League of legends general - /lolg/

one-shot meta sucks
more RNG because why not LOL editionv2
if you agree with these statements I highly advice you make yourself heard on the official boards



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xth for my wife Syndra

fucking finally

xth for breast metal waifu

I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get a burst of ms when she throws out chompers or rideable ult

>people obsess about Jinx
>every time all I can think about the fat fuck in college who only played Annie and Ezreal
>Jinx comes out, he immediately mains her unless falling back on Annie because role/bans
>Friend with his roommate so one day we go in the room to grab some stuff for an event
>the guy is there, no pants, sweating and furiously jerking off to the Jinx trailer/music video thing
>he literally defends it as finally getting to play more than one champ who isn't a "disgusting old cow" and that her nihilistic sense of humor is top tier because it's like him

Wonder how he'd feel about Zoe

>tfw no qt petite gf

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw you get a presento

Why did you post this? It's not interesting nor is it pasta worthy.

>Irelia is getting reworked before this mess of a champion

>when your toplaner is playing like a shitload of fuck

Alright you damn ass weasels.

Stop posting 'bout your imaginary girlfriends and fucking post 'em and rate 'em.

Bring all the hate you can gather.


How the fuck am I supposed to deal with Nasus

I disagree with you user I hope all the idiot jinxfags read it when they post their dumb shit every thread

Lee sin buffs when

I bet jinx posters like Rick and Morty and Monty Python

>he is still going

what the fuck is that europe game hashinshin plays?

Play one of the many champions that can kill him and do so

I really want her to sit on my face

this is the first time i got 4 honors in a game....i was blitz top

give her a bath first she's probably filthy

>autofilled to support
>pick soraka
>use sg skin
>can think about nothing but fucking her magical pussy
>while stroking her horsecock

What's the least lewd skin Soraka has?

Ok I need some serious moral guidance.

>be silver support
>play game one day and get really good vayne
>asks if I want to duo
>we end up playing a lot together
>he otp vayne and i sona
>almost never lose, 23 games together with 86% win rate
>tells me he's a plat ooosting his friend's account
>for some reason he thinks im a girl, maybe because his use of smileys
>asked what my favorite sona skin was
>didn't have any
>bought me dj sona
>asking me to discord with him

wat do i do

xth for Cute Ashe

Friday Night Edition


What are those champions?

Riddle me this /lolg/
why is matchmaking such dog shit in this fucking game?

>tfw you get a presento


give me your opinion

kill yourself idiot I hope you die

good taste in mf skin 4/5

3/5 fire is cute but goddamn if Trist isn't starting to get on my nerves lately

>try 1v1'ing a Lee sin with only a jungle item and Duskblade with my 3 item alpha 7-0 Phanteon
>E's him for a full duration without any retaliation whatsoever
>W+Q with the same results
>heh, what a reta--
>he suddenly decided to retaliate with EW, melee a couple of times and R+Q'd
>I die


Playing For Honor actually made me realize it could be far worse.

I just won a 60 minute game against some cocky Yasuo main and his autistic comrades. Spamming ez never felt so good. They were spamming their mastery emotes the whole game, were mocking us in the chat and in the end they lost and got buttmad about it. Is there any better feeling you can have while playing LoL?

>blitzcrank top

>Hemomancer thought process:
Blood = fuck yeah
Highbord pretty young woman = fuck yeah
Virgin = fuck yeah
The full moon at midnight = fuck yeah

A blood covered pretty young noble virgin under the moonlight = true love

She's his ideal woman face it.

Your main is now your instructor

Who is your main and what are they teaching you

bridle close

Let us know how it goes.

Morgana is my Goddess of Victory!

can someone make a mod that swaps lucians gun sound for skraaaaaa pa pa ka ka

"im shy xd"

just play the song in the background

"Nah I just want to listen to music :3"


The only way to make it up to him is become a girl user.

Holy shit you really are butthurt. Your thread is not safe so you have to keep repeating my post until you hope I won't do it anymore. Just hop off my dick faggot because you are pathetic.

>Is there any better feeling you can have while playing LoL?
Of course. Getting 50 LP in less than 50 minutes.

riot is just fucking garbage company

holy shit i need this noooowww


>Giving other champs his Ult
>Potential to instakill enemies at fountain
>Now this


real ranked isn't that bad
normals and flex are a nightmare

"maybe when you get me to plat ;3"


>Zoe can be neo nidalee and get a redemption with her rng passive
>LeBlanc can't even be good using gunblade as a crutch

they prioretize queue times over matchmaking quality

if you are even more selective than just mmr, for example, you look at loss streaks
then it becomes a nightmare
i had to dodge 15 games to do my provisionals but it was worth it, i went 10/0 and got placed plat 1 wheras if i played with all those people on off roles or loss streaks i wouldve been gold or something

Just got a Braum penta AMA

Riven, Vayne and Yasuo.

>ezreal STILL at 57% winrate

uhhh lolbabs????????

>champion has a dash
>the dash follows other dashes
Is this the most cancer mechanic in the game? At least windwall is only on Yasuo.

3/5, but holy shit stop buying skins for Jinx and get something for your other champions, half of them are literally naked from the waist up.

>enemy team intentionally gives it to you
>this is an accomplishment of some kind

>Able to kill Nasus

>36 minutes in
>only two items
>they're both crit items
Nani the fuck?

the only penta ive ever gotten was 5 killsteals as jinx

>tfw you realize your bot-lane is gay as fuck but you aren't into dudes.

I want to give a bath on Zoe

I mean can't blame him. Rakan skin is ok. Yorick's are all pretty meh. And Soulhunter Kayn is awful.

Brand is my favorite

Another friendly reminder that if you purchased a "Mystery Champion" from the Essence Emporium and received a 3150 IP champion that Riot will refund the 3950 Essence if you submit a ticket as the minimum value was later increased to 4800.

Hey, wasn't there some "end of season" stats last year? First penta, best kda and all that.



oho hehe we're looking into it oh by the way did I mention we remade Pulsefire Ezreal, it's a great skin now, one of the greatest we've ever done in the history of all skins, maybe ever

What elo

>he can't stomp a Nasus with a Riven


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Annie, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana, Zoe

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air,

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



I want Annie to rape me


>no Anivia

I don't like Rhaast and Rakans other skins but Yorick does deserve something down the road but I cant decide between Penta or Undertaker. I love Jinx too much not to spoil her, if it exists under her she'll get it.

your list is shit

Anivia is mommy
>tfw no threeway with Anivia and Winter Wyvern

what makes you post this list every time
it isnt funny, it isnt creative, it isnt canon, there is nothing good about this post in general
yet you post it every thread

But we do this every day too user


Undertaker is his worst skin (not that its bad), and Pentakill is easily his best

bretty gud otherwise

This is why you're stuck in gold


>he mains my waifu

Fuck off slut

>No hats for the ghouls

Is the roster 50% female yet? Riot just doesn't get tired of adding female champions to the game.

I'm pretty sure it's someone different this time
whoever posted it added annie and zoe despite domme tier poster calling everyone a pedo whenever it's suggested

>Pick Darius
>spam Ctrl+4 when he tries to get into XP range o the minions
>Grab some popcorn and watch how enemy team flames their 0/10/0 Nasus

I really like the helmet of undertaker

Also this:

Why doesn't Taliyah's Q have a reduced cooldown when used on worked ground? Why is it 100% punishment for using it instead of being a viable alternative to the full poke burst

>Literally Pinkie Pie

