League of Legends General - /lolg/

Whatever happened to this guy? Edition.
OT: eyosongive.us

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>tfw people are taking Kelpto Gangplank support saying "fuck you I wanted top"

I sort of expected this

I Think Pepsi man died

I still build that on Jhin sometimes.

>tfw no qt petite gf


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Annie, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana, Zoe

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air,

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona, Janna, Anivia


Reminder that all dominant girls can be mindbroken and the haughtier/brattier ones produce higher quality sluts after.

What happened to janna while i was away? havent seen one in weeks,is she still viable for comfy matches?

Fuck off pedo

xth for my wife Syndra

>Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Aniva, Annie, Zoe, Lamb, Rek'Sai

are Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA still goin on?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

Ardent censer got gutted. She is only good if the enemy bot lane is retarded and doesn't know how to punish a squishy support.

So is aery the go to keystone if there's nothing immediately broken or if you're not playing an adc?

terrible list

>Reminder that all dominant girls can be mindbroken
Only incels believe this

xth for breast metal waifu

It doesn't matter. She wouldn't make it past sex.
Okay maybe Rhaast can't beat her in dragon form with a slap-fest. What I like to do is wither them down first then go for the kill. Either way Dragon form makes a great snack in team fights allowing me to get back my health after I'm done with her

>Teddy RO will never support with old Gangplank again

Seeing other high elo OTPs play games with the pro streamers back in season 3 had this
aspect of maximum comfy.
Take me back...

True because incels are the only ones who think there's such a thing as a dominant woman

>thinking women are perfect goddesses
>not incel


>hurr durr dominant women don't exist
Overused bait

you should meet my grandma
even at her old age she doesnt take shit from anyone and bosses people around

Pretty much. Everyone who is not a tank, or Trynd is running Aery in top lane right now.
You can use (Mating) Press the Attack on Urgot, but Aery is still a really good option for maximum poke.

females stop being "women" after they go through menopause. They are just miserable asexual smelly old shits rotting from the inside out.

>Public face=private face
you're the one baiting

>you're the one baiting
"no u" being your only response is pretty much proof that you are baiting

you didn't have to do this

stop spaming these shitty summoners code images

okay sweetie

Even more proof,thanks

>All three lanes shove up as hard as possible
>Surprised and confused when Mobos Rammus ganks them

>Blame me for not counterganking every time

>say no you
>get responded to with no you
>see proof i win

nicely played, you might get bronze in the retard olympics friend

these are gold

Next patch we get 50 blue ip a match right? I'm not spending any until then.

Aery is crazy good for poking. Some champions might opt for either Electrocute for a much stronger all-in for mid and late, Press the Attack or Aftershock since they're just that good.

can someone give me a quick rundown on new Xin jungle runes? I can think of about six different combinations that would be good


What's the counterplay to the Alistar hexflash cheese?

>Try xin zhao out
>He's a better lee sin

Why does nobody talk about him?


I need gay fizz

He just sweepers them.

wait till the sweeper runs out?

>my midlaner got solokilled by the enemy Lux 5 times in a row
>Now she just zones the fuck out of me with low cdr Qs and Ws that can chunk me for almost half my hp
fun game

What things on this game anger you user? the top thing?

tarzaned thinks he's the strongest soloq jungler
if people don't talk now, they will soon

fizz isn't gay user

girl gamers

>Alistar hexflash

what if he was a little gay

Does press the attack stack?

Cam I get 24% incoming damage on an enemy for 6 autos?

>rocket league
wait that game has all chat?


Electrocute or Aery Panth?

players with low intelligence

even if i play a normal game or something and the 40 cs adc starts whining about his team ill tell him to fucking blow his brains out on the spot

>channel hexflash in unwarded bush
>win lane

>"killing myself tonight. cant take it anymore" Nov. 15

ok im going to try hexflash garen now

>Zilean has a 54% percent winrate and is only behind Malzahar who's 55%

supports that stand behind me in lane/have no fucking presence whatsoever

this is what the #1 pantheon player uses

He's the most fun mid, only secondary to Fiddlesticks

I thought Keegun used presence of mind over triumph.

Until Aery gets nerfed more (the nerfs on pbe will do nothing) go with Aery. While electrocute does deal more burst damage Aery's damage builds up and by the time electrocute would come off of cooldown you will probably have double the damage with Aery.

bard, kindred, kayn or gnar

tell me what to buy pls


Triumph has saved me on so many situations i would had died,i pick it out of preference

ok thx. 3 to go now, then i got them all

1149 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.

smooths as fuark

>tfw no adc gf

I'm the real number 1 panth main
do this

just played with my first ever legit scripter


Ever get one of those games where you feel like being a complete dick to the enemy team, throwing out a ? every time the enemy team fails to kill you while working on tilting one player off the face of the planet? Great for getting rid of tilt and breaking a losing streak on a skin.

>janna shitters that literally don't know how to lane outside of "I press E :3"

ded ass game LUL

It's time to stop. Kayn is a shit pick at the moment.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums NA RESULTS!
A new lobby is up.

is lulu for fug?

Rhaast is shit now. With removal of Fervor his entire damage was cut by 1/3.

Brand is my favorite champion

>morellos on sona

>Gank lane after pinging a bunch of times before hand
>They don't bother to help and continue to farm

Literally uninstall

>Majiin "Stack the team in my favor" Buukage hosted Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums games

No thank you

>Everyone building full damage

5 enemies with a heal makes it seem more sensible

Bard was a gift to league

i dont even host lol
man every1 got some kinda boner 4me huh :( im just a lad u no

BlockyCommando was hosting. Majin was being a cunt and complaining the whole game.
We agreed to 4 support champs and a jungler on both teams, with everyone building damage.

If you want to tryhard that much go play ranked, faggot and build virgin tank items.
Only Chads go full dps.

>re read enemy team
Yeah ok that was a justified buy pardon my bronzie ass


>Majiin was being a cunt and complaining the whole game.

Are you new? This is standard practice.

Why haven't you submitted to the healslut life, /lolg/?

One of path's weaknesses is his ability to close gaps, this helps.

>get talon for the past three (3) times in ARAM
>always do my job destroy the enemy's backline and do a 2/3 for 1
>always wonder where my team is when I need the cleanup operation
>they're all busy locking down the rammus and getting killed by the adc/mage/bruiser that's conveniently ignored

I try to git gud, but it was not enough.

I don't want to suck cocks


When enemy fucks up and dies I tend to spam that thumbs up emoji, it makes them rage and fuck up even more

>complaining the whole game