Fatty grineer ghoul edition
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>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm
Riven Prices: wftrader.com
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.3.0)
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I want Kela de Thaym to jerk me off while calling me her meatbag as she shoves my face into her dirty grineer pussy
Mirage prime inc
not the rocket, you had one job.
Death to sarg and his degenerate faggot acolytes.
I want to pound away at Kanaks tight cetus butt
FBI has been called.
have people actually been grinding out this event?
>a tip has been submitted
>into kanaks boipucc
you cock
It's easy now, plus once you get 1 of every infected zaw part you don't have to do the event anymore.
Nth for 112 runs
I want Nezha to lift me up without the strength of his dick while I hug it
And then I want him to butter me up with asking if I'd like a fiery ring, too
>Farming ducats
>Do an Axi
>Dude brings the A2 meme
>Gets the fucking link
>He grabs a fucking Euphona P BP
I feel stupid by just thinking about it
how should I jew this?
>tfw bounty doesn't give any axi relics
Gifted some random with weapons from syndicate and mods. Was happy, I think. Now I want more random people to help. Is this how suppose to be mr24 or am I doing wrong?
>using machetes period
only good zaws are rapiers and staves
>tfw don't care about zaws or any of the plains shit for that matter
>tfw no umbra till next year
i'll trade you an unranked primed point blank for it
Where the fuck does a Nezha go to nut in all these shitposters
Each run gets you a full forma not just a blueprint.
your ass faggot
>5 formas for one hour of sprinting across the plains
Not worth it.
>doesn't care about 6k mastery
kys pedo
you mean 24k and then 12k from amps
>sprinting across the plains
More like sitting in place with banshee 4 turned on while shitposting.
I still have Archwings to grind through
maybe not to you
the mission gives you other rewards and is a pretty good affinity and mats farm too, still way better than waiting a day for each forma
talking about the event zaws.
Kanak is female...
event amps WHEN
pls respond ;_;
>he cares about pic related
>when the real deal is going to be the Venus and Eris open worlds
the same way coupons stack at the supermarket
I fucking love this shit, it never affects me outside of sorties and twitch primes, but its always fun to watch
>implying umbra won't come with one of those
kanak is a knowledgeable trap with tucking techniques to fake camel-toe. It takes advanced trap-spotting skill to realize this, so I'm not surprised you were unaware
How do I find my way back to Cetus after I finish a bounty?
he's deep undercover
Never talking, just keep walking, spreading his magic.
Either that or use archwing.
generally, looking for the tower in the skybox will take you there. you can also hit M to expand out the giant stupid map and figure out where you are.
>tfw no /wfg/ gf to help her reach mr24
>tfw can't shoot through bushes in PoE without punch through
>no masculine bf to pound my boipuss until I can barely aim and have to use aoe only characters
Literally my first run.
>tfw try to voidfast and the bushes block you
I want to date the Lotus
I unironically hate you. 115 now. Couldn't get anyone in tradechat to sell it either.
Go away.
baka desu ne frog poster
hide in /pol/ if you want, the gays are taking over
straight genocide soon
>straight genocide soon
Was already over in your mind. Still will never happen irl, faggot.
should i spam even bounties to hoard hunter mods? or are they going to be nerfed to shit?
no one can stop the xenoestrogens, no one
theres more than one way to carry out genocide you know
>frog poster
>implying thats pepe
>this new
>Couldn't get anyone in tradechat to sell it either.
really? I'm garbage at finding caches, so I just bought mine, no problem. did you have an asking price?
I believe in genocide of white people in future, but not straight. Stay mad, faggot.
which Plague items should I get to start? the scythe head?
80p. I've already gave up and spent it on slots. I'm just going to keep running until I get it out of raw spite at this point.
the % lgbt population will only keep growing, and it isn't because of acceptance :3
tfw twice my bf's MR
tfw he never logs in
Sure. Now you can finish with your mantra.
Are there any zaws worth getting duplicates of?
What should I take off to put Hunter munitions on?
it's fucking hilarious because there's a lot of straight people who are literally scared of that kind of shit
take off you're pants and lube up
Bladed Rounds. It's a gay aiming mod.
Heavy Cal
bit gay
>I believe in genocide of white people in future
hahaha you know that literally everyone was black at one point, and one freakazoid genetically came out as a pasty albino fucker and bred, you are literally a mutant lmfao GOD I love fucking with white people and I'm half white
for you
I'm not a nezha poster, I'm an ember poster, suck my dick
But shaming them turns them on.
this would be amazing bait on most boards
Are you even opening all 3 caches and/or are you on the correct node?
115 runs with no drop is a 0.0001 chance, or 1 in 10.000.
daily reminder to filter people who post disgusting shit because they've deluded themselves that they're gay irl because women don't want to do anything with them
So you're half a mutant?
my bad, you come off as a stupid faggot either way
Yes. All three. Dakata.
That's what they want. We should just ignore/filter them.
What is your quit rate?
I just picked up Zephyr for MR fodder, but the first thing I asked myself is why did they give her extra jumps? Remove her useless mobility skills that don't work in corridors, just give her infinite jumps as a passive.
Meant for
>tfw it's likely they will skip over her redo so they can get christmas mirage prime bux
actually that'd be hilarious
just give her either infinite or like 5 consecutive bullet jumps
2% but who cares? Run one hundred and fucking eighteen. Suck my fat rock dick RNG.
You need a new one.
Reminder that women are soon to be completely irrelevant due to the rapid growth of VR and test tube babies. Also a reminder that masculinity is a meme that's been dying ever since people realized that the only reason there was ever such a huge emphasize on being masculine, is due to the heavy inferiority complexes that came with being born in a time where being a cunt to any person, race, gender, etc, was the norm, and everyone was ignorant due to the lack of freedom of information