/lolg/ League of Legends General

Love the police edition old thread >eyosongive.us

I want to thoroughly impregnate this Piltie.

xth for my wife Syndra

>caitlyn having tits

>no nose
>fucked up eyes
>bizarre unsexy pose

>syndra in charge of having any good artists draw her, ever, even just one

Are you always on or is this an automated post?

I want to impregnate annie

Star Guardians belong to The Void.

xth for breast metal waifu

SGs are not for lewd!


So which second talent tree do you pick for your usual ADC? Red one with eyeballs and something else? Or blue one with what?

Where's jinx and lux and maybe ezreal too?

that's Rito's art, have another one.
The first one.

Xth for dead Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forumss


Friendly reminder of early/partial sales.

I think it's always here.

hello the past season

Let's do one of these (You) farming shits where you post dumb shit like:

1. Main
2. Rank
3. Favorite LoL ship
4. Favorite music genre
5. A lil secret ;)

host it up

>tfw no qt petite gf

>1. Main
>2. Rank
silver 1(almost got gold last season but wsa too busy to grind)
>3. Favorite LoL ship
ahri x me
>4. Favorite music genre
metal and dadrock
>5. A lil secret ;)
ur a fag

lee sin buffs when

Iron skin/mirror shell and something else.

Also, if you actually pick domination secondary, you should be grabbing zombie ward. It’s possibly the most powerful minor rune in the game.

I want to gut Lulu and dump her insides into an inflatable pool and swim in them

Skarner belongs to the void!

Star guardians can fuck off!

wait, are you asking me to tell you a secret?

post riot support answers!!

1. Lux
2. Platinum 4
3. Pic related
4. Metal
5. I can't stop sucking dicks

>stupid shit no one should care about
>80s shit
>i click the plus box to level my abilities


>1. Main
>2. Rank
>3. Favorite LoL ship
Soraka as my non futa wife or Syndra x Irelia
>4. Favorite music genre
Metal,Stoner rock
>5. A lil secret ;)
No fucking idea what would be interesting. Im vanilla as fuck.

Holy shit, Yorick is fucking cancer this patch.

>not Hexflash Destruction Man hiding in the bushes
I guess you could do both

What champion i should play if i want the enemy laner to consider suicide?

>leaving an enemy Yorick alone in his lane
You brought this on yourself

No actually my gf is cute and petite

Lux and Jinx are sleeping and exhausted in Ahri's bed after Ahri had a bit of fun with Lux and also made Lux call Jinx and tell her to go to where she is so Ahri can also have fun with her

Fun lore facts from the Jaredan ask before I go to sleep

Shen is Dr Strange levels of powerful

If Xerath were ever unchained, you should hope to be on a different continent

Jhin wears a mask for a particular reason

They have stories planned for Jax but they are waiting for the right time to release it

They also have some stories featuring Akali Shen Zed and Kayn interacting with each other and they are waiting for the right time to release that

He refused to give any information about Noxus because you will learn about that very soon. Just know that Noxus is a favourite of many of their writers

Kog is small compared to other void creatures but still much bigger than an ordinary human from Runeterra

Don’t worry they haven’t forgotten about Void

Twitch doesn’t play with others and his friendship with Zac is outdated

Lux is early twenties

Ekko is around eighteen

Are you a girl or a girl (male)?

1. Elise. I also love Evelynn, Zyra and Morg. I just need a fifth lovely cock milking lady to main so I can have my ideal harem.
2. Gold V shitter.
3. Elise and Zyra make a cute ship.
4. Punk Rock/Blues Rock
5. I am almost always constantly erect and have yet to meet someone to both physically and emotionally satisfy me. Doctor said it was a form of erectile dysfunction.

How do I convince my silver 4 friend to master a few champs? He's the type of person who goes into ranked and hits autofill and just plays a random ass champ for each role and he sucks at all of them. He has over 50 lvl 5 masteries and a negative wr on all of them.

If I try to 1v1 him, I die. If I try to stay in lane, he out-sustains me and ignores me, proceeding to smash an entire turret in the span of 5 seconds. And then I die after that.


damn I am jealous

How do i convince my S5 -22 LP friend that he sucks ass and its a miracle he escaped bronze?

All i get is "b-but its my team's fault"
Meanwhile hes 14/20

>Fiora / Sejuani
>Bronze 2
>Sejuani x Ashe
>Rock, Lo-fi, or Trap
>I want to take my friend's offer on him buying me cute clothes but I'd feel bad for using his money

meant for

So we're almost definitely getting a Noxus lore update to coincide with nu-Swain? Nice

Also, fuck Shen. He's one of the most boring characters in the game, both gameplay-wise and lore-wise

I will participate. IRONICALLY.

1. -
2. Platinum
3. -
4. -
5. I like wearing cute girl clothes.

>Ekko is around eighteen
lmao what the fuck.
Does Riot's lore team even communicate with each other? Because Mundo's short story confirmed that he was no older than 15. He doesn't even have the body, look or physique of an 18 year old.

>They also have some stories featuring Akali Shen Zed and Kayn interacting with each other and they are waiting for the right time to release that
Looking forward to this. Extremely so.

>Shen is Dr Strange levels of powerful
Interesting, but I can understand why, since he travels to the spirit world and all.

>If Xerath were ever unchained, you should hope to be on a different continent
So he's a ticking time bomb nuke?

I don't think you should post anymore fren

>lolg poster is gay
wow what a secret

post pics, slut

Will Vi ever be officially a lesbian or bi?

Crossdressing is probably the most straight fetish there is, my man. Guys who are against it always have a really fragile masculinity.

Just pick Renekton. Jax and Fiora are also annoying.

Any shit regarding Irelia in the whole Ionia lore?

Ahri has a cute 5 inch foxcock
Soraka has 12 inches of hot equine dick
Sej's is a nice 10-incher, and exceptionally girthy.

>Lux is early twenties

user her police skin has jeans she's been confirmed

>mouse is starting to fail registering mouse clicks

My friend is the same exact way and he flames and actively throws matches if someone on his team has the audacity to give him an order and then bitches at me for not being on his side. He's been hard stuck bronze for 3 seasons and just recently got into silver because I duo'd with him

Silver 3 because I'm trash
Jarvan IV x Shyvana KatxGaren a close second
When I was about 11 or 12, I stole my friend's copy of Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

what do you get of dressing like what you would put your dick in?

It doesnt make any sense

She's a bit taller than Jinx, but she has no tits and is overall very thin.
Usually I prefer women with more curves, but I love her no matter what shape she is in

No it got me banned twice already.

>-22 LP
Literally how?

literally the fanfiction of one guy
shit like this gets changed at the tiniest notice

I said official, fuckstain

Platinum 2
ZedSyndra, DravenSona or RumbleTristana
Anything that makes me groove, wanna dance or gives me goosebumps. Generally trashy electronic shit.
I hurt my lips trying to open my bf's zipper with my mouth the other day. That shit's harder to pull off than they make it look on the internet.

>what you would put your dick in?

No idea.
He literally got to silver reached 40 LP and then lost 6 or so games

No way Lux is early 20's she looks and acts like shes 16 at the oldest

>Twitch doesn’t play with others and his friendship with Zac is outdated

So buy a new one, they're like $20 dollars

1. Azir
2. Rank during pre-season?
3. Braum x Illaoi
4. Swing/Jazz
5. Im a relatively independent person but I dont feel truly happy yet. I think its because I haven't gotten my dream job yet but after talks with some one today it feels like I'm pretty close to getting it.

fucktoy FTFY

1. Kayn
2. Platinum
3.Tristana and my dick
4. Metal/Punk Rock/ Heavy Rock/ Edgy Shit
5. Last year I got my dick sucked by an asian trap on my school

Have you ever read a Dr Strange comic? Shen is no where near that ridiculous.

1. Ahri
2. Gold 3
3. Pic related
4. Rock, Orchestral
5. I actually like this game


I'm pretty he meant movie Dr Strange

Hes also convinced hes not shit at the game. Its like hes crazy or something

how old is Jinx canonically

Get the fuck out, Zuli.

Is Soraka gonna get a newer story soon?

Tell your friend NOT to play a different champion/role every game and just get good at one or two. Also
>barrier and tp

Kneesocks and a skirt are way comfier than jeans.

progressive or edm
I like league of legends, I like talking about league of legends, and I likeyou guys.

I already told him to stick to Viktor and some tank top so that he feeds less. Still he ignores me and plays pic related.

Hes an ELO bullet for anyone above Bronze 2

That would be a bit difficult.

>tfw no adc gf

Tell him not to play Annie. It's a brainlet champ with non-existent scaling

>q and w keys randomly get stuck completely, which means my abilities get cast automatically on cooldown
hehe, I meant to do that xd

Princess upbringing

>kill enemy laner
>/all chat "psshh... nothing personal, kid"
>collect rage

>ywn convert her to heterosexuality via repeated breeding in front of her gf

1. kayn
2. plat 5
3. none
4. i be on that lil mouse drill shit
5. i'm left handed

alright lets try this again. Hopefully theres more this time
join up everyone
password is lolg

why live