Final Fantasy General DCCXXVI - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki:
What version should I play?: Information:

>FF Lost Stranger


XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer out real soon
New XV Universe trailer:
TEKKEN 7 - Noctis Lucis Caelum Reveal Trailer
PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
Upcoming Banners List:
Mote tracker:
Friend Codes:
FAQ Pastebin:

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
Friend Codes:

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin:

>Other game information


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Quistis's bikini body!

FFT is shit
Also, gas FFXV posters

>wearing gloves to the beach

What Final Fantasy do you like?

Why can't communists just go back to the soviet union?

Mum's home.

>Gas FFXV posters
You'd be able to if you weren't spending all of your money on shitty mobile games

Comrades is fun!
>"How do I evolve weapons?"

>"Where can I find [x]?"

Go whine somewhere else, Lightningfag.

why is quistis so self-conscious and selphie is slutting it up?

do not bully cactuar


I need a fire mace for farming malboros.

Please don't bully Quistis, she's autistic

Ignis is for _______

Make a room and I'll join you.


Liking, because he's the only one that carries the entire team by having a schtick people latched onto and liked a lot.


Ara's cleavage was the best character in XV.

You can make rooms?

Touching the butt of...?

'Make' yes. Let me, then. the room will be called /ffg/ and the password will be 7243.

When you select Smog on the Water, hit 'custom' instead of quickplay, and the room will be there.

What is that homofuck doing?

>/ffg/ is infested with newfags who prefer Devil May Cry to Final Fantasy
Truly this is the death.

Nope. Too shy to play with anyone from Veeky Forums. But thank you for the offer.

>too shy
m8 we ain't gonna be talking we're just going to be playing the game. I've got my mic shit off anyways.
Get your ass in here, the rooms already up.

how do I get good shots of my comrades character's face? this fat fuck never takes shots up front

Go next to a wall, turn character to face the wall, move camera so it glitches and zooms in. Do so until you have a nice shot.

do webm related.
just stand infront of Vyv - like directly infront of - and check photos.
Immediately after doing that, turn the camera to face your character and wait for the photos to come up. Might take a few trys, but it's pretty much guaranteed.

Avenida is cute! Cute! C-U-T-E!

who here /pullwithme/ for rydia tomorrow?

Do Rydia's milkies strain her back? Must be tough...

Oh and then press the PS4 screenshot button.

I wasn't going to pull for him because I don't care for MP but I got swept up in the hype

Can't, saving for Terra banner. Best of luck though, Rydia's the best IV girl!

Gas yourself first.

Don't have the mythril to spare and none of the elements on it are things I could realistically use but good luck to anyone going for her, I'm rooting for you. I'm a little sad but I'm trying to balance my needs and my wants and right now my needs are higher towards elements I can use.

user I've been sitting in the training area for 5 minutes.
Are you getting in here or not?

Thanks, I fucked up my weapons at the start before I knew how the upgrading worked

Look at this bastard. Look at those eyes. Look at that shit eating grin. He knows what he did. Fucker.

I checked but didn't see a /ffg/ room. I thought maybe you filled up already.

what? It's not filled up. It goes down for a few seconds sometimes, so check again.

>want to take him out first in the group fight
>Gladio rekd me in one hit

Ok. I'm loading back into Lestallum after finishing a run.

Ain't nobody gonna touch it, touch it, touch it

>1662 damage
Gladio nerf when? He was easy as shit to fight solo, Prompto was way harder.

I'm not seeing anything "/ffg/" pop-up. I've seen 3 other groups in it though.

Check one more time. If it's not there then let me try it agian.
If not it might be called something like "Avenida's room or something. Maybe I fucked up the name

Dumb frogposter.


>Spend all day grinding for nameless blade
>Finally buy it
>Carefully upgrade to Sennin-giri
>Now for infinity blade
>Sweating profusely
>Need 3 fucking stats at 60 to evolve
>Don't want to fuck up
>Guide says you only need 2 of the 3 at 60
>Turns out guide is written by Satan and completely wrong
>Need to somehow get 45 vit in 11 levels

end blog post

Ohhh, you have to input the code for the room to pop up.

Do you still need two of the fucker to get him to 7*?

makes sense.

Yes, but he's in the Raid Gacha so it might as well not even matter

Noctis has pretty hands.

So are they just taking the whole concept of limited collab gacha units out entirely?
Big if true.


Oh, no, there's a whole separate banner with it's own 7* to pull for. It's just this one specific 7* that's basically a free handout.


Only the ones on the right are from raid gacha. The featured ones on the left are normal gacha and you need to pull two of Estark to get him to 7*. It doesn't even have a fucking step up.

That was the fucker I meant then, actually.
So it is peak jewry then. Two weeks to get two of the same base 5*.

Why is Prompto running away?

sexual assault

She's not Noctis.

There are still ways for you anons to pull for rydia!

She's not Cidney

Well. that probably could have gone bette.r you might make better progress with quick party if that's the case.
Sorry senpai. did you get any of the things?

Which FF has the lowest random enemy encounter rate?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

She's not Ignis.


SJW is chasing him

np. quick party has been pretty good. people just focus down on the lv 50 and it can go pretty quick. I blame kenny provoking them all together all the time. I got 2 of the +13 thiings, so not bad. twas fun tho!
>my next group has two AI in it

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Everything past X is visible on the overworld. You can also remove fights entirely in VI, X, and Bravely Default

Your mom.

You're not new to this whole 'General' thing, are you?

Finally got a proper one.

Was it rape?

Cool. Glad to know it works for others.

>cuckrade player has to quote imaginary people asking things about the game
pretty sad tbqh

Who are you quoting?

>2 of the +13
The hell do you need 13 of them for?

why is the networking in comrades so SHIT


would look better with the classic specs desu



Nice butt.

So if I want to dump STR into the weapon what item is best for it? I think the best I can get is +5 str but it also has +2 int or something

looks malformed desu


>avatarfagging general

>maxing out all the sliders
woah it's like it's really /XIVG/

2 malboro mucilage. I forgot the name and only remembered they add +13 to some stats. The 2 AI party wasn't so bad. Other guy stuck it out the whole time and never gave up.

>doing Cindy escort quest
>wipe first wave of enemies
>warp strike to the truck 200m away
>glitch out and fall through the map
>quest aborted
>need to now sit through 10 minutes of loading screens to get back and do the same quest


Behemoth incisors give +20 STR