Tell me about south east asians, who are they? whats their history? are they closer to east asians or south asians? why can't they into relevancy
Tell me about south east asians, who are they? whats their history? are they closer to east asians or south asians...
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They're basically the cross-cultural zone between India and China. On the far west you have Burma which is the closest to India both geographically and culturally, and on the far east there's a similar relationship between Vietnam and China.
>why can't they into relevancy
They're very relevant when it comes to dictators, opium and child prostitution.
The region is actually bretty relevant in history due to the trade routes that passed there.
Not to mention the only bunch of Eastern Asians who can work with each other.
>why can't they into relevancy
Too busy fucking their God tier women
Knowing youre most likely white, I have a good working idea what consists of God-tier Southeast Asians in your definition.
>why can't they into relevancy
Define relevancy.
Why did Indonesia and Malaysia cuck so easily to Islam? Why isn't Thailand or the Philippines Muslim? Why do they love big white dick?
The Indonesians have always been a peaceful people, and thus, the spread of Islam to Indonesia happened in a peaceful manner through traders. The Indonesian people have prospered since then, having a history of several benevolent islamic leaders.
I talked to a Muslim girl from Indonesia once. She wouldn't send nudes so I sent a dick pic and she blocked me. I hate Muslims now
Philippines was heading the way of Malaysia/Indonesia until Spain arrived.
The Philippines was split between the highly organized, Muslim state entities with their trading & raiding and their victims, the last of the Flip pagans, who were also traders and raiders albeit less successful.
Since arriving in the place in the 1520s, Spain was initially btfo repeatedly by Muslim Flips, so they wised up in the 1560s by offering a conversion-for-protection scheme to the Pagans. Basically they built empty fortified towns with a church and told the pagans "You can live in here, with your cultures and your nobility will be honored but only if you convert to catholicism and think Charles V/Philip II is the greatest human who ever lived." Thinking that they'll just build a trade post and get out of the way of Muslim Flips.
And then the unthinkable happened: pagans were fuck desperate and converted in droves to avoid Muslim dicking and Spain accidentally united a huge portion of Filipino ethnic groups under the Cross and the Crown. and promptly used the Proto-Filipinos to destroy Muslim power in the Archipelago.
However, they only triumphed versus the Northern Muslim States. The guys down south pulled every contact they knew from Malaysia and Indonesia and resisted better, with Spain finally stopping due to threats from Japan, China, and the Dutch/Anglos during the 1600s-1700s.
I've read your post over and I've come to decide that that one was on you.
Philippines has a huge ethnic variety. The people range from nearly black in skin color to as white as a European. Though the later is usually from strong European or Chinese ancestry. Or you know Japanese rape baby
Wow sounds like she was a terrorist.
>Chinese and Japanese
>As white as Europeans
T. Kenji Nakamura
>T. Kenji Nakamura
Masahiro Sakurai
>What is skin tone variation in a nation
>I believe Asians are literally yellow.
>South East Asia has a huge ethnic variety
Fix'd that 4 you.
But basically, every nation have their own story of coming together into one identity like this with various success.
Probably Myanmar is the least succesfull nation in this.
>Probably Myanmar is the least succesfull nation in this.
Nope. Cambodia is.
Literally the most JUST Southeast Asian nation. Also the oldest.
>Used to be big Empire.
>Western provinces invaded by Tai barbarians, becomes Thailand's ancestors.
>Vietnam becomes independent and copies China by expanding south and west at the expense of Cambodians.
>1400s: Empire collapses. One of your generals creates an artificial kingdom at the expense of your Northern provinces called Lan Xang (modern day Laos).
>1500s-1800 is so bad it is called the Cambodian Dark Ages.
>Get respite from French Colonialism keeping a lid on the fucking Thais and the fucking Vietnamese.
>Frenchie is gone
>JUSTed yet again by Vietnam, Communists.
>Poorest SEAsian country alongside Laos.
Spit out my drink
yeah, and she hates betas like you
I'm going to Cambodia for a month in march. What Veeky Forums things are there to do? And are there any books about Cambodian history I should read?
they have comfy gong music
>can't they into relevance
The reality of race
>ywn be a lazy western journalist in 1950s steamy Saigon, writing half assed news updates so you can get a stipend to continue your life of drinking with fellow expats, smoking opium and banging your Vietnamese mistress
The Quiet American opened my eyes up to a life I never even knew I wanted
>Cucked by an American.
Obviously having that life is impossible, but I still consider moving to SEA as a great plan B if I can't get a fulfilling life where I live.
This. Pataya is the dream of the betas.
He got what he deserved
>be me
>be Russian Noble
>be trust fund kid
>live in Zurich
>enjoy high class ladies and hedonistic life free of worry
It's not cool bro, living in SEA means you get what we get. Unless you want to live like those white hipsters who go off the grid muh nature only to be kidnapped by ransom groups or pirate-rebels from the wars in the Philippines.
Unless youre a trust fund babby
There's only one muslim state up north it was seludong(which is now intramuros).
It helped a lot that the other non muslim kingdoms there already hated them
Southeast Asian here.
Basically we are Indian with some more Mongoloid blood and with some cultural relics of our tribal cultures infused with Indian civilization
There's a reason they called us the "East" Indies
But I don't consider Vietnamese Southeast Asian
They are as Southeast Asian as Turks are European
Some of the Cagayenes, Neighboring Tondo, and Kapampangan were also Muslim. Or had considerable Muslim hegemonies at least.
BUt yeah the language groups werent really organized for one religion over the other. There were paganshit tagalogs as well as muzzie ones.
I already live in a third world shithole so it can't be that bad.
vietnamese are SEA, and though the culture is different, we're genetically and racially closer to them than to indians, infact we are genetically unrelated to indians at all, what are you rohingya? where do you come from?
but Turks are europeans
>Turks are European
Genetics say otherwise.
>racially and genetically
culture is the primary identifier.
we're also significantly influenced by china, we're our own entity with our unique identity, as explained best by just because we adopt some part of their culture doens't make us ''''basically indian''''
Is femdom popular in SEA? Do they like Slavic guys?
No idea.
We only see Slavic girls here in SEA
One wonders what they do here desu.
They like the BWW. Big white wallets.
SEA is mostly a blend of indigenous people and a constant Chinese immigrants. India just spread Buddhism. They never significantly emigrated or mixed genetically with SEA. So I'd say they're closer genetically to Chinese but closer culturally to India.
The darker skin should just be attributed to the indigenous due to historical closeness to the equator.
SEA is appropriately relevant considering its size.
Don't know much but in western photography they always appear prissy to me.
My grandfather (Dutch) fought in the Indonesian National Revolution as a soldier from 1947-1949
>but Turks are europeans
well meme'd
its mostly historical tourism there so there's lot of temples and palaces site to visit but aside that, not much
don't forget to visit other countries while at it, myanmar, thailand, and vietnam also has alot of interesting historical places, and probably more entertainment too
It was my friend's idea to go and he's exclusively interested in the partying.
there's party but not much, same could be said for laos and myanmar, they're mostly undeveloped
better go to thailand for party
Myanmar is the least successful at ethnic unity, he was saying. Cambodia is obviously the least successful in general, but Myanmar is the one that's been in constant ethnic civil war for decades.
They give burgers inspiration for the star spangled flag.
>why can't they into relevancy
Too lewd for economic progress.
is that ...orang bunian?
in case you aren't pulling a right-old ruse on us, turks come from central asia, and some of them are quite proud of the distinction
The indigenous of India and SE Asia are similar
Some Khmers look identical to Bengali
It's just that India suffered A Ryan immigration and SE Asia suffered immigration from South China mountain Asians fleeing the Chinese
>turks come from central asia
There's a difference between where Turks came from historically and the genetic make-up of modern Turks.
Modern Turks are something of a mongrel race with more Caucasian and Middle Eastern influence than Central Asian.
posting from Saigon. yes, it is that good and chilled. spend my days writing films, smoking weed, fucking and playing games with my 10/10 qt.
party definetly go to: vang vieng (laos, near vn border, go down the river in donuts while you get drunk af). bangkok ofc. pattaya etc. phonm phem is full creeps bitches and drugs. saigon has a party street. but your better off spending your money going to vang vieng, then party in hanoi then spend 2days chilling in ha long bay. trust me i live here. my vietnsmese cat.
So why do we call them zipperheads ?
From the pattern left across them when run over by a tank.
I thought it was from how they looked like their head unzipped when shot with a SAW.
when's the last time you've seen a sea woman irl?
If they're rich, sure.
run over by a jeep ackshually
Like most white in SEA he's likely a sex tourist, and like most white sex tourists he's fucking a tranny or a 10 year old boy.
>The Indonesians have always been a peaceful people
You do realize that "Indonesian" wasn't a thing until a certain century long war of ethnic conquest, right?
>Southeast Asian here.
>Basically we are Indian
U wot m8
Why did buddhism failed to expand to countries which are now muslim?
Mainland SEA(Dai + ASI + minor ANI) or Maritime SEA(Dai + Melanesian + minor "North Chinese"). ASI does not exceed 10%.
Vietnamese lack ASI,Burmese derive part of their ancestry from Southern Tibeto Burmans.
They were Buddhist before they were Muslim so it didn't really fail to expand
Indonesian here, we converted to Islam around 14th-15th century, but even then we still retain our Hindu-Buddhist culture
Infact our traditional religion is a mix of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and local religion, rather than pure Islam, we don't even wear hijab until 1950s, then Arabism-Saudi Wahabis came and ruin it, Malaysia history is close to us but they're more islamised
is this a joke?, there's always conflict, and Islam spread by peace on at the beginning
We also have Buddhist remains, some are still used today
Double nope. they were Hinduistic animist
we actually did kept some of our old gods
Thailand and philippines have muslims on their southern parts
My house in Thailand is right across the boarder.
I was shocked when I went to Cambodia because it's so poor. It's like Thailand 100 years ago.
I even saw an ox carrying people on wheels
>t. Kenji Nakamura siding with the Chinese
>what is reality?
asian women may seem submissive and innocent, but deep down you know that they are whores
>asian women may seem submissive and innocent, but deep down they will demand to run your house and household expenses.
>tfw japs ruined all the fun
Way to go all splerg there, Kenji
they know how to shape a man
Indonesian here. There is no geopolitical model that Southeast Asians can use to get into relevancy without relying on outside powers.
Until our navies can match those of Japan or China, were no better off than a bunch of riceniggers.
Singapore punches way, way above its weight.
Still lacked where it matters most. As I said earlier, nothing without outside influences.
Family of minde did that as well. In fact it is quite common for a dutch person to have some relatives fighting in that war, as we literally send the biggest dutch army ever to that war.
Also it was a war on par with Vietnam in terms of its cruelty but it hardly gets any attention in mainstream media due to the fact that both nations know they did some atrocities
I visited Vietnam, Thailand, and worked a few months in Cambodia. I really enjoyed it. They were all great, but I would say Vietnam is better for nature and food, that Cambodia has the best historical sites, and that Thailand has the nicest people and is the best out of these for partying.
My great-grandpa was from an old noble family that seems to have been perpetually broke and pretty much relied on marrying daughters of rich industrialists to stay afloat and maintain their lifestyle.
In his 20's he invested quite a bit in Indochina, mostly in rubber farms. Ended up living there for a while. Great investment, it made him ridiculously rich. Though he managed to lose it all, in part because of the 1929 crisis but mostly because of gambling. But that's another story.
Anyway, he had dozens of bastards with Vietnamese women. But it was an open secret, he sent them a bit of money every month. Even his wife (that he married when coming back to France) knew. My grandpa helped them to move to France once we got out of there. I met some of them and their descendants, it was interesting. These women were servants, employees (or wifes of employees), a few were basically high-class prostitutes/"concubines".
Singapore's armed forces is largely defensive.
>pretty much relied on marrying daughters of rich industrialists to stay afloat and maintain their lifestyle.
this is my dream.
It's still possible, there are more new rich eager to emulate traditional elites than ever, and they're ready to do anything to get that sweet, sweet nobiliary particle. Back then it was Americans who married into European nobility, nowadays in my experience it's Americans, Jews in general but sephardi ones in particular, and a few Europeboos Asians. I've had dumb rich girls get 100 times more interested in me once they saw my signet ring with my family's coat of arms on it, or once they find out that I have a "noble" surname. I'm not even a particularly great looking guy, but it gets their princess fantasies rolling to imagine that one day they could called "countess".
I've been fascinated by SEAn (and Tibetan) culture for a while now, probably because it's known so little, but mostly because it seems like adding Indian and Chinese toppings together goes with anything.
I'm a language nerd, so I've recently started trying to teach myself Vietnamese, but I really haven't been able to get past phonetics yet (and since it uses a Latin-based script, I really want to get that part passably correct before falling into bad habits). I picked it because having an Austroasiatic (i.e. related to Khmer) language get raped by Chinese vocabulary a la English by French can only result in something unique. Likewise for Burmese being a Sino-Tibetan language heavy into Sanskrit borrowings, so I may try to learn that next.
Meanwhile, while I'm not entertaining learning the languages just yet, I was able to learn the Thai (and Tibetan) alphabets after lots of effort. The way they're so mindbogglingly complicated makes me wish the Vietnamese had also developed their own alphabet, since stronger Chinese influences could only make theirs even worse (better). I can only imagine what a Japanese-like mish-mash Chinese characters with a Brahmi based script would have been like.
Removing kebab is the basis of Spanish identity after all.
>JUSTed yet again by Vietnam
I'm pretty sure Vietnam did everyone in Cambodia (and quite frankly, the world) a favor by removing the Khmer Rouge. What's more, what destabilized Cambodia was American incursion on its territory in an effort to eliminate Vietnamese supply lines during the Vietnam war, so I think the US deserves a mention too.