightly different shithole and live there. In a globalized world this option doesn't exist
For example, country A does not tolerate fags, country B is Sweden. If a gay man is born in country A, he has an opportunity to change his life for the better.
>worrying so much about politics is for the plebs.
says the one who doesn't have any power
That's really sad. But then again, if you favour collectivism so much, of course you would not eat more than one meal a day to pack on some weight.
As long as there is sentience there will be individialism
t. jerking off in the basement while having read some of Nietschze's work makes me intellectually superior, even though I am still a complete loser with no progress in life I am still an enlightened Ubermensch.
But nations are fine as long as they aren't romanticized.
same goes for your opinion
The only power that matter is your power over yourself.
Something nationalists are all to eager to surrender.
But romanticism is comfy.
t. triggered
Romanticism is fine as long as it isn't nationalist.
but then how would you argue the fact that those who seek public office have more power than you?
Communism was the best chance for the early destruction of nationalism, but working class westerners were so retarded that they drank the kool-aid pushed out by the international elites and other enemies of the people.
>In a globalized world this option doesn't exist
You have no fucking clue what globalism is. Take your Alex Jones NWO bullshit back to /x/
Romanticism is hyped up bullshi
the proletariat will never breach ethnic and racial lines to unite
deal with it commushit
even Marx considered non germans subhuman and wanted Prussia to invade and subjugate france
>Romanticism is fine as long as it isn't nationalist.
Romanticism in general is a problem. You get a utopianism which tends to kill people.
The question is whether or not nation states are a good idea. I think they are, at least for the time being, since we have no idea how to solve the centralization of power issue.
People who want a globalist government tend to not focus on the fact that a government that taxes 7.2 billion people would by definition be a totalitarian state simply because they have so much resources.
Communism appealed greatly to Russians, people all over Asia, and even the Africans in the 60s and 70s. Westerners are the problem, once all of you are exterminated for good we can get on with things
Getting rid of nationalism and forcing people to cooperate would require the creation of an authoritarian centralized institution that would rapidly become belligerent. We need to convice nations to cooperate on problems, we need to gradually educate people and do the long hard work needed, anything else is a pipe dream.
>if you discount the brown hordes
many brown people are stupid but many white people are too, the world is full of stupid apes and the cosmopolitan middle class communities you are familiar with would never work on a large scale
Humans have this instinct to gain social status. They absolutely flip their shit when they are on the receiving end, even if it is just mild banter, they then hypocritically hate on everyone else. This shit flinging will never go away, anti-nationalist liberals for example will hate on anyone who dares criticize flaws in their beliefs, you have to sit and nod your head and agree with everything they say or apparently you are a bad person.
>ITT: Soros shills
why isn't this parasite dead yet
back to /pol/ or /x/
What is your etnicity/origin?
Nietzschean philosophy uses the term "power" in a very esoteric way that's intrinsically tied to self-overcoming. You don't necessarily have this just by having an influential position in society.
Also I'm not discouraging participating in electoral politics. When I say caring so much about politics is silly is that great people will prosper regardless of system so it's not really worth pledging almost religious devotion to a certain system.
>oh shit he called me out SHUT IT DOWN
So you're essentially a buttblasted chink who got bullied by some white bogans too much in school.
Romanticism is cool though.
>if you don't want nation states you most want a one world government
Why are you still here?
>if you don't want nation states you most want a one world government
The point isn't what you want, it's what you're going to get.
$0.001 has been deposited into your account
>boohoo they're invading muh safe space
Notice the superlative 'most'?
Also, the United States, the most relevant and powerful 'Western' country has half its population valuing religion as fuck
k Alex Jones
>Some faggot is derailing a discussion
>People want the faggot to go away
Why people are so triggered by a cosmopolitism? There exist problems that can't be solved by any, no matter how powerful, single nation without the cooperation with everyone else.
It triggers me and many others when that containment board starts leaking out.
Why would I tolerate a bunch of delusionals that spread idiocy wherever they go?
Except non-Russians in the USSR were literally genocided, just as minority ethnic groups were targeted for extermination under the (Han) Communist Chinese and Khmer Rouge.
Also given the short reign of Communist groups in Africa, they never received widespread support beyond getting rid of their imperial masters.
Communists had a long way to go as far as the establishment of racial inequality was concerned.
>derailing a discussion
>by staying on-topic
>non-Russians in the USSR were literally genocided
t. Petro Hoholovych
>on topic
Cosmopolitanism only works along Eastern and Western lines, and between them only one way.
Soviet apologists are anachronisms. Kill yourself to belong where you should
> non-Russians in the USSR were literally genocided
What? Maybe some of them were deported, but even Russians suffered heavily under Stalin.
I bet you think the holodomor actually happened too
Opposing nationalism and wanting to enact a world government to enable "human progress" is what Soros wants
Crimea will never be Ukrainian.
> Soviet apologists are anachronisms
C'mon! It's 2016! How can you deny cold war era propaganda in the current age! XD
> is what Soros wants
And Hitler wanted us to respect animal rights, so what?
I am not shilling for Soros. I don't follow the views of some random business person.
It wasn't just Ukrainians, Central Asians were starved and deported just as fiercely.
I'd highly recommend reading Engineers of the Soul. It's about Soviet engineering, particularly their use of waterworks in Central Asia to control minority groups, as well as the creation of the New Soviet Man.
>comparing animal rights to having a world government controlling the world and bringing an end to individuality and freedom
read this
he's also responsible for the Ukraine fiasco
Many groups were deported and repressed by the other means. But they weren't literally genocided. Soviet Union wasn't 100% Russian, not even part of it that corresponds to current Russia.
One of these is not like the others.
unironically and without memeing kill yourself
t. Petro Hoholovych
Nationalists also want to bring end to individuality and freedom, but without even progress and such.
Even though your source doesn't look neutral, I can say that in my views Soros is based.
kek those right wing sites are hilarious
> having a world government controlling the world
This is bad... because anarchy is better system?
>nationalism is the only thing preventing unprecendented human progress
Uh huh how do you figure though?
which one
Nationalists obviously.
It has elements that will halt progress like
>racial identity that might discredit progressives
>culture that might make certain scientific progress seem bad
just a few i can think of
nationalism doesn't promote individualism and and freedom?
what you getting at mate cos that's exactly what it does
>having different countries with their own views and values is less individualistic and free than having them under a world government
And ironically progress was mostly made during the World Wars which involved said countries fighting against each other
>individualism and and freedom
How does nationalism promote individualism? All citizens within a nation are required to think in a certain way.
Why can't I have some nationalist tendencies without being described as a boogyman on Veeky Forums. No I don't want radical muslims in my country blowing themselves up, cosmopolitism creates (in my opinion) a boring world homogenous world culture, I don't want my cultural traditions erased by policymakers out of fear of offending someone, no I don't like refugees because even the Syrian intellectuals themselves (from personal accounts, are horribly entitled people and these are the "best" ones).
But if Kwazi Mgambe wants to come to my country to become an engineer, live here and participate in our traditions and cultures I'll be happy to help him.
Nationalism is about putting the good of your country above your own will. (ibn4 muh ethnicity>nation) It's about as far from individualism as you can get.
But hey, you're probably one of those "conservatism/nationalism = everything I like, liberalism = everything I hate" idiots from /pol/
Veeky Forums is /leftypol/ if you haven't figured it out yet
See? This is what you want, but in this thread we are discussing what is progressive and overall better for humanity when you remove the brainwashing and think objectively.
It doesn't. Nationalists just have this frankly retarded idea that being exactly the same as everyone else in your nation-state is individualism because you're different to people in a different nation-state.
In this way nationalism and globalist-humanism are exactly alike, just with the slight distinction that nationalists would rather marginally more diversity. Nationalists want to limit people into a mould based on historical romanticism and and idealized vision of what people in this "nation" should be like. It's supremely anti-individualistic.
That depends on how that nation operates itself. If a nation allows individual freedoms then it will promote outside discourse and individual opinion
>racial identity that might discredit progressives
a country can be religious but not all nationalism is religious so moot point
>culture that might make certain scientific progress seem bad
wtf lol
He has more self-insight than you that's for sure. You believe you have all the answers and speak for everyone, while he only speaks for himself.