Why else would they make their statues with blue eyes?
Is this image indicative that the ruling caste of these societies were fair featured?
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No, it's supposed to be an allusion to psilocybin mushrooms. I'm not even trolling you here.
not enough proof, not every depiction has blue eyes
wow! a depiction out of thousands has blue eyes!
Same as above, it even has a monobrow which certainly isn't a nordic feature
Yeah, I guess his eyebrows were blue too
Only the first two looks like real blue eyes. The second has a blue sclera, so it's obviously not representing eye color, and the third is just weird all over (blue eyebrows, multicolored and weirdly shaped eyes), so it's not supposed to be a realistic depiction at all.
Sumerian art I don't know much about but in 99% of Egyptian paintings people have dark eyes. Taking one that happens to have blue ones and making this claim is wewuzism at it's finest.
>wow! a depiction out of thousands has blue eyes!
Others exist though
>Same as above, it even has a monobrow which certainly isn't a nordic feature
A lot of non-Nordic populations have blue eyes.
Remember some Native American gods were blue eyed. It was not unknown.
>Yeah, I guess his eyebrows were blue too
You can dye your eyebrows blue but you can't dye your eyes blue.
Says who?
>Others exist though
they are the minority and they're like that only statues, which lead me to think that it's because they just wanted to put precious gems in his eyes, not that the actual people had blue eyes, this is why Egyptians appear to always have black hair and eyes in paintings
Buddha Sakyamuni canonically is supposed to have had blue eyes. But while he's an Aryan in the Indian sense, he had a few other weird features too, so I'm unsure whether the blue eyes were meant to indicate his ancestry.
Like, see here: en.wikipedia.org
Each one of those civilizations are known to have used some form of psilocybin mushroom in their mystery rites. Having the eyes of the statue be blue is supposed to let you know that they have taken the mushroom
>You can dye your eyebrows blue but you can't dye your eyes blue.
yes but you can put gems in a statue, it's a statue of Buddha and not meant to be accurate
>Remember some Native American gods were blue eyed. It was not unknown.
No Native South Americans have blue eyes, that aside, that statue doesn't look like a realistic depiction, first of all his pupils are white and he has no iris, and the rest of the body is golden, I doubt the intent of the sculptor was to make a realistic depiction of an actual person
I wouldn't pay all that much attention to the coloring of those statues, unless you're willing to claim that Sumerians had blue nipples.
>blue nipples
That'd be pretty sexy though
China also depicts Buddha and Boddhidharma as a fair featured guy.
However, they use the term "barbarian" when referring to such people.
Aren't Buddha statues of Greek design?
>Why else would they make their statues with blue eyes?
Because it looks good. You think all black on white porn is a representation of our society and not simply because it's easy to look at when one of them are essential a big human dildo?
Interesting link. The 32 characteristics of a great man are
Level feet
Thousand-spoked wheel sign on feet
Long, slender fingers
Pliant hands and feet
Toes and fingers finely webbed
Full-sized heels
Arched insteps
Thighs like a royal stag
Hands reaching below the knees
Well-retracted male organ
Height and stretch of arms equal
Every hair-root dark colored
Body hair graceful and curly
Golden-hued body
Ten-foot aura around him
Soft, smooth skin
Soles, palms, shoulders, and crown of head well-rounded
Area below armpits well-filled
Lion-shaped body
Body erect and upright
Full, round shoulders
Forty teeth
Teeth white, even, and close
Four canine teeth pure white
Jaw like a lion
Saliva that improves the taste of all food
Tongue long and broad
Voice deep and resonant
Eyes deep blue
Eyelashes like a royal bull
White ūrṇā curl that emits light between eyebrows
Fleshy protuberance on the crown of the head
Pretty much sounds like a typical healthy White male mixed with mysticism.
Would it? I don't think humans are attracted to oxygen-starved bodies.
>wow! a depiction out of thousands has blue eyes!
Here's the bust of Nefertiti. She looks light eyed as well but I can't really tell.
It isn't impressive to find one example each in huge cultures like those. Demonstrate that the blue is prevalent, otherwise it's nothing. "People with blue eyes" is not a hard concept to come up with, just a little subtler than "huge people", "fish people" etc.
They just like lapis and sapphire. Blue is just a near-universally revered color, it's regal.
>No Native South Americans have blue eyes
Quetzalcoatl is described as fair with blue eyes.
Do europeans usually have one eye because They had cyclops in their myths?
Just pointing out your claim no native south american gods have blue eyes is false.
I said native South Americans, learn to read
Also as a feathered serpent
> this image indicative that the ruling caste of these societies were fair featured?
>Wuz we kingz an Sheet?
This, it's rare and looks cool
>This entire thread
How do you guys even function
my bad senpai .
>Is this image indicative that the ruling caste of these societies were fair featured?
Literal we wuzzing.
I've heard the theory as well. A lot of people think at least Indian society evolved around racial characteristics.
Are you purposely using a shit quality picture? You can easily find better quality pictures that would indicate dark eyes.
I'm just on a shit quality device.
Sounds interesting but i'll need proof it isn't just because those populations had a meaningful percentage of blue eyed people.
It's the same fucking logic that people shoot down people like the Black Israelites for every day. There are many cases of there being black statues in Egypt and other areas. That does not mean they were of black skinned people. It's foolish of anyone to impose our post Renaissance concepts of art and the purpose behind the art on 5000 year old people. The things they depicted in their art were not always done for the sake of realism.
Why are white people so fucking desperate to steal ancient civilizations?
I highly doubt fair skinned leaders inspired blue eyes on statues internationally. The rationale seems flawed, but my opinion is equally wild with speculation.
Water as an element is often represented by the color blue i.e. oceans.
Christians use "living water" such as rivers to be baptized or reborn in the name of the Lord. As if they shed their old being to create a more spiritually intuned, holy, or pure state of being. In a strange way, one might say they've been resurrected by the death of their sins into a more spiritual, redeemed, holy servant to the divine i.e. God in this case.
In India it is believed that bathing in the Ganges river (Ganga) washes away one's sins and the water cleanses you of all the evil.
Osiris was an ancient Egyptian god depicted with blue skin in his resurrected form. Upon his death and resurrection he becomes more sacred & highly revered in a spiritual sense, and he takes on the role of the King of the Gods.
My guess:
>I believe one could rationally deduce that those statues painted with blue eyes represent figures who have left our realm of existence and moved onto a higher state of being whether through resurrection, rebirth, achieving nirvana/moksha, or reaching what we in the West would call Heaven.
We wuz kangz nigga
>>I believe one could rationally deduce that those statues painted with blue eyes represent figures who have left our realm of existence and moved onto a higher state of being whether through resurrection, rebirth, achieving nirvana/moksha, or reaching what we in the West would call Heaven.
I'm familiar with water in theology. It seems like a stretch to associate it with eyes.
>I believe one could rationally deduce that those statues painted with blue eyes represent figures who have left our realm of existence and moved onto a higher state of being whether through resurrection, rebirth, achieving nirvana/moksha, or reaching what we in the West would call Heaven.
It could be but it's pretty much established that some of the people in ancient populations in Egypt, Sumer and India had blue eyes.
How to deduce whether the statues at least partially reflect the actual characteristics of the people they were immortalizing?
Says who?
I think her eyes are brown, but that's not the point. Look at her skin tone, her lips, and her fucking nose. She's about as negroid as I am.
Now I'm not some white supremacist, but if you think that Nefertiti was a "black woman" you are the very model of delusional.
Blue eyes are neat and mystical to these cultures. It was mostly showing how the elites were "different". Godlike, even. There are naturally better than the population. This was essentially early propaganda to subdue the people.
>implying that woman is anything other than a Mediterranean mut
I'm not saying black people weren't kings and shit but Nefertiti really shouldn't be your poster child, she's about a non-black as you could get unless you subscribe to the 'drop in the bucket' idea. Protip: don't do that, it mean's you're a tryhard and a retard
No, it just means he's American.
> but it's pretty much established that some of the people in ancient populations in Egypt, Sumer
Not at all, it isn't established at all.
>Pretty much sounds like a typical healthy White male
Literally the only thing that sounds remotely white there is "blue eyes", please explain how any of that other shit is white.
Source? I haven't seen him represented like this in Aztec art yet.
>be OP
>show four examples
>"they were white"
>samples aren't efficient
>I need to see every statue with blue eyes to believe it isn't a phenomena isolated to those four.
That is Iman you fucking dingus. She is bloody Somalian
Don't all white people have a fleshy protuberance on the crown of the head?
If you stepped out of Detroit for longer than two seconds you'd realize they do.
The Peruvian had blue eyes and a white iris
Yeah, totally legit. We wuz KANGZ
I'm not sure about this, but over been given the explanation that atleast the one around the modern middle east might have something to do with the evil eye:
>one Egyptian statue with gems in eyes is more valuable than thousands of brown paintings of Egyptians
Ay, hold up.
Wait, so u waz sayin, we waz kangs and shieet?
We wuz kangs tier.
Why do ethno-nationalists absolutely refuse to believe any great civilizations weren't ruled by whites?
Their only response to this query is "nigger lover" or "WE WUZ KANGZ"
I've never heard the blue eyes part. I know Quetzalcoatl is described as white and with a beard, but keep in mind he is represented usually in green skin, And white is more like white painted skin not light skinned human tone . Gods in white body paint was not unusual in Mesoamerica. And beards well, some people grew them. In any case theres few depictions of Quetzalcoatl that show him this way except that he was know as the white Tezcatlipoca, and again white referring to the cardinal direction, whose colors originate from the colors of maize (blue,red, black and white) and the idea suspiciously came about in the early colonial period.
They can't reckon non-white people have been great too. Hell, most ethno nationalists won't even recognize the value of their own white ancestors like Gauls.
>You can dye your eyebrows blue but you can't dye your eyes blue.
I guess Siddharta was made of gold as well.
>racial characteristics
Is this the 19th century?
>Why else would they make their statues with blue eyes?
Because Lapis Lazuli is pretty fucking valuable
I'm not sure why people insist blue eyes are uniquely white, rather than Caucasoid. Of course they're most prevalent in white populations, but you'll find them all the way through Eurasia and North Africa into North-West India. Plus there were the Tocharians, of at least partial-Caucasoid descent, who made it to what's now Western China
We know all of these people draw part of their DNA from a common gene pool that existed at some point in the last few thousand years after all
>I guess Siddharta was made of gold as well.
Your grasping at straws now. I suppose you think unless a statue is made of human flesh its not meant to accurately depict anything.
This. It's like thinking the use of jade in Chinese artworks has something to do with real colors.
t. charlemagne
have you considered it to be a stylized piece of art made up of costly materials like lapis lazui and gold?
Do you think charlemagne was made of gold too
If a statue had features made of gold or silver would you sperg out about gold or silvery skin?
Is there even such a thing as 'black'? All non sub-Saharans are descended from a single ethnic group which left ~80,000 years ago, but for how long were there ethnic divisions between human groups before that?
We know for a fact the first major populations in Egypt were farmers from the Levant, and that there was an 'into Africa' (specifically the Horn) migration of Eurasian people around 3-5,000 years ago.
Even if we're hypothetical and say everybody in Ancient Egypt was ethnically half-Somalian, or some equivalent, what does that mean to West Africans and their Afro-American descendants? Not a great deal.
Almost nobody in sub-Saharan Africa itself tries to claim Egypt was a 'black civilisation', only quasi-intellectual African Americans trying to find their place in the world after losing touch with their actual heritage
>Is there even such a thing as 'black'?
Depends how many slices you must cut the pie, but generally not.
I don't believe blue-eyed depictions such as these are isolated to the four examples provided so kindly by OP. Also, I will concede that the Ptolemaic Dynasty was of Greek decent; this means that they had European genetics, thus lending partially to OP's claims. However, the Sumerians were Middle Eastern, the Peruvians were Native South Americans, and the Buddha was Nepalese (unless I'm wrong and he was in fact a white man with blue eyebrows).
Blue eyes are more rare, so in the past people with blue eyes would have been valued in a particular sense.
Based on that, there are multiple beliefs that people with blue eyes have magical inclinations/capabilities. Today you have remnants of this belief in the form of the Evil Eye talismans and some peoples such as gypsies which fear individuals with blue eyes because of this.
Seriously dude, also our webbed hands are why we are such good swimmers
>Lending to OP's claim
Light eyes among Greeks are still the minority, blue eyes are not common at all even among them, that doesn't mean they don't exist
You're more likely to end up with a lump on your head in Detroit.
>that san bushman sample
>that mbuti pygmy sample
Jesus! For how long do your reckon our lineage has been distinct from theirs? 100,000 years? 150,000 perhaps?
Are you suggestion Charlamagne WASN'T made of gold?
Most babies are born with blue eyes that later change into natural eye color. It was likely considered a sign of purity and beauty across cultures.
I'm talking out of my ass but it makes sense.
The distances are almost mind-boggling, but I'm not sure it's quite that long ago. Look at this graph, the Villabruna sample in the middle is about 15,000 years old, Kotenski14 is 38,000 years old.
Though something like 80,000-100,000 years of separation is quite plausible.
dark skin people can have blue eyes aswell the people of the solomon islands have blue eyes and blond hair and its not from mixing
I love India one espeically. Blue eyebrows, classic Aryan trait (in addition to people in India actually descending from Indo-Europeans so blue eyes aren't impossibility). And the Peru one with blue sclera, amazing.
people are saying 140,000 years ago are referencing how old mitochondrial eve and Y chromosome adam are, but that is a gross simplification that only works if there is no interbreeding, it is more like 10,000 years ago based on OIA theory.
Why are african girls so comfy?
They are quite nice, especially East Africans
Maybe because they didn't grow up in the US and thus have some self respect
Ayylmao Anunaki confirmed
Hey, I checked him out.
He appealed to my servile instincts.
Are you retarded?
The ruling class of Peru not only had blue eyes, they had reflective gold skin! Aylium confirm!
This is white "we wuz"ism.
Two of those statues have golden skin! This is undeniable proof that the ruling castes were also made of pure gold!
This desu.
>Clearly, the use of blue indicates that the whites were seen as a ruling class yakitykekitykak
>Hi guys. Im made of Gold. t. Buddha.
Why do people place great value on what colours these statues (or their eyes) have? Do you guys don't consider that they've drawn them like this maybe because it looked more special, unique? Or do you believe that the Sclera of the indigenous peruan guy were really blue and the Cornea white?